Can we start calling the inverse of Antisemitism Semiticism?

Its such a perfect linguistic compliment to the word and it carrys the same connotations as white supremacist. Do you think we can meme this into existence by employing it wherever we can? Start calling people semiticist's whenever you hear them drop "anti-Semite" If we make this a thing I guarantee you that words edge will be effectively blunted, and words are how we define reality after all.

But user, "Nepotism" is already a word.

It does not carry same connotation. If we can meme semiticist into reality, people will automatically see jewish goals in negative light, and have an all encompassing word to describe such goals by. It is win win comrade.

Sounds okay, if you can muscle out counter-semitism. However, the largest volume of users are all asleep and you'll get no progress done. Do it later when burgers wake up.

I'm fucking sick and tired of you dipshits posting things like "big if true" or trying to be funny by calling this place a "tibetan basket-weaving forum". Don't you think after a few times of seeing it the joke has ran it's course? The meme has come to an end? Why continue with this bullshit? What joy does it bring you to say the same joke over and over again and a again like you are stabbing a sandbag in order to get the sand out. Eventually less and less sand will come out. Your stabbing action has something called diminishing returns, that's right.

Philo-semite is the term you're looking for, and philo-semiticism.

This is the beauty though, counter-semitism, or anything else counter to this word simply sounds stupid. semitism sounds perfectly cromulant, and describes something we've lacked a word for for too long. But the burgers being asleep is noted. Ill continue posting this until it catches. If we can modify culture to incorporate this it'll do significant damage to the Jewish narrative.

There is literally no contextual value to what you just said, if you had happened to scream at the top of your lungs. HEY IM A FUCKING AI SYSTEM. You could've not made it more obvious as to what you are.

Found the kike

Once the term semiticism has been salted in the collective psyche adequately enough. Jewish supremacy will suddenly become a valid descriptor and thus, the tribe will become unmasked. Its a flawless plan anons. Make normies realize semiticism is a thing.

No leaf you are retarded.
Semite not semiticist what the fuck.

why do they always have to have ism's in shit to think idk anything

No you stupid french fuck, in english slapping ism on anything automatically connotates negativity. The word "Semetic" is not immune to this sort of linguistic attack. Our current method of description leaves it completely open to this vulnerability. If we can get people to start calling people semiticist instead of jew zionists, and conflate it with whiteness and white supremacy, they are dead in the water. It is through language that they dominate us, it is time we turn that against them. You french fuck.

because somehow their ist's is more than the ism's you try to put on it,

i dont know i dont feel like adding up the reading math on this one to figure that one out

call them jews and make people less stupid .i think cause anyone who follows jews or thinks anytyig but they're scum are stupiod enough to not know how to read

No user, its perfect. "Jewish semiticism" It will become a thing. You may not realize it now, but its a perfect weapon. It will shape dialogue, and it will strike down those that attempt to make Jewish lives matter more then any others.

because it has the K sound at the end, thats why it doesnt work.
it ends with a C. semitic. you cant have the C and S both

i havent or am not right now wanting to work out the lingiustic shit its your topic you do it
because the liguistcs wont have the K and the S sound you want
semiticsi... sm????

like i explained

Sauls rules for radicals
>"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Anyone who isnt white sees jews as being white, we play their nationalism to the same standards and they will be destroyed. Jew interests will no longer be something thats defensible.


this is the dumbest fucking shit I have read all day. neck yourself.

not saying its not a good idea, not saying it shouldnt work, but, you should work it out.
some reson the rules are probably wrong on them calling us shit. so you got to figure it out then
burp like isaid you8r topic ..

>not calling it Mosaicism after Moses

what is the counter to the anti semitism word then
what am i fighting against you homo the word was made up from somewhere, because obviously racism doesnt exist

>the idea that jew lives matter more then others. the belief that they must always be defended
If we can get some media outlets to write articles that employ this word its all over.

The way identity politics plays out, its always based on an extraneous definition, one that is not crafted by the user. If we implant this word in the collective psyche, and define it as one who defends Jewish SUPREMACY, flipping the golem of white nationalism upon them would be trivial. Suddenly aid to Isreal would look fucked up in normies eyes. We can grind it in their face that they're defending a white nation over that of a shitty black nation.

And then the crimes of the Jewish nation are not susceptible to being brushed of by saying "da jooos did it" suddenly they become real, and oppressive in peoples minds.

Great idea user im with you. And also the opposite of anti-semite is anti-Christ


the word anti-semtism comes from the
semetism come from semitic.

ur trying to turn semetic into an ism semeta kism

the s to a K doesnt work. s can ber p;lural k is silent, so it doesnt work becuase you cant make a silent letter into something thats suppose to be plural because youd never know how many their are.

once you figure out that linguistic shit then thats ok but im tired of trying to talk to your idiotic ass

either debate me without jewing this shit up with your shit again -nonproven or fukc off idont give a fuck. >semitisism
s c c=k cant use the s for plural to replace a silent letter k KNIGHT

never know how many their are. you cant tell me to do something without me knowing how many of somthing there is i wouldnt do it and noone wouold ever do it

I can come up with something better, but you get the basic idea.

Love it. Btw you won't get any (((media))) onboard. We are it.

Counter is anti-Christ



Learn English mother fucker. Also, proofread your posts. You are a stupid autistic jew nigger faggot.

>Semiticism, Semiticist

Why on earth just use Semitism and Semitist?

Noted, that spelling is superb. (Im trying to make some words up here, cut me some slack)


It's philosemitism, why are you trying to reinvent the wheel?
You can only dilute your strength and attention acting this way.

Likewise the natural disdain for the jew is misosemitism.