Reminder to relearn and write exclusively in cursive

Reminder to relearn and write exclusively in cursive.

Upon doing this, immediately:
>writing ANYTHING becomes more infinitely more pleasurable
>aesthetically pleasing
>can quickly summarize and write down my thoughts while I am reading books
>now able to regurgitate anything I have read with clarity
>scientifically supported better retention than typing on a keyboard

and more importantly,

Cicero said the the best orators or speakers, along with the best debaters, were also the best writers.

Writing your thoughts, arguments, and summaries of what you're reading is fundamental to being "sorted out", and will allow to you properly articulate when the time comes.

Cursive is the necessary tool.

do people unironically not learn cursive anymore? my grandmother taught me when I was like 9

I love cursive, it's sexy compared to most printing. Why isn't it being taught anymore? is it racist or something?

Blacks can't read cursive.


It's mandatory in most states. Most people just don't prefer it these days sadly.
I for one hardly ever write in print, simply because it's usually illegible.

Big, if True. - I like it.

Wait.. so you're telling me people in the USA don't learn cursive in kindergarten? So you basically don't learn to write? Jesus christ.

... I can't believe it.

I wish. I don't even have good printing.

Literally 2 posts above you I said it's mandatory in most states. please leave my board.

did when i was a kid but that was two and a half decades ago and a private school. wouldn't be surprised if they don't teach it now

I wrote cursive by age 5 but I'm also an old fag that didn't have the same "Distractions" that kids do today. Everyone I went to school with was the same.

It's essentially true, especially with common core (new standards for education).

The only teachers that teach cursive now are old anglo baby boomers, and even then they have to find time to teach it in addition to the required curriculum.

No, it's taught to us, but inner city black classrooms are glorified day cares where nobody learns anything. Most people I know use a hybrid cursive/print.

>and more importantly,
and more importantly nogs can't read it

>writing cursive
>when 99% of burgers cannot even SPEAK or SPELL properly

Yeah, I know some cursive when I was taught in 1st grade back in like 98 or 99. It has survived as a bastard child of both cursive and print

Reading other people's cursive is fucking annoying most of the time
If everyone had good handwriting cursive would be much better but the efficiency isn't worth having to read people's retarded scribbley bullshit.

It's quite bizarre, I started picking up cursive again a short while ago, and now I've started seeing these threads. It's almost like it wasn't my idea, or we're all having the same idea at the same time. But yeah, I've been writing exclusively in cursive for a week now. My handwriting sucks, but I'll get better. Got plenty of time to improve.

They made us learn cursive writing in 3rd grade, which I skipped, and it was never required after 4th grade, so I barely ever learned it at all. Feels like I'm catching up on something I missed out on.

>your attendance at this month's PTA meeting would be highly appreciated, sir

"alot", "could care less", "there's many" "your vs you're" and pronouncing "et cetera" are just mistakes that most people don't do. The rest are just non-issues.
>They made us learn cursive writing in 3rd grade, which I skipped

Are you the country that says cunt all the time because of your limited vocabulary due to abbo/criminal/emu genes?

>glass house
>throwing stones
>inb4 56

fucking commie

I am left handed, writing in cursive just means getting ink or graphite all over my hand and it smears much of the writing. Print is the more legible option for me

My second grade teacher recommended I test out of 3rd grade, so I did. Advanced from 2nd to 4th, and I've had crap handwriting ever since.

I use drafting standard lettering for legibility reasons.

yeah, writing down stuff is bless

writing on coursive isn't

I can because I was taught at school but idk I just suck at it

I will write how I want

Kek, I started a thread somewhat like this one a couple of days ago, shit was /comfy/ as fuck

niggers cant read cursive

Cursive is really nice for taking notes, but I hate it when I have to put dots and lines for is, ts and other letters that have extra shit that doesn't follow the main line.

Any tricks for this?

I dunno, my high school english teachers made us write our essays in cursive instead of typing them up. This was less than a decade ago. Sorry public school fags x__x

Reminder that anyone below 21 on this board can't write nor understand cursive. Laugh at these faggots

>ball point
scrub. Also I don't like your t's, other than that, not bad.

Literally no difference between the appearance of lower case q and g in your example. Come back when you have a legitimate script.

When do you think Common core was adopted grandpa?
Besides, states, even cucked ones like california, added cursive to common core.

>we should waste time learning to read and write in cursive in an increasingly digitized world because we have attached some made-up connection to white supremacy to it

I can read and write in it because I grew up when teaching it was mandatory, and I never fucking use it. There's no point, especially today.

>amerifats struggle to learn cursive

Are you blind? Look at it again.

Nice b8 cunt

>I am so stupid I can't read the thread where all the Americans talk about what age they first learned cursive

Are french people just all retarded?

Then it also follows good thinkers are good writers.

Can't you see his flag. He's quite clearly Chadian.

>>I am so stupid I can't read the thread where all the Americans talk about what age they first learned cursive
Except it's not true

g loops around left q goes down straight then right

Cursive is a meme language. Captial G's, J's, Z's, and lower-case r's, u's and v's.

Just write in normal English. Everyone will be able to read what you're saying.

I use a blue light filter on my computer, it makes flags confusing.

Why wouldn't we learn how to write?

who else finds writing an uppercase g a little weird in cursive?

>Cursive is a meme language.


This version with the sharp angle at the bottom makes more sense to me.

Here is a visible variation of the difference. OP's image does not have this. I'm entirely in favour of cursive provided there is visible difference between lettering.


cool ill try that.. g is my middle initial so always do lower case. thx annon

Top tier F, incorrect capital i

I enjoy the upper case G burger, I really do.

The capital F is problematic in cursive, unless it's done with some style it looks like shit.

>Reading other people's cursive is fucking annoying most of the time
Don't even try to read a doctors handwriting on a prescription.
All that money spent on an education and still can't write worth a shit.

my cursive writings

They're both non-cursive. Either they're both right or both wrong.


its hard

At /sci there is a meme that stem people have a horrible hand writing, so lets test the converse. How many people who have good hand writing work in stem here?




Also cracker runes eliminates some foes on TDOTR.


Are you not required to learn and write in cursive in western countries ? Here from first grade you are getting exercises to be able to write in cursive , otherwise you will be really slow when writing under dictation . Maybe Cyrillic alphabet is more suitable to write in cursive .

Cursive is taught, and hugely emphasized, in Waldorf schools. They consider learning cursive part of proper brain development.

Fuck up cunt


"could care less" is the one that grinds my gears.

I learned long ago in school, today they don't do that anymore, but i wish i learned sütterlin
Y'know, the Olde german exclusive writing.

I'm sure it was phased out to learn something more relevant to your country. Like gay sex or Islam.