Now that the dust has settled...

Now that the dust has settled,can we all agree that Kill la Kill was the most momorabole series of the first half of the decade?

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K-On was better

>started last decade

> last decade

You can't even correct me correctly, faggot.

>started in 2009



No it wasn't. K-on was boring "cute girls doing cute things!" trash. Only emotionally insecure nerds like it.

Say what you want about Kill la Kill but at least it was INTERESTING even if it was monumentally retarded.

>even if it was monumentally retarded
But it wasn't.

you seem like a insecure nerd trying to validate his manliness.

The most fun show on Sup Forums in the past 5 years for sure.

You seem flatout delusional.
>insecure nerd trying to validate his manliness.
I'm sure you say the same thing to the bullies who pick on you for watching my little pony.

You can come back to this site when you aren't 14 and pretentious.

Femanon here, K-On is just bad.

>muh insecure masculinity meme

legitimately thought that only losers on tumblr use this sort of logic to justify being defensive because people think they have bad taste

prove it

sure, kid.

most people are just obsessed with being as manly as possible denounicing the genius writing behind K-On!'s characters

As a Gainax fanboy, KLK was trash.

As a Gainax fanboy, KLK was great.

>genius writing
>most people are just obsessed with being as manly
gonna take a guess and say that you don't talk to that many women in real life

Copnsidering I'm homosexual I dont need to.
Also wiriting isnt bout realism if your saying that the K-On Girls aren't wiritten realistically.

Who would want a show about bitching cunts anyway ?

>Copnsidering I'm homosexual
and all my questions are answered

here's a present

meant for

I would call you a office homophobe, but you're most likely unemployed anyway.

You're giving faggots a bad name,acting like such a faggot.

look whos talking

It honestly left the biggest impression.
The industry is so creativitely bankrupt these days, it was basically the only single memorable show since Madoka.