Too many red pills I never even considered...I’m fucking done anons, I loved dinosaurs.

Other urls found in this thread:


you're so red-pilled that you've literally looped back to the beliefs of 20th century Texans. do you feel special yet?

but, dinosaurs are cool

Birds do not exist?


oh they did existed back than!!!
but fun fact is they cant exist today in their size cause of the gravity of the planet since the tallest animal that can exist these days is the giraffe... it has to do with pumping blood and blood pressure.

The tallest animal is the blue whale. Try again.

This and flat earth are all about exploiting what I call "False Equivalence Syndrome". If the name didn't give it away already, it means the victim is incapable of using reason to re-establish a "mental footing" in reality when confronted with information that suggests they have been lied to by authority figures. It is often co-morbid with symptoms of cognitive dissonance.

This is /sci/ or /x/ material, not Sup Forums material.

they chirp outside your window, retard

saging this slide thread

how deep does the rabbit hole go?

a fucking 29 minute long video? Red pills should be short and sweet as well as easy to distribute to normies that only have 2 gigs worth of data on their t-mobile plan.

Also not really presented in a Sup Forums manner

What are fossils embedded in layers of rock?

no, it has to do with air percentage

When dinosaurs existed there was a fuck ton of plants.
They produced a fuck ton of oxygen.
Well that is why everything got bigger including insects.

But once asteroid came and wiped out the dinosaurs AND a huge percentage of plant life, including trees.
There never was after that. I period where the oxygen got as high as it was before the great extintion.

and THAT tardanon, is why dinosaurs cannot exist in this time period.

They would need oxygen masks and tanks today.


Current oxygen is 21 volume %.
You know that the world would literally be a giant bonfire if it was 30 or higher? oxygen is very similair to Fluorine and it shows m80.

Is that proven science? I thought that was just a theory

Nuclear Fission was just a theory too :^)

there were also much higher CO2 levels back then.

Immigrants flood was also a theory too =]

>Randoms mutations will evolve into a new species
>Random mutations in my OS source code will make it perfect, over time.
Back to school evolution fag.

In the carboniferous period it was 35% oxygen

People are working on fission though.

>not believing in evolution
how does it feel to be a brainlet

You tell me.

It literally does.


That's nuclear fusion. Fission is fully understood and do-able.

guess what, humans and dinosaurs did live in the same time line. it's called the present.

Derp. That's what I meant. Fusion.

Yeah, but there's a reason that animals that large can only exist in the ocean. Retard.

I'll grab a random sample of "Texans" from 1901 and they'd be smarter than you and better at everything under the Sun.

what do you call it when your genes don't get passed down

The end of the line.

The germans are making fusion generators, though

the death of the last human on earth

Keeping the reaction stable is a real issue though.

That's hyperbole. They are working on the very early stages of a series of a hand full of steps that lead up to a total possibility of fusion. USA with Japan, France and the UK, Germany, Poland, Netherlands are working on the same project.

Are dinosaurs a cover for giants?

Dinosaurs DID exist and humans co-existed with them many millions of years ago.

Bill Hicks was wrong then...

There is an alien race that lives in 4th density that are reptilian. The masons are working to create a NWO religion that includes them. The dinosaur myth is so they can say they are the oldest species and were here first with isn't true. The lizards invaded this solar system in the last 309 thousand years and have molded earth in a feeding ground. You are not allowed to leave.

The NAZI's are their servants and live secretly underground.

With the reptilians are the Draco, the Draco have wings and can be very big they can't quite fit in the human reality as they are in dimensions outside of 3D. The lizards are ancient and can speak English and read your mind.

>Amerimutt flag
>Complete retard
What a surprise

>Stupid ass dinosaurs are fake threads are kept up
>antarctica threads get moved to bant

Mods are cia disinfo niggers

>redpill should be short
>a fucking 29 minutes long

proceeds to watch "hitler:greatest story never told" for 6 hours straight

>The Rothschilds

Yes, goyim... masons.

You are a faggot


Bones are found buried close to the surface in old rocks > bones must also be old

Fluent in Spanish too!

The greatest story never told is that the Nazi's were left wing.

>we determine how old the rocks are by how old the fossils are
>we determine how old the fossils are by how old the rocks are

Pol is pure retarded. Glp tier stupid. No one here is red pilled.

That's what I'm thinking. Coincidentally, the bones were estimated to only be only thousands of years old, instead of millions, which explains why those skeletons were more complete.

They probably would have done it with those elongated skulls too had they not already discovered tribes with neck rings.

Your mutated source code doesn't get to red with another os and pass on its mutated genes dumbass. If a mutation benefits the animal there is a higher chance of survival and therefore breeding, hence mutation is passed to offspring, improving the species over generations. Your shitty code isn't going to fuck anything, just like you.

The real red-pill: Dinosaurs not only existed but where highly intelligent, more so than modern humans. When the asteroid came some left and the rest got wiped out. The ones that left are the reptilians we know of today from Ufology.

Circular logic has always worked for me because circular logic works for me.

Go to Glen Rose Tx. Dinosaur Valley state park. You can actually put your feet in fossilized dinosaur tracks

omg they were liberals omg woke

Better at dying of dysentery maybe.

>> same size earth 1 million years ago had less gravity

Youre an idiot

Those werent the humans that are alive today. They were much smarter than we are. Also, the dinosaurs were also intelligent and sentient.

>Earth had less gravity 1mil years ago
>Gravity increases with age

kek Sup Forums is the board of intellectuals.

What if the asteroids happened a lot sooner than 65 million years.

What if the asteroids happened around the time the 10th planet exploded leaving the asteroid field next to mars. Why is their an asteroid field in the space where a planet could be? It was a planet. It exploded and mars had a giant war that made the surface uninhabitable. The survivors where brought to earth.


Maybe it had a very dense atmosphere?

Interesting notion. Care to elaborate more?

dinosaurs existed,if you say anything else you are a retard and a threat to our movement,what if vice screencapped this thread right now with the headline "Sup Forums thinks dinosaurs are a conspiracy theory" and then "these are trumps supporters"


guy literally doesn't know how to science.

Yes. it's an accepted fact about oxygen levels back then, tard nugget

>Reading VICE
>Believing anything VICE says
>Even mentioning that garbage

Begone shill!

Dinosaurs are all around they are called lizards. They don't get that big because before the flood everything got bigger and much older. Do reptiles stop growing? What would they look like at 400 years old? How old were people before the flood?

This is more retarded than all of /x/ combined.

> Don't think for yourself, goy.
> Trust our authority over you.


Yes they did

most dinosaurs didn't exist, pol is not a place to discuss actual truth, you will only find blue pilled gays from scabbit here

>Sup Forums prides themselves on being redpilled
>believes what they are taught in school and college

I checked the first few claims in his video (the timing) and they are incorrect. A dinosaur was scientifically described about thirty years before the guy coined "dinosaurs"

Asteroids did not selectively kill off the Dinosaurs. Why would that make sense? Who told you that and why did you believe them?

i honestly believe dinosaurs and humans coexisted million of years ago. Im not talking about ape-like humans but I am talking about humans like us, homo sapiens, even smarter than us.

>Those werent the humans that are alive today.

Those were the humans that are alive today if you take reincarnation into account.

>They were much smarter than we are.

This is true. They were also much taller on average than we are.

>Also, the dinosaurs were also intelligent and sentient.

Everything is intelligent and sentient, but to varying degrees.

There's old cave paintings, pots, and clothing with dinosaurs on them. Killing them, riding them, running from them.

>6 hours
Just the short version then. Weak.

Prove to me that the Dinocaust happened 6 billion years ago ?

Humans on earth are a genetic experiment. Wars are fought in space over control of genetics. When the reptilians came they altered human genetics to make you more controllable.

Above and around us is an etheric realm where the energies of the hormonal glands are harvested. In this realm which is 4D the reptilians live. You can't see them with physical eyes as they are in a different frequency.

They altered human genetics so that they could feed off the energies of human sexuality and fear, perhaps even terror.

Apparently a long time ago there was a battle for control of this solar system and the good forces lost and earth became controlled by the Draco Reptilians.

European education.

And man never went to the moon ever

They did exist, but they were all tiny like birds today. Their fossils have expanded as the universe expanded. That's my scientific explanation.

The bible, agamas, and other historical ancient texts never talked about dinosaurs because they didn't exist.

>29 minutes of tinfoil hattery
Jesus fucking christ OP learn how to make a thread. Fucking Summarize!

>1 post by this ID

I seriously have a hard time believing in Dinosaurs as I grow older. It just doesnt make sense. How did such big creatures exist. Biology wise it should be impossible, right? I just dont get it

Boy. You're some kind of dumb.

>this whole post

still more believable than flat earth.

OP never been to hollow earth
>tfw when youve been to hollow earth
took this picture right now needle dick

get with the times

The biggest animal to ever exist... exists today.

So all those bones being publicly displayed in museums were secretly manufactured in China?

Which one?
a whale?

what is that flag? it tells me ''unknown''

And yet our feet are arched....