Sup Forums Has science gone too far? Marijuana grown inside of cows, watch the webm if you don't believe me

Sup Forums Has science gone too far? Marijuana grown inside of cows, watch the webm if you don't believe me.

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Holy shit, they implant a fucking opening into their stomachs? What the fuck? He just unscrewed a cap to its fucking internals.

Of course, how else can he make sure the cow is properly absorbing the antidepressants and estrogen?


So I guess that makes it...moorijauna then?

Imagine being that cow. You could spend all day eating grass or whatever cows eat, and then at the end of the day some old bald fuck reaches inside and steals your food. What the hell.

looks like a scheme to monitor methane production?

I am frightened

Delete this now.

It's called a cannula. It's a medical implant that allows them to look inside it's stomach.
It's done for research and teaching.

I jerked my philip k dick to this

Why not implant a fucking milkifier and drain valve onto cow titties?

Cows have a large internal space mate. When vets operate on cows they just slice the flesh and stick their arm in.

This isn't ethical. It's one thing to wait for a cat-monkey to eat, digest and excrete coffee nuts and use its poop to make coffee. Surgically implanting a fucking hatch into a cow's stomach to grow some weed is a completely different matter.

I think we've got bigger problems mate. The jews are fucking children.

Don't worry, I don't think that cow is your grandma


Picking a random Latin word for it ("reed") doesn't make it not fucked up.


That thing is a device used to treat goes that have intestinal bloating. It's basically a giant valve cut into their stomach to let gas pressure out. That green stuff is just digested grass.

That is not what the video shows. This video is a troll. There is a reason why the video does not include sound.


how old are you that you've never seen this before?

It's probably just some angry vegan vapist telling you that scientists are growing weed inside of cows to get people here who are anti-weed/conservative to start caring about the shit that they care about.

so, like a mechanical version of new wave feminism then?

I want to smell it

talk about a feelsbadman...

this is some Lovecraft horror shit

kek get fucked poo

Organic Jet Farms.

Finally a way to make a Drug out of the freshest source of shit.

I believe you OP

Thank you user for being a believer

>He actually thought there were people growing Marijuana inside a fucking living creature that they access through a screw plug.
Dude.... It's time to get your GED.

My fellow Americans embarrass me
They don’t even know how fucking cows work

That's some literal hot shit right there.



The cow doesn't "grow" the weed. It gets put out in the fields and harvests it with it's mouth, which is cheaper than paying human pickers. If we waited until the cow shit it out it would be ruined

It also digests the stems and seeds leaving only quality good-good

Fuck. Im not a vegan or any of that faggot shit, but I do get being against factory farming.. we're the good guys Sup Forums, we should be more vocal about factory farming specifically. The factory farming/corn syrup redpill needs to get sorted out.

im not going to experience a famine because you pussy niggas in yo feelins


It's also nothing new. I had a friend in Vet college 25 years ago who showed me one.

>you asked for it poo


fucking Jew stealing all my BURGERS

Look at this city slicker.

have you ever had civet coffee though? rich, nutty flavor, 10/10 would recommend. bad for the civet cats tho

>t. liberal arts school student

Yes, yes it has.

>Marijuana grown inside of cows
WTF, yeah right. try cud.

not my proudest fap

how high is that cow?

that's literally just grass and the hole is to examine the contents of its stomach

I remember our vet saving one of our cows by dumping buckets of water into her stomach through that hole because she was too sick to drink. Vegans who complain about this shit need to fuck off and stop pretending they know more than farmers do about animal welfare. I know it's not related to the thread topic but whenever I see someone bring it up I get butthurt

It smells like absolute shit and sometimes it leaks and gets in your hair when you're milking

>It smells like absolute shit
More like absolute vomit.