My first meme. I was thinking good concept, but poor execution. Can someone fix it?

My first meme. I was thinking good concept, but poor execution. Can someone fix it?

swearing is unnecessary in any meme

>6 lines of bubbletext and a couple of pictures put next to one another
>a meme
Literally kill yourself

Will do.

I may have been a little overzealous with the idea... but note taken!


Wow. Most obvious boomer post I've ever seen.


>millions of catholic priests
exactly what the western world needs
long live christ the king

The leaf’s got a point

Sage in all fields

Youre gonna catch alot of shit over this...
The concept is valid,Boomerfriend
The issue,conceptually that liberals wont make the mental connection that the behaivors you listed are just accepted behaivor in the muslim world...
You might try making a side-by-side chart format
With one side as a "regular muslim"
And the other,a western equivalent.
Muslim bachi bazi=western child porn
Muslim cleric = westboro baptist preacher

its a bit noisy ol timer

It's so fucking bad.
You shit the bed on every level.
You tried to make a new meme of the corpses of like 3 other memes and you managed to somehow collect them into a negative sum of all 3. Creating an atrociously irredeemable pile of shit.
You want to fix it?
Try this:
Print it off with your fax machine and take a shit on it. Then take a Polaroid of that and it might be alright then.

Should be your last meme, too.

MEME Warfare Division here. Please reformulate this meme along the lines of: "Ask a Native American about religious extremist in boats, bearing disease, and raping the Native population of land and way of life"

Fixed it rate my MeMe


>signalling against Christianity in order to attack Islam.

So who wins in the end, Shlomo? NEVER signal against White Conservatives.

Makes no sense. Dumb burger

It's atrocious, too wordy, ideologically vague, and poorly organized.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't keep trying though, no one is good at this the first time.

A for effort

i side with Shakespeare on brevity

Hi there gramps