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This means Flynn is cooperating with mueller.

Trump needs to fire him now




Hahahaha so it's confirmed Flynn flipped. This is YUUUUUGE

Your retarded mother


Oh he flipped alright. But it's not on Trump...

>thinks this means Trump is getting Impeached
I can smell your desperation.

>Turns to shit
Soembody hasn't watched the economy.


That ship already sailed. No way the cuckservatives let him get away with firing him now.

He would have made the absolute best foreign policy our country ever had. Feels bad

This is why trump was going crazy on twitter

Mueller is not /ourguy/ you faggot. Flynn made up some shit about trump and now he’s going to fucking lie to save his own ass

>when you run your campaign on law and order but everyone you appoint fails to correctly disclose their foreign ties and breaks numerous laws

We already knew this like 6 months ago.

He broke the law. He deserves it. Tick tock.

After all, Trump has been so helpful in ending Obamacare, reforming taxes, and treating GOP congressman and Senators with utmost respect.

Where are we at with Comey's purgery?

Kushner next

I'm not sure what's going on, but from an outside glance it looks like Mueller is really serving Mitch McConnell.

They are destroying everybody who helped getting Trump to power.
To dissuade future "Trumps" from ever happening again.

And Trump is just sitting there and letting it happen.

If he fires him now congress will impeach him for obstruction of justice. Trump has shitty lawyers honestly. It's mind boggling he doesn't have better representation. Makes me wonder if Cobb is intentionally misleading him.

>still nothing relating to russia or the election

really makes you think

You are fucking retarded if you think this. Go back to sleep.

He’s being fucking stabbed in the back. He’s getting shit advice

Who might he be fingering next?

American education

Respect is earned, moron. If you think these narcissistic, deceiving parasites deserve respect then you are too delusional to understand politics.

liberals live in a dream world of their own design.

How the fuck can the former head of the DIA be so stupid?

>Talk to foreign ambassador - knowing that their communications are intercepted
>Lie to FBI about the call - knowing that they will have a recording/transcript of the call

>not related to russia
are you stupid?

Cobb was also the guy who said this would be wrapped up by Thanksgiving. That's something no sane individual should have been saying.

Hahaha you’re fucking dumb if you think he flipped on anyone but trump. It’s like you don’t know mueller is a fucking snake


Came here to post this.

>How the fuck can the former head of the DIA be so stupid?

Keep in mind he was FIRED from the DIA for being batshit crazy.

>How the fuck can the former head of the DIA be so stupid?
exactly... clearly he isn't that stupid

>democrat general under obama flips
>this is somehow bad for trump


Exactly. I really can't figure it out. Either Cobb is lying to Trump to appease him, which is incredibly unethical for a lawyer to do to his client. Or he's lying to Trump because he's in on the plan to bring him down. OR he's just incompetent as a lawyer.

>are you stupid
The stupid people are the ones who think Trump is heading some kind of vast 007 Kremlin conspiracy to infiltrate America.



Are you dumb or just trollling?

So the reason the grand jury was delayed was because Flynn got a deal and flipped

>Respect is earned.
>Narcissistic deceiving parasite
I know Trump sucks but we are working on it. ;)

Is Flynn finally being charged for taking money from Russia to use federal agents to kick some ranchers off of land for a russian uranium mining company?

>literally just making false statements to investigators by ommiting contacts with the Russian ambassador
>the contents of the contacts actually make the Russians look levelheaded and us look like assholes

Wow, this is worse for the Dems

I think it's a combo of incompetence and appeasement.

Go back to prepping your bull Sven

Someone doesn't understand how the economy works.

rural and suburban retards on suicide watch

You're seriously trying to brush off Trump's former NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR as just some democrat who worked for Obama? You're either trolling or uninformed.

>Keep in mind he was FIRED from the DIA for being batshit crazy.
you mean he was fired from the DIA because he exposed that we funded/armed/trained ISIS, you lying fuck.

He ran the NSA for Trump you complete fucking imbecile.

>Worked for Obama for 2 years
>Worked for Trump for less than a month
You are the retard

>youtube evidence

Dude, lying to the FBI is the weakest possible charge they can levy. It's their last-ditch response to coming up with nothing of substance.

"Oh I see you did nothing illegal, but you lied to us about dates, figures, or persons contacted, hmm hmm HEM HEM what EVER will we do about this? Oh, I know, charge you with lying to us which is a fucking crime because we say so."

It also tells me Flynn's """deal""" with Meuller fell through. Probably because Flynn didn't give him any juicy details.

nah retard no amount of spinning is going to save Drumpf.HE WILL BE IMPEACHED.

Oh shit, he copped to a lesser charge. That's a fucking plea deal and they're purposely leaking it to shake Trump and Co the fuck up.

This is getting gooooooooodd.

What is the relevancy of him working under Obama for 2 years?

Somebody doesn't know the difference between "leading indicators," "lagging indicators," and "wages."

PS: Sally Yates was right.

It's really something. Trump was even warned about hiring him, by multiple people.

>lying to the FBI isn't illegal
>not properly disclosing foreign ties is not illegal

MUH RUSSIA so far:

Humuspopulos lied to the FBI, case closed.
Flynn lied, case closed.
Manafort lied, case closed.

It's just hilarious how this investigation has nothing yet you idiots are foaming at the mouth. Go back and look at the Uranium 1 deal. Now that is the James Bond movie you crave.

Coming to a fake news channel near you. Merry Christsupermax!

If you loons actually think Trump is at the center of a Bond style conspiracy to take over the United States from within, you need help

So this is why Trump has been flinging shit in every direction all week.

Makes sense.


That's the lesser charge he took for a plea deal


>What is the relevancy of him working under Obama for 2 years?
He was the Director of the fucking DIA

>>youtube evidence
don't you mean video of former DIA head admitting that we supported ISIS on Al Jazeera?

We already know special prosecutors always get someone and always get them for “lying” to people who are legally allowed to lie to them. That’s why Obama and his DOJ would never have allowed one.

Oh shit, we're going to have to impeach Trump AND Obama.

Arguing with shills gets you nowhere.


No, dipshit, go back and read my post again. Making false statements to the FBI is illegal for mostly bullshit reasons. They aren't even charging him for failing to disclose foreign ties, PROBABLY because they couldn't find anything beyond his normal duties. You realize that's why he isn't being charged as a foreign agent, right?

Flynn is a patriot

I'm sorry if i am interrupting high quality shitposting here, but may i ask a question?
Why exactly convincing frenemy state to moderate it's response to the sanctions you are imposing on it is considered to be treason? Am i missing something here? As far as i can tell, this is an accomplishment, not treason and\or failure...

>>not properly disclosing foreign ties is not illegal
not what he was charged with you lying fuck. he was charged with making false statements to the FBI, which is precisely why everyone says you never talk to the FBI

what did he lie about ?


Do you just ignore the parts of the news you don't like?

Papadopoulos is cooperating with the investigation.

The only value in the Uranium One story is to sell fauxspose books to conservatards.

>MUH RUSSIA so far:
>Humuspopulos lied to the FBI, case closed.
>Flynn lied, case closed.
>Manafort lied, case closed.
please by all means you fucking leaf, don't point out that Flynn is the only one that even MENTIONS Russia - the others had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA
>open Manafort indictment
>ctrl+f "Russia"
>no results found

Why would he lie about his normal duties? He can't be that retarded?

And Hillary still isn't President, cry some more

Well fucking shit looks like the obama administration is fucking done for

whats the next step of your master plan, Flyn?

>The only value in the Uranium One story is to sell fauxspose books to conservatards.
wow that's some double-tiered disinfo you got brewing there. UraniumOne is absolutely cut and dry treason but don't worry, Hillary's emails were nothing

I don't see a plea deal anywhere, could you point me to it? I'm just using the Manafort-Gates-Papadopoulos precedent of "literally nothing amounting to more nothing."

this is the Pepe Trump deserves

>Thinks Trump is going to Jail

Because the admininstration is not only treasonsous it is also fucking incompetent.

>he just lied to the FBI for no reason xD
the absolute state of the_donald

Trump is so fucked. He even tweeted and hinted that he knew about this back in December. LMAO

...and? How is that relevant to these charges?

>Mueller is /ourguy/, Hillary and Obama are done
No indictments against Hillary, Obama or anyone from their cabinets/offices
>Russia is a nothing burger
Two minions down and the whole WH shaking in fear

Keep deluding yourselves.

I've been trying to keep up with all of this, and I am brain dead at this point. Who is working for who???

fuck GOP members

they are all jew puppets who sold this country out

Read the accusations. They're trying to nail him for claiming he spoke to Russian ambassadors over a diplomatic crisis when there's nothing to suggest he did.

They're claiming he """lied""" about a specific circumstance two times.