If in NTR the reader is supposed to self insert as the beta male...

If in NTR the reader is supposed to self insert as the beta male, why is it that the beta male are rarely uglier than the alpha?

Shouldn't the alpha be superior to the beta male in every way, including looks?

it adds to the humiliation that the alpha is uglier.

you're so pathetic that Quasimodo takes yo bitch

I self insert as a girl because it's more comfortable self inserting to people with same gender

By that logic, why not make the alpha inferior in every way?
Uglier, shorter, rude, smaller dick.
But for some inexplicable reason the girl chooses him.

So you admit to being a disloyal slut?

besides the smaller dick they usually do that

Smaller dick only happens in NTR where the alpha is shota.

Because then it becomes an underdog story and the reader identifies with the alpha. The alpha is supposed to be somebody that's more or less on your level but the girl chose him regardless. If the disparity is too great then it breaks immersion.

Most NTR don't even have a beta male insert, usually it is just wife or girl getting raped or bad story progression to cause drama.

>not self inserting as the alpha NTRer

I thought that the alpha being a ugly and a douchebag is enough to prevent the reader from identifying with him?
When is it too much?
Can we change it up like having the alpha ugly, small dick, but genuinely nice, the alpha small dick, rude, but handsome?
The standard seems to be ugly, rude and big dick.

That's what netori is for.

I had thought that was the appeal of NTR

NTR is a fetish for cucks, and cucks get off to humiliation, ergo getting your lover stolen by some fat bald guy.

>not self-inserting as the woman getting ravaged

>Self insert
I still can't understand this concept
People don't actually do this, right? It's just a meme surely.

Why would you want to self insert as the person who's getting raped?

Then why don't they turn the alpha male completely inferior to the beta male in every way but the lady still chooses the alpha?

I just watching girls go full slut mode. Even better if they were all chaste before etc.

I don't get it either. I don't read a something and think "oh that character is totally me" I mean I can sympathize with some of the characters but thats it

Because women truly don't care about looks as much as men do. Unless you are hideous or stupidly handsome, most women see you as just average (pro-tip: to women 'average' means 'below average', they'd rank 80% of men as below average, making you wonder if they even realize what average means). They care more about other things such as your ability to provide for them, your social status, Dark Triad behavior etc. This is why for example mass murderers get more love letters than math teachers.

But the target audience of heterosexual NTR stories are usually male, why does women's point of view of this come to play?

>they'd rank 80% of men as below average
I saw that 'online dating' article. Funny as hell.

Are you a woman or just an autist? I assume you're talking about dick size, which in that case a bigger dick is objectively a positive thing, which is why the ugly alpha gets it. The combination of humiliation from getting your lover stolen by someone uglier than you, meaning an ugly fuck is breeding your woman and not you, and the humilation of having a smaller dick than the ugly fuck, meaning he will physically pleasure your woman better than you, is the essence of NTR.

But on that note, there is a strange contrast with 3DPD cuckolding whereby the cuck wants a handsome black guy to pound his wife. I suppose it's due to the american influence whereby niggers are constantly praised in the media, though I don't feel like delving into the intricacies of 3DPD crap.

>I suppose it's due to the american influence whereby niggers are constantly praised in the media
I think it's actually the opposite: Muricans fetishize black guys in porn because it's 'forbidden'. Those black guys are usually ghetto thugs, not at all praiseworthy, so I think the logic behind it (if we can even call it that) is the same as behind NTR.

If you want to see the diversity-praising multiculti bullshit Sup Forums is so afraid of in porn, you want beurette porn.

I'm wondering if the positive traits and negative traits can be fiddled with in NTR stories.

The standard is
Face -
Personality -
Penis +

Why not make it
Face +
Personality +
Penis +
For maximum inferiority complex
Face -
Personality -
Penis -
For maximum humiliation of losing the girl to someone who is inferior in every way

This, it's a spectacle. Some unfortunate loser gets his girl jacked. Hell, sometimes it wasn't even his girl proper.

The bull being ugly makes it amusing. Seeing the girl 'tarnished' is also very important.

Are there any NTR stories where the guy gets NTR'd and doesn't care?
>Uh oh, my crush/GF/wife is cheating on me/is a slut.
>Oh well, time to get rid of her.

But they want handsome, chiseled black men to fuck their wives, not ghetto thugs. In essence, they want a physically superior foreign man to breed their wives, and of course they choose black men as their physically superior foreign men of choice because american media hyping up buff black men as desirable. This "aw yeah a superior man is fucking my wife fap fap fap" humiliation from 3DPD cuckolding contrasts the "oh god an ugly fuck is fucking my wife fap fap fap" humiliation from 2D NTR and I'd argue that it's due to differences in culture. Though it's not like you won't see ugly 3DPD cuck fetishists and black guy 2D NTR fetishists, but in a general sense that's how I see things.

That's great and all, but in NTR I don't really self insert as anybody.

I just want to see corruption. I just want to see suffering. I just want to see the dick dominate all. I just want to see the slutification of a pure maiden. I want to see NTR that literally makes me shake.

NTR where the female isn't even interested in the beta male is the worst really, since the NTR is entirely inside the beta male's head.

I wouldn't call something like that NTR but that kind of story does exist, I don't remember the title or artist but basically the protagonist wants revenge on some guy so years later he fucks the wife and daughter to submission, but during the reveal the target is a sociopath that doesn't care at all, the protagonist breaks down realizing all his efforts were for naught.

in virtually all fiction in which you have to sympathize with a character, they are without exception at least somewhat physically attractive

this isn't exclusive to ntr and it isn't some alpha/beta dynamic - this is a base component of human psychology. people aren't able to sympathize with ugly peoples' suffering as much as they are to attractive ones

it's why 99% of people feel bad for the girl who's crying because she lost her balloon moreso than the homeless crackhead who endured a brutal childhood and is now begging for money on the street

>Face -
>Personality -
>Penis -
>For maximum humiliation of losing the girl to someone who is inferior in every way
This won't work because the 'alpha' would have to be some charismatic romanticist, and touchy feely things are more suited to women's tastes than men's when it comes to fapping.

>Not self inserting as the male beta who becomes addicted to the superior pussy and cheats on his beta female gf.

>NTR where the female isn't even interested in the beta male is the worst really, since the NTR is entirely inside the beta male's head.
Yeah, that Kurosawa shit is just ordinary pathetic. Makes me want to laugh at the little pest.

You're not supposed to fap to it in the first place.
Go out and get a job. Kiss a girl. Stop being a bitch.

Normalfags are worse than NTRfags. Fuck off.

Oh my, so women really don't 'love' do they? They just love what you can do for them. Once that thing they love about what you can do for them begins to fade they'll begin looking for it elsewhere in another man. Goodness that's awful.

2D is so much nicer.

Why metric are we using here exactly?
Income? Happiness? Number of times one has unloaded into a Japanese sex toy?

> Sup Forums turns into /r9k/ every single time real women are mentioned
w h y

>Why would you want to self insert as the person who's getting raped?
Because ahegao mindbreak looks extremely pleasurable?

Number of pro-normalfag posts made on Sup Forums. The scale goes from 0 (acceptable) to =>1 (unacceptable).

Why the fuck are you quoting me for your /r9k/ shit? I just accused user of being a woman because apparently they're clueless to the importance of dick size.

Goodness gracious, such a nasty temper you have.

Because /r9k/ speaks the truth even if you don't want to admit it. One other truth that many don't like to admit however is that men aren't much better.

How about NTR that teaches the guy a life lesson?

How is a bigger dick objectively better if, as you yourself said, women don't really care for that? Is it one of those locker room talk things where you start with trying to get girls to notice you, but as you keep listening to dudebros you delude yourself into thinking that it's the girls who should change their priorities to like what the dudebros say they ought to like?
Don't get me wrong, I'm bigoted towards absolutely everyone and everything, but /r9k/ is motivated exclusively by the desire to excuse their failures, making their attempts at explaining human behaviour hilariously pathetic.

>as you yourself said, women don't really care for that
Learn to read.

I just fap to the trainwreck, character design, sex scene and ahegao.

Why the fuck do I need to self insert?

Sup Forums's been like that before /r9k/ existed. People won't admit that board is one big mirror reflecting the site's ugliness.

All right, explain it to me again like I'm stupid.

I am not

You're even dumber than that lad. I'm actually pretty sure that you visit /r9k/ and/or Sup Forums.

>if you can dissect a fetish you belong in /r9k/ and/or Sup Forums
Sorry but that's where we send dumb people like you.

You don't even understand why I called you dumb, do you, dummy?

I'm more interested in the possibility of Netori that teaches the guy a life lesson.

Your logic is that of "if you can dissect a fetish you belong in /r9k/ and/or Sup Forums" so I don't think I can guess the logic behind your name calling.

> Your logic is that of
No, it isn't, you dummy. You just keep digging yourself in deeper.

Explain why you think I visit /r9k/ and Sup Forums then. Or are you just going to keep going "nuh uh NUH UHHH!!" and pretend you're winning? Not even expecting a quality reply from you so don't feel pressured.

God if you could turn all of this thread's anal pain into a cock. UNFUNFUNF

> does the usual "women are bitches and whores because they like Chad instead of me!" routine
> acts surprised when called out on his behaviour
Not sure if you're pretending or really are this stupid.

>"women are bitches and whores because they like Chad instead of me!" routine
Literally where the fuck did you see that in my post?

>not self-inserting as the cock itself

>this whole thread

I will never understand why do robots and polyps keep pretending that if they don't say something about themselves explicitly, then nobody could possibly guess it, especially given how eager they are to accuse others of having hidden motives and of just lying in general.

Tachibana's lesson is how to thoroughly defeat the cock.

Just to double check, quote the post you're referring to and you think that I wrote. Also quote one sentence which best fits your description.

In which version though? I've heard shit from all over the place.

You keep doing it, you know.
What really confuses me is that they understand they're below average smarts-wise, regardless of what they pretend to be, but they still keep acting like nobody could be onto their game even when it's obvious that it's not the case.

>If in NTR the reader is supposed to self insert as the beta male, why is it that the beta male are rarely uglier than the alpha?
Because nobody wants to outright admit "yes, I am the ugly man that nobody wants". Most so-called self-insert characters in anime and manga aren't ugly, they're just bland and vague. The prevalence of ugly men fucking the woman in eromanga is about degradation, not self-insertion. It's about the girl being so blinded by her sexual desires that she stops caring about the humiliation (or even starts enjoying it) of having sex with this ugly man. That's what is erotic about that scenario. Also, it's just a cliche that unoriginal mangaka throw in for the sake of it.

The logic is largely the same in NTR manga, except the focus is on sexual jealousy on the part of a male character. The woman betraying her husband/boyfriend for a man so ugly and repulsive simply because he can sexually please her while the husband/boyfriend can not. She will forgo her dignity and take on that humiliation purely to get the one thing her husband/boyfriend can not provide and that humiliates the male character and heightens the jealousy. That's also why it's gotta be a big dick, not a small one. Dick size is a sore spot for many men.

I've put way too much thought into this.

>"yes, I am the ugly man that nobody wants".
I admit it to myself all the time.

No really, quote the post you're referring to and you think that I wrote. I have a feeling you're mistaking me for someone else, and now with this post I have a feeling you've realized this as well yet you're too proud to just bow out.

So go ahead, point me to the /r9k/-Sup Forums post I made and tell me how it's /r9k/-Sup Forums. Or are you yet again just going to stall with "nuh uh! NUH UH! NUH UHHHHHH!!" shit?

At the very end the old hag refuses to be cummed inside by the jock

Wow, this is just pathetic. Forget your original post, you keep acting like a robot polyp that you are and you don't even understand what gives you away.


How can you faggots self-insert as any of them?

Have you got a gf or something before?

I thought as much. Typical underage faggot who knows he's wrong yet just has to get the 'last word in' with mindless shitposts. Whatever, this is the last (You) you're getting from me. Have fun kid.