You will go to hell for racism. You are not a good Christian if you practice racism...

You will go to hell for racism. You are not a good Christian if you practice racism, read Galatians and learn that we are all God's creation. To be racist is to be against God and follow Satan!

>implying all Christians before about the 1980s were going to hell.

There are no Christians in heaven

Paul was the wolf in sheep's clothing (Benjamite)

>mfw god literally turned cain into a nigger

Then i guess billions(trillions?) Of Catholic, Protostant, Orthodox, Christians for thousands of years (up until athiestic modern age) will be going to hell. Along with all the catholic popes, archbishops and orthodox patriarchs.

>tfw you realize all the races descended from Adam and Eve
>and we don't even know what their race was

Hey buddy, you are not a good Christian. All people's are God's creation and must be loved equally. Repent before the Lord Jesus Christ so you may be forgiven for your sin.


Sin is sin no matter who does it.

>and must be loved equally
By GOD, yes. That certainly doesn't mean that we have to hate ourselves enough to racially mix and genocide ourselves. In fact, it gives us more of a reason to perpetuate and spread ourselves and our beliefs. We don't do this out of "supremacy", but out of love for God.

> It's ok to be white

Prevailing cultural attitudes during the creation of the church included racism. Mark 7:24-30 shows that Jesus used the racial slurs of the day on people of other groups.

>To let someone rape your daughter without a fight is gods plan.

We need to erase all Abramitic influences.

Its basicly opiods for society

Provide the passage that states such.


Fuck off Satan

Jesus was a Hindu ('natural way') guru, nothing more or less. His "miracles" were based on his far eastern knowledge.

>Be Christ cuck
>Ignore Jewish looking priest rape kids
>Attend church even though child raping priest I'd always drunk as hell
>Mindlessly parrot "Jesus was the perfect son of God (and only he is Gods son)"
>"Oh yeah Jesus was like totally God incarnate simultaneously as being Gods son"
>"We are all made in God's image"

Nigger. Jews destroyed Jesus message, I've never heard such shit.
Christ cuck have a fake religion built around (99.99%) of what other kikes claimed/claimed Jesus said. Literally Moslem tier retarded.

For comparison, imagine if larp nigger NatSocs only read about what others claimed Hitler said, even those close to him and mainly ignore the few things Hitler said.
Now of course Hitler and Jesus were not the same person but they both followed Dharma ('natural way') and held free speech and truth above all else.

Also, Jesus was adamantly against organised religion it even says so in the nigger 56%er bible (King Nigger James Version).

>Its basicly opiods for society

(((The opium of the masses))) you say?

Where have I heard that one before?

Racism isn't real.
It's called prejudice, and everyone has it.

>Jesus was a Hindu

1 John 3:15

I'll read stuff that wasn't written by inbred sandniggers

the old testament is the most racist and xenophobic text ever written


racism isnt real, there are no races but subspecies


Catholics are Satanists! Not real Christians.

Can cherry pick from plenty of other spots in the book to argue the exact opposite. But you already know that Jewboy.

Blacks are a creation of Evil. Racemixing with them is a sin against God. We were never meant to coexist amongst them either. That was a devious plan of the Talmudist Kikes (SATANISTS) who were the original slave traders.

Blacks are subhuman garbage and are not counted among God's children, and as such they will NEVER be admitted into His kingdom.

divorce is not "white", marriage is

Didn't seem to be the case when Jesus expelled the Jew- I'm sorry the ((("Merchants"))).

duh, they were white

You are half the problem with modern society. You accuse reactionaries, i.e., whites that point out non-white "sins", of being the problem. We are just shedding light on the evil and hypocrisy that the like of you will never address. Plus you have never read the bible all the way through, I can tell, or you would remember Abraham sent his son back to Chaldea to get a wife, because he didn't want him to marry a Canaanite woman. God isn't politically correct, and is no respecter of men. He does not care if he hurts your feelings.

wtf I thought that guy was (((based)))
fucking disgusting. I would never agree to marrying off a white woman to a nig

Bible says blacks aren't people. Next!