Does EU want new underclass as slaves?

There is no other explanation for the invasion of Europe. Kikes and their dogs want a new raceless, underclass as their slaves. Is this true pol?

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probably. im black and i literally just get to sit around and get paid in welfare so i can breed with white women. i reckon i probably got 3-6 kids somewhere already with white women.

No, you're a larpfag with a meme flag.

The only white pussy a nigger gets in europe is dried up, 50 years old, divorced and has 2 grown up white children.

Prostitutes and staged photos will not change that fact.

Nah, it's just a false flag to get everyone angry at the Jews, Muslims and immigrants so the government can implement totalitarianism and control our lives in the name of (((freedom))).

That's my theory anyway.

>There is no other explanation for the invasion of Europe. Kikes and their dogs want a new raceless, underclass as their slaves. Is this true pol?
A quote from mein kampf
>The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people"
Sounds a little familiar.

European governments are leftists and all leftists understand when it comes to the economy is as long as tax dollars are rolling in they can postpone civil unrest. So your current politicians are foregoing your future for a quick fix today. Ours are doing the same too.

are you sure about that?

>it's to boost the economy?

>yes goy there's 50 gorillion north african migrants in europe because of all the tax money they provide
don't fall for the psyop, it's embarrassing.

I think you misread me I don't support it but this is their stated reasoning. Boomers are screwing us over yet again just so they can postpone the social security collapse till when they die.

Yes they literally are transported by NGO ships to pay for peoples retirement and to boost the economy. What a laugh. And nations who recieve them are under so much financial stress due to the insane increase of demand (no skills, no education, dumb as a bunch of fucking rock and a shitload of kids sitting on welfare) that it's not looking good.

>it's the lie they want you to believe to think you're getting something good out of it. Instead of having the future of your country, children and people fucked over.

agreed and people are stupid and as long as they have food and game of thrones they won't care. You want change, start hacking and bringing down HBO, xbox live and seamless.

>but muh GDP

Don't you think if they cared about that they would just incentivize financially europeans for having kids and doing european to european immigration instead if even necessary? at 10000x less the cost? There wouldn't be any issue whatsoever it's barely a non issue if you just started doing that.

like 80% or more of these people they are bringing into europe won't ever be qualified enough to compete in the european job market, they barely have a basic education to begin with. How much time and money do you think you have to train all these dumb as a rock people? Which europeans can do easily in comparison without almost any effort. These people will just sit on welfare and pump out a shitload of people whilst calling everyone racist and increase crime and murder rates till the whole fucking shit collapses. And then you can forget about retirement and shit like this for a lot of people. Has nothing to do with that.
Look at the countries these people are coming from, they are totally shit because the people aren't exactly the smartest people on the planet. Just the muslim world 40% illiterate in their own language again. How much time do you need. By that timeframe to make just maybe 40% of them somewhat not suck entirely by european standards you could have a booming european population way above what you need with regards to manpower and entire new generations ready to enter the jobmarket this time in massive numbers.

>Don't you think if they cared about that they would just incentivize financially europeans for having kids and doing european to european immigration instead if even necessary?
No because that would means their country has an identity and that identity involves race. No way can they support something like that. The commies won. They played the long game and won. Their people are in all the right places destroying the west.

These people are miserable failures at making their own countries work, what in the hell do people think they're going to do for you?
>i'm seeing doctors nurses blablabla.
Yeah if you have like 20 years to train these dumb as a rock people then a tiny portion of them might be ready to do something decent. And the rest will still be sitting on welfare sucking you dry making it even harder for everyone. And that's just the financial consequences. These people aren't peaceful either in case you didn't fucking notice and don't have the same concepts of behaviour values etc. either.

Every time I argue this with liberals I ask for them to name one country that has a large Muslim population and they aren't backwards with social and political beliefs and they never can because it does't exist. There is no place in the world where Muslims immigrated to and they were like "Ok this countries value system is important to us". No where. The US is a failed experiment hurting the world. You can't have immigration and not some pledge or forced push for these immigrants to immigrate. I work with Indians in the tech world these guys are American "Citizens" but know nothing about our laws, holdays or history nor do they care. They just retreat to their towns they took over and made 100% Indian and pretend they are living in a nicer cleaner India.

The nations who take in the most are basically collapse vectors at this current trajectory where people are going to run from to more stable areas and the immigrants are NOT going to be allowed to go to those areas because they're the cause of it thanks to these bleeding heart policies where they think they can fit half the fucking planet inside their countries and not realize the REASON why these people are in the situation they are in the first place.
>wir schaffen es
I fucking doubt it merkel and germans are realizing that aswell. She'll either get shitcanned or go against her policies and start mass deporting these people and declaring it to be a massive mistake. Their ideals clash with pragmatism and reality of the situation. And it's all nice and well when you have a lot of other peoples money to burn. Then the left can go crazy and make up all kinds of utopian notions in their heads.

Understand i don't hate these people as an individual but as a group these people are like a fucking cancer to western society. I don't even blame them for trying to come, well not entirely anyways, i mean they really should fucking sort out their own countries it's not like europe just got everything on a silver platter, take germany was fucking bombed to smithereens for example. But i blame the leftist governments for keep letting this happen (aswell as ofcourse the more overarching nefarious aspect that is already discussed)). These people just shouldn't live anywhere near us, they just don't see and do things the way we do.

My dad is an immigrant. He came here, taught me to value where he came from but to respect and value more the traditions of the US. Immigrants are good people but non white ones are not. They just don't want to assimilate and liberals brainwash them with anti white propaganda. They see themselves as outsiders who have to band together and help one another and that very concept is anti western.

> They see themselves as outsiders who have to band together and help one another and that very concept is anti western.
Exactly because blood and soil is what nations are about this is why incompatible immigration or mass immigration was never a fucking thing before this recent thing.. Because they were right to fear this. Because if you have people around you so foreign to you in every way the predictable happens, balkanization as in, you gradually form groups of ethnic differences that each vote in their interest, it's essentially a slow burn tribal warfare to steer the nation in their particular direction that might if taken to far erupt in actual civil war.
>diversity is strength
You rather have 10 different groups of people shouting at eachother each wanting a totally different way. YEAH THAT'S VERY EASY TO AGREE AND COOPERATE THEN RIGHT? OH SO MUCH STRENGTH THROUGH DIVERSITY.. HAHAHA

>>diversity is strength
when someone says this ask for a real world example and scenario of this being true. Every liberal I asked got furious and refused to answer. They get so angry because they are not used to being questioned on that virtue signaling and realize they have no answer.

The reason you assimilate into a european based nation, is because you are european of that mindset you know, of that blood or of that order of group it's an entirely different bond you then have so ofcourse very easier to get along when you think more alike and have similar attitudes and reasoning etc. That's why it works. It doesn't work if you just pick at random from cultures and groups of people completely different to that mindset!
Same reason why the US till 1965 favoured european immigration. Where they RACIST? They just realized that's how those things work, who the fuck WANTS balkanization among ethnic lines in your own nation, internationally it's problematic enough to get along as it is with people with very different mindsets at times, why want a conflict inside your own nation constantly in just everyday things.. ridiculous and stupid, but the utopian ideal of leftists they developed recently they assume. yeah that's going to work. Yeah well there's a reason nobody ever did that before you fucking jackasses. Diversity isn't strength within a nation, ethnic similarity is. Enhances cooperation a shared unity/bond and less arguments people know easier what to expect from the other without having to say it or argue about it. Things run much more smoothly. And everyone in the past knew that from clashing with people from other areas throughout history how differently people can think behave etc. So ofcourse they did not want to invite those kinds of things into their own nations and just hope it somehow wouldn't turn into something ugly.

It's not to provide tax money. it's to pump real estate prices and add new consumers. Much of modern capitalism is basically pumping stocks with real estate bubbles and QE.

Hallo my name is Jacobus de Roodschield, I had my name changed in the 18th century to sound more american and further banking contacts in the new world before having my puppet state Britain create Israel.

My family is worth over 500 trillion dollars and we own pretty much all the central banks in the world.

We've financed both sides of every war since the days of Napoleon.

You've probably never heard of me.

>add new consumers
Consume what? taxpayer money?

You need new consumers. How do you get them money? Well, take it from the Germans, Swedes, etc. and hand it to the Somalians. Now they can go out and buy shit. The population increase pumps real estate prices which facilitates more bank lending and thus real estate bubbles, tech bubbles, etc.

>statist "owners" welfare dependents

>Well, take it from the Germans, Swedes, etc. and hand it to the Somalians.
Take it from whom again? That won't even last a fucking decade they're already tanking as it is. Sweden won't even last another decade at this pace. Then you'll have 100x less than when you started doling it out. I don't think you've thought this through.
It's the goofiest thing.
>kickstart the economy by putting millions of morons on welfare and give them taxpayer money so they can buy shit

Hey, it wasn't my idea. Blame the Swedish government. This is literally their logic. If they're tanking, well, we need to double the number of immigrants to pay for the last batch. Just keep the Ponzi scheme going until I retire and flee to New Zealand or whatever.

That's not going to work they'll go bankrupt. You can forget everything about a second batch.

Better start buying up those properties in New Zealand.

I think the jews are collectively a blind, parasitic force. Should they think longer-term they would understand that if the white man falls, the jew goes next. No other race would be so lenient towards them as we have always been. Fucking try imagine asian insect people or muslims tolerating a parasitic elite-class.

But I think indeed you are right. The elites, some of them jews of course, seem to be going for a slave-class. I don't think they act very collectively tho. I think they're mostly some billionaires and bankster families which have a hard-on for transhumanism and try to become gods or some shit.

Total idiotic, just give people taxbreaks if you want more consumer spending. Don't claim that's the swedish strategy these people are just too afraid to deport these clowns again so they just keep paying for them. That's the only thing happening there.

I think the governments just want actual, totalitarian control and are using the unwashes masses flooding into their borders as an excuse to crack down on the law abiding natives and start expanding their domestic power.

Terror attacks in the national heartlands are "part and parcel of life in the city, we're gonna keep importing these bloody fucks and you're going to shut up and deal with it," as opposed to "shit that should never, ever fucking happen, shut down the borders until we get this all sorted out."

Poorer people tend to spend more of their money. The American left makes the same argument for more redistribution to brown people and for UBI. The permanent weaponized underclass is just a side benefit, as is the coincidence with Jewish interests.

You're going to run out of taxpayer money do i even need to point that out? and VERY quickly when you also mass import a shitload of people it would be bad enough if they were just poor and not completely incompetent and totally different in their behaviour. That's the path to socialism/communism right there they dole shit out to fucking everyone instead of having them working and paying taxes, ofcourse those who want subsidies to continue keep voting for leftist governments, then the whole shit collapses when those on subsidies overwhelm the few who are taxpayers and the coffers are empty, and they blame it on free market and capitalism.

No, I know we're going to run out of money from such a policy. I'm just telling you what the leftist logic is. The goal is indeed implementing Communism. Everything done by Progressives is done with the pretext of implementing Communism in the future.

Saw some cucked article somewhere today about how the new wave of German "immigration" is already paying off for the country, in that personal spending in the economy is growing. Holy fucking retards thinking that the government can just pay welfare to stimulate economic spending without a whole class of people actually producing anything.

do you have any Idea how easy it is to mind control Muslims?

use voice to skull tech, claim to be allah... and BOOM....

100% control.

They accepted us as slaves when we voted in the EU referendum booth's for cheap beer and detergent in 2003. Apparently we weren't enough.

>it's what the left in the US want. They want communism they think it's great.
So it's going to be better for them when they have no money and food like in venezuela? These fucking idiots. Can you imagine communism in a meltdown situation in a multiethnic society. Communism was bad enough in russia, not to mention in china where they burned through 45 million people in like 4 years and used them as fucking fertilizers whilst telling everyone how great it was what they were doing.
>we're all dying and living in piss poor conditions, but atleast we destroyed free market and capitalism here, so that's great.
You'd wish you were back here by then idiots.
Oh that's fucking wonderful.

It's absolutely true. All was lost in 1945. If we get another chance to save our race then it's by divine providence and we had better take it and run. Even if we don't get another chance to save our people I say we go out with a bang. Godspeed all know what has to be done in the worst case scenario.

>So it's going to be better for them when they have no money and food like in venezuela?
They don't count it as real Communism.

>Can you imagine communism in a meltdown situation in a multiethnic society.
It just means we need to work harder to live up to our Enlightenment values of Equality and punish immoral white racists who deviate from the Progressive theology. We need as much diversity as possible, we need to integrate the most foreign peoples from around the world, if we are to live up to our values.

>Communism was bad enough in russia, not to mention in china where they burned through 45 million people in like 4 years and used them as fucking fertilizers whilst telling everyone how great it was what they were doing.
Progressives will just make sure its whites dying and say that they deserved it for being racist.

You have to understand, Progressive whites hate nothing more than non-Progressives. They are religious fanatics who view non-Progressives as moral monsters who are failing to adhere to their religious values and in need of harsh punishment.

>not producing goods and services
>spending taxpayer money

something something "running out of other people's money" something something

They want to:
>destroy national identities
>lower the wages
>have more manpower
to make the new nation of "Europe"

>EU want new underclass as slaves?
if by EU you mean jews, then duh

We are not ruled by you, mate.

>Jew totalitarian communist directorate living the good life
>total peons starving and in misery being sent to the gulag if they don't trot the party line
No upwards mobility and no middle class.
>people running around seeing who they can declare burgoise and enemy of the workers (that just so happen to be enemies of the directorate)
>Wew it's almost like bolschevist russia all over again.
>not real communism
That's exactly how communism is supposed to work idiots.

Possibly, we'll get a microchip too.