What do the far left protesters want exactly?

What do these groups want? They seem to have contradicting goals, its either they want the entire system to crumble (which means they wouldn't be protesting they would be declaring war) or they want to change the system?
>Trump wont step down for a few whiney bitches
>Fascism isn't here in any form.
>White supremacy isn't here and if it is, what is their specific plan to get rid of it?

Who cares about what they want?

why care?

They don`t know what they want. They just want to oppose things.

they want an enemy to fight but they don't want an enemy that will fight back

A ladder

They want communism. Or more appropriately, they want their specific form of communism that was clearly never tried and ideologically pure. Most of these groups have communist backgrounds.


they want nothing. they are just tools. perpetual revolution.

Moar monies for their liberal arts professors and tenure and higher college costs

To kill people.

I call myself a fascist to piss them off and it works everytime

Communism. Same story just a new decade. We just should start shooting them dead.

>Drumpfniggers in the fields working
>White women must bareback Niggers or be racist
>Drumpf impeached
>Re-education camps for rural and suburban retards.

Flooding your cabinet with Goldman Sachs kike banksters = the merger of state and corporate power.

The merger of state and corporate power = fascism, according to the founder of fascist ideology.

AKA 'the useful idiot'. Sadly for them, the useful idiots and their promoters in the media are the first to get executed when communism actually happens.

What they want doesn't matter, what their handlers want is socialism, (read: communism) and what the handler's master's want is world domination. The protestors are just useful idiots, and in the end they'll be lined up against the wall and shot.

This should be interpreted as:

>Soviet-style socialism, but they get to be the nomenklatura. the State owns everything.
>open borders
>hate speech laws to protect ethnic minorities
>massive State propaganda by mega-corporations (except we won't call them that because it's Communism :^)) to censor "enemies"
>Bloody revolution to kill racists
>abolition of family, traditional culture, etc. as bourgeois

It seems that the closest analogue of this would be everything bad about Sweden or Britain taken to 11 with none of the good qualities basically, and with the State owning everything.

Antifa/Anarchists are hardcore anti-communists who spend more time shitting on "tankies" than doing anything else.

They just wanna screech. No matter what you do, you can't please them

Lots of kids have been brainwashed into thinking the greatest evil in the world has been racial discrimination.

It's really not awful at all, and there are tons of issues effecting the white middle and lower class that no one is talking about because race has taken center stage.

As someone who is a more old school democrat, I think the most important thing is the well being of the lower/working/middle class. Unfortunately, I don't think any of those things will exist of immigration continues at the rate it has. It will just be a poverty class made up of scabs to do labor for the upper class.

I personally believe that the left got meme'd into supporting immigration, while the right got meme'd into supporting trickle down economics.

Both are SHIT for the middle class and great for the rich. Its no coincidence NOTHING can get done on the left to help the middle classes bottom line, and NOTHING can get done on the right about immigration... That is until we got Trump, he actually is racist which is a good thing, that is also why there is such a shit fest in the media about him. He is undermining part of the elites agenda and they don't like it.

As for the guy in your picture, he probably just thinks that the worst thing that can happen in his life is watching a person of color be oppressed in some slight way. He doesn't realize how shit his life is and how the elites are slowly taking away everything while he focuses on the meme-tier issue of "racial inequality".

Obliteration of the Self.


They want gibs. Just look at them: they look like freaks that have made nothing but bad decisions.

Would you want to hire someone that looks like that? Of course not, and neither does anyone else. They remain jobless and blame capitalism. Nothing but a bunch of freaks shifting blame for their failures.

The standard operating procedure of the Left is a elite + lower class vs. middle alliance to centralize State power. Old-school social democracy got us the New Deal. The New Left had to go further, which means extending the "lower class" to the entire planet. Thus the framing of immigration, free trade, etc. as race issues.

they want you dead, your history wiped clean, and your children brown

They want to be cool.

I think you're giving the rank and file leftists too much credit. They are useful idiots that are brainwashed to think that they are fighting an evil system. The ones in control stand to loose much if the system changes and are threatened by Trump.

stop being whiny

>open borders
>hate speech laws to protect ethnic minorities
>massive State propaganda by mega-corporations (except we won't call them that because it's Communism :^)) to censor "enemies"
>Bloody revolution to kill racists
>abolition of family, traditional culture, etc. as bourgeois
Nice job describing capitalism 80 IQ retarded shitstain.

>Being a leftist beta, soyboy, nu-male.
>Chicks dig guys that are passionate and political.
>Go to a protest to impress her.
>Holy shit it works, better keep it up no matter the consequences.



That's the joke. Communism is an arm of Progressivism. We all know your kind will line up behind Progressive liberals in the name of anti-racism at the end of the day.

>They are useful idiots that are brainwashed to think that they are fighting an evil system

>What do the far left protesters want exactly?

100% student loan forgiveness. jobs for their worthless degree. higher taxes so people who work cant get ahead. more immigrants so there will be more socialism and chaos

Progressive liberals will be the first to get the bullet under an actual communist regime.

why couldn't /leftypol/ ever into smuggies? they're supposed to be so easy to make, yet they couldn't seem to manage.

For their parents to pay attention to them

then why do they support hillary?


>can't please them

Makes me wonder how they even enjoy themselves.

No, cultural appropriation REEEE!

Genocide of native Americans xdddd

Hate Christians, so hate the holiday, will accept gifts though

>New Years
Can’t have fun because there’s a nigger that can have fun somewhere else

>Fathers Day
Raised by a single mom

>Mothers Day

>Memorial Day
Fuck the troops

>Independence Day (Best)
Hate this racist place, lelel

Martin Looter KANG Day

>Valentines Day
Reinforces stereotypes heteronormative relationships, bigotry

They’re always finding a reason to screech. I don’t even think it’s authentic. Are we the ones getting trolled?

That's the joke. Progressive liberals will be leading the revolution as long as they get to be the nomenklatura. Since they control the propaganda outlets, they decide what Communism means.

Hey, Rabbi!
Smuggy thread?

So that's why they were soooo happy with Obama and his cabinet that was LITERALLY handpicked by Citibank???

As soon as they get attention in other words getting trolled, they screech and bully you. Then they go back to their screeching for more attention

Why do they need traditions in the first place?

US is fascist state confirmed? WTF I love our system now!

Surely a snarky characterization of my political opponents will change some minds!!!

Go back to the daily show faggot.

Yeah, that is the problem. My altruism pretty much ends with American citizens. The problem is these hollywood liberals who control the media are extending all the way to the middle of Africa. No, those aren't our people.

As much as Bernie got painted as the "cuck" candidate, he actually was the most against free trade, and immigration.

I think a lot of whites now don't realize it, but the folks around me who have been democrats their whole life may soon be alt-right members. I would be on board with the alt-right at every rally if their official views were more economically in line with mine.

Why would any alt-right support lower taxes for the rich?

1. Jews get more money
2. Rich people vote democrat now
3. Big businesses use their power to bully your state into not allowing mentally ill men to go into women's bathrooms
4. Businesses donated way more money to Trump than Shillary

If I were Trump, I would be trying to cripple big businesses to the point where they didn't have any pull in politics anymore. He's not a true populist though, I think he still has some sympathy for tax lowering cuckservatives.

>What do these groups want?
They don't know.

It's an endless triggering cycle.
They're triggering triggers me which in turn triggers them and then I'm retriggered

No one really does. But if you follow the media closely here, there’s always an opinion piece about some holiday and how it’s, “rooted in racism, sexism, bigotry, zeeknowphobia”

Why can’t they be like normal people and enjoy the day off work and have a beer like everyone else?

I think anarchists want entire system to crumble while commies want to change it in their favour. They're just grouped up because well they both need the numbers and it isn't the first time those 2 groups got together (spanish civil war was anarchists and commies vs fash).
And what would happen is if say commies got the majority of the population on their side (hypothetically if they started a revolution and won) they would round up anarchists against the wall. I think their every minor goal like "bash the fascist" and all of that is just to get the normies on their side for some revolution. Idk im just a dumb balkanigger.

The death of Western Civilization, capitalism, Christianity and white societies.

>Progressive liberals will be leading the revolution
Umm.. no they won't? How exactly are they supposed to lead the revolution when they're all dead retard?

Like most other real Communists (i.e. Marxist-Leninist anti-revisionists), I hate urban petty bourgeois liberals way more than your typical white conservative hillbilly. The latter can still be converted to our side, whereas the former are hopeless.

>My altruism pretty much ends with American citizens.
This idea is at odds with Equality though. We have to extend Equality to the entire planet in the name of Progress, or we're not living up to our quasi-religious values.

> Everywhere in the West there are subversive minorities who, sheltered by our humanitarianism and our sense of justice, hold the incendiary torches ready, with nothing to stop the spread of their ideas except the critical reason of a single, fairly intelligent, mentally stable stratum of the population. - Carl Gustav Jung, The Undiscovered Self

I literally don't know a single Communist who supports Hillary Clinton, and I know close to 100 Communists IRL. I don't know a single Communist who supports Obama either.

Most of the people I hang out with were actually relieved when Killary lost the election, because if she won the chance of nuclear WW3 with Russia would be approx 95%.

Cause they're mentally ill and won't feel better until they take their medicine a.k.a. The red pill

Attention, validation, and novelty.

Morality is for many people nothing more than a manifestation of power-lust, at least for the weak and disorganized. It's a consequence of humanity collectively abandoning the ancient distrust of ambition in favor of fairy tales like infinite economic growth and perfect democracy.

>I know close to 100 Communists IRL.

Literally how? I’ve never met one. I would love to know where some live, just for research purposes.

>Like most other real Communists (i.e. Marxist-Leninist anti-revisionists)
The idea of a spontaneous people's revolution against the elite to overthrow the capitalist class (as if such a thing is even a coherent concept, as shown by the constant revisions of Marx) is nonsense. The USSR wouldn't have even gone anywhere without Germany funneling money to Lenin to fuck up Russia. Other Communists revolutions would not have happened without the USSR (so the de-facto Russian empire) backing them to create a Russian axis to compete with the US. Unless you have a foreign Communist power who wants to fuck shit up in the US, the only patrons you have are Progressive liberals. There is no such thing as organizing the working class because people with actual power are the only ones who actually organize anything in society.

>what do they want?

who cares what a bunch of powerless, ineffectual, unemployed whiners want anyway?

either ignore them or spray them with water cannons until they go home.

This is what a Real Communist looks like. Notice the stark absence of kikes, quad-gender otherkin, weakling beta soyboys, or any other strawman Sup Forums thinks of when they think "Communist".

Right, so nationalism with a red flag? Many such cases.

So a bunch of poos huh

nice revolution you got there comrade, hopefully you'll import toilet technology

they want attention

their "organizers" want power

That's basically what happened in Russia and Spain so there's nothing particularly strange about what you said.

I don’t buy the mentally ill meme. I think it’s because they are permanent failures.

What’s the best way to be accepted by others when you can’t live with yourself? Find a group of freaks to hangout with and repeat all their narratives for acceptance.

That’s why they take such odd positions, making themselves laughable to actual humans with jobs.

it's a little column A, a little column B

A way to earn free money from the goverment AKA left economy


Yeah the "equality meme" has been taken way too far I think. It basically is a placeholder religion.

We replaced formal Puritanism, basically. Kept the structure of it and called it Progress.

Its certainly not justice for the illegal, proven, undenied theft of the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders. Why have concern for the unresolved pillaging of your blood-won civic voting rights as a citizen when there's a big orange racist cheeto in the White House and you can just go out and yell at the sky?

Orwell's Homage to Catalonia is a pretty good read on that subject. What blew my mind was how the commies in Spain called everyone who was on their side but not communist "trotskists", and it was literally the only claim needed to get someone arrested. He said also that before trotskist, the term commies used for traitors was "social fascists". Now they're using "nazi". It's amazing how history repeats itself and people can't learn from a similiar event that happened less than 100 years ago.

I'm retarded, didn't mean to use the term "traitor" more suitable term would be "bogeyman"

It's not history repeating itself but the ideology still in use.

Walls breathe when acid kicks in, whoever made that meme is either 10 or didn't take what they think they did.

He looks disgusting

Wouldn't you call actions used by those ideologies in different countries and eras history repeating itself?

Nobody wants your shitty bootleg smuggies.

"They" don't want anything. They're simply following their programming. Like little ants.

They don't even need any political power for them to oppress people. They're poison to everything they touch.

Not really cause while similar they aren't identical in insight, it's just the consequences of the applied ideology, the places where it works is because the ideology got changed, for example chilean socialists abandoned marxism and stated reading Gramsci and Chomsky, results they are still in power, while college marxists are still making silly signs and fighting the cops.

Orwell was a shitstain who was himself a Trotskyite, so trusting him to tell you the truth about the Stalinist-Trotskyite conflict in Spain is laughably stupid.

The dude was born to a family of ultra-wealthy landlords, yet had the audacity to call himself "lower-middle class". During the Cold War, he turned in lists of Communist sympathizers to the British M16.

Rest in Piss George Orwell, you slimeball scumfuck piece of trash.

as opposed to seizing the means of production

>During the Cold War, he turned in lists of Communist sympathizers to the British M16.

Sounds like a bretty cool guy. turns in gommies and writes books and ain't afraid of nothin
