Twelver Shiism and Christianity > everything else

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Imam Ali and Jesus


Iran is anti-Sunni, anti-Zionist, and anti-Comminist


Shias believe the 12th Imam will return with Jesus to conquer evil


Painting of Jesus and 12th Imam in Tehran

Imam Ali and jesus

12 Imams and 12 Disciples

Read Revelation and compare it to Shiite end times views. Revelation is older than these beliefs. You can decide how they intertwine with each other and who the 12th Imam and the Jesus who comes with him are.

Like Jesus, Imam Hussain suffered for our sins

I’m 2009 the Ayatollah Khameini accepted Alawites as Shias (they believe in Jesus’ divinity and trinity) thus permitting these beliefs among Shias.

This has forged a Shia-Christian alliance all through the Mid East

Jesus is on the side of the Shias of Ali

Nothing can scare Shias

I don't doubt you are zealous and love God, just don't be deceived. We both know that God wishes for not one of his sheep to be lost, but that all should come to see his glory. I pray that both of us are lead to the direction of truth.

Shias have been fighting against the Arab-Sunni caliphate for 1,400 years.

Look up the Battle of Karbala

God said that in the end times all will turn to Jesus. The Persian-Shias have already done this. The Bible doesn’t say Jesus’ followers will be American. He didn’t say they would even call themselves Christians.

It’s whats in the soul that counts.

A man few truly understand


I hope that’s Persian-Shias and White Christians form an alliance

Never forget that “Iranians” counter signaling the Ayayollah are low-T and low-IQ

Shias are unstoppable

Jesus and Mahdi will return!
There will be a new Persian-Shia empire!
Orthodox Christians of Mid East have joined us!

Ya Ali!

Shia Islam is a mix of Islam Christianity and Zoroastrianism

The belief in the Mahdi is a Zoroastrian belief we maintained.

A final Persian savior will come with the Messiah Jesus!




