What are the best places to wait out the collapse of society and go full hermit mode?

what are the best places to wait out the collapse of society and go full hermit mode?

hardmode: with a good internet connection

North Dakota

Fuck off, we're full!

I actually second this. I have family I visit out there and there are no minorities other than native americans but its like they all live on the reservations.
North Dakota has some diversity but its like the "separate but equal" actually worked because I have never seen them.

Also relatives had good internet service 100/5

Iceland or Northern Norway. I also know about islands in the pacific where lots of vegetables grow free for the picking, remote from anyone.

Antarctica, duh....

you dont need internet if you live in a good place. you can actually, ya know, live a good life instead of being a slave who relies on internet to alleviate the slow drip of misery that is existence.

If a war breaks out, the first thing that might happens is that electricity goes out. People will be scared and hamster food, looting will take place. The first days is critical for survival. In the yugoslavian war, most civilians died within the three first weeks, if you can survive that, you are good.

Iceland is hard to go full hermit in because nothing grows here, but I guess you can make a living off fishing?

Does potatoes grow? I can live of dryfish and moss if i have to.

Go home, laddie

They don't have potatoes... I just want potato and fish

Potatoes do grow here, but the lack of light might cause you to go insane. Which is all a part of the hermit experience, I suppose.

>drinking alcool

That's why our womens age really bad

Patagonia. Especially the areas near to the Andes mountains.
The Chilean side is 100% forests and rain is abundant, so the water supply is not a problem. Deer inhabit the area (Huemul) as well as hare and rabbits. Obviously fish is abundant.
You can practice dryland farming, so to produce Mediterranean crops.

Great landscape, clean sea, conservative as fuck

Come on now, Jean, don't be acting high and mighty. Your culture has always been all about wine and sex.

tasmania if you don't mind inbreds and greenies


full of white people. niggers can't live in the hills

The argentine side has its green parts, but the desert is not really empty, animals like Ñandú (Emu relatives, to hunt them may cause tensions with Emu Nation), Hare and Mountain Lions that hunt the Guanacos (pic related).

Internet may be a problem if all of Europe is dead user, no solution to that.


You can get a satellite receiver, theyre not much larger than old phones. Take it anywhere you want.

Provided youll be able to generate the electricity to keep it going - which isnt much.