Do you like this new font?

Do you like this new font?

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Runic ethiopic?

Fuck off kike I told you yesterday that no one can read your jew heiroglyphs.


no, It is a phonetic english alphabet with 52 characters.

It is for a sci fi book I am writing.

I even mapped then and am learning to type in this.

If it's literally char replacement

Your writing a shitty book


Just use georgian

>guy who thinks replacing english characters with squiggles is a new language calls someone else a brainlet

>new language
>phonetic english alphabet

Read. Its for a race of people that left earth and fragmented culturally and linguistically.

>fragmented linguistically
>its not a new language though
>they just replaced all the Roman characters with children's scribbles because it behooved them
You should probably pick something else as a hobby because writing is clearly bot for you.

>no fun allowed
Fuck you too buddy.

ბიჭო წავა რა ჩმპრშგვთვ

Making conlangs is a fun hobby but you need more practice. Zompist is great starting resource if you've not used it.

So... you basically "made" Wingdings? Why didn't you just use Wingdings?

>writing a book using a font no one can read

Are you sure you're not a Libtard? You seem just as stupid as one.

Why are the characters so complex? worthless as a conscript

No one’s gonna talk about the swasitka?

the story is set so far in the future the swastika has been reclaimed culturally and is now the letter 'Th' as in 'Thing'

What is the point if you are going to use English?

And this has to do with Sup Forums how?

Seriously wtf is wrong with newfags..

because english is accessible.

I wasn't aware that 'Th' was a letter. How do you spell "Retard" in your Wingding language?


So is [spoiler]English[/spoiler]

*the English alphabet

Ted? is that y-you?



>the aliens were humans all along!

I know it's not politics.


>pol is for politics
I wish.

>this was a pokemon

nah I like this one better


There's too many details for everyday usage. You need so much differences between them only if you have 300-500 letters alphabet.


How does it feel to tell you that the pokemon is actually called "Unown"