Why are the holocaust jew tattoo numbers not in the millions? Highest numbers seen are only in low hundred thousands

Why are the holocaust jew tattoo numbers not in the millions? Highest numbers seen are only in low hundred thousands.

The last prisoners should be over 6 million

The tats were done after the war.

you can just take your logic and reason and get the fuck out
facts are racist and anti semetic
six gorillion jews were murdered on Holocoasters and burned alive in ovens that baked oven baked pizzas for the guards

take your logic and reason elsewhere holocaust denier

user bcs a much many nazi (germany) camps

> deletee

Because millions were killed. Only a few survived dumbass.


The tats are fake.

>not getting it covered up with a badass koi fish

jews are such whingers

First in, last out? All the 100k tattoo jews staying alive, and all the million tattoo jews died?

>Only a few
Lel. You're funny

>perhase he is wondering why you would tattoo a man before gassing him to death

Stop denying holocaust because it is fucking pathetic. Guess what, we in Poland know how many jews were living before the war in our cities and we could clearly see the difference after the war.

Does that tattoo really look like it was done by a German? LOL

Because the tattoos were by camp and not overall numbers

What are you talking about?

I am talking about the numbering system used by the prisoners. Do you have an answer to my question?

>so much this

Yeah because they got relocated down to Palestine to form their own nation of Israel.

before spreading the troglodyte antisemitic rhetoric you picked up on krautchan or w/e ask yourself the following:

is it possible that not all Jews were murdered in concentration/death camps?

is it possible that there were many concentration/death camps?

is it possible that the tattoo system wasn't used in all those concentration/death camps?

is it possible that it wasn't regularly used in those concentration/death camps where it was implemented?

is it possible that you have insufficient knowledge on the subject and/or that you've been misled by ill meaning people?

is it possible that tens of thousands of people who devoted their lives in research of this subject are ALL wrong and some anonymous guy on cripplechan or stormfront is correct?

Thank you.

Yes polak, because 60% of the jews left to the west or east before the war even started. The reamaining jews in germany served in the wehrmacht (150.000) - another 40.000 in civil services. The rest was shipped to palestine via the transfer agreement or left for england/usa/france etc.

We know you love the holohoax, after the jews, the poles are the most desperate for the lie to live, because your nation is built upon eternal victimhood.

This. If this was actually done during the war, the numbers would be in German. They're in English, thus clearly fake.

A lot of Jews simply didn't even get Tats, they dragged off to be killed right when the train wagon doors were opened

no one is denying that a large number of jews were sent to work camps by the Nazis

these work camps were then cut off from supplies by the war

Many in these work camps died from Typhus and malnutrition

These camps were "liberated" by advancing allies and used for propaganda purposes, and recharacterized as "concentration camps" and later, "death camps"

Hitler did nothing wrong, many, many jews were rounded up and executed, but this took place in Communist Russia, not Germany

Sup Forums >jews are bad and we should gas them .
Also Sup Forums
>the hollohox was a lie hurr durr .
Pick one faggot .

and also this

>tens of thousands of people who devoted their lives in research of this subject

listen to the (((professional holocaust historians))) goyim

>number of jews were sent to work camps

I am. Have you ever met a laborious jew?

They were internment camps, like the jap ones.

The guards in these camps were rarely german though, but troops from east germany - some camps were run entirely by ukrainians.

Also daily reminder that concentration camps were legal under the geneva convention in times of war, which is why everybody had them for the enemy within.

That was their credit score not how many were in camps

Why mad?
I'm just asking a question, feel free to answer.

Why would you tattoo someone if you're going to incinerate their remains?

>german numbers

Those work camps of yours were as (((((workish))))) as the gulags .

Such a waste of digits on a meme comment

Tattoos were only used at Auschwitz. People who were shot at places like Babi Yar didn't get numbers.

>trust me, I saw it
Sure thing, buddy.

Weren't soldiers tattooed as well?


Answer his question regarding the number system. No one gives a shit about your little podunk town stories
> b-b-but my town had less joos after
Yeah no shit, they were taken to concentration camps. The question is how many and did they actually all die.

Go on. Answer why we see no numbers above a couple hundred thousand. It would be far more likely that kikes entering closer to.the end of the war would survive than those who were in the camps since the beginning. Basic logic. Provide a logical explanation as to why we never see later numbers, and no dressing it up with feelings like the retarded and worthless faggot that we both know you are.

That's some convenient retconning

Fucking underrated post

in answering those questions with a simple yes or no you'll find the answer you (supposedly) seek

>is it possible that you have insufficient knowledge on the subject and/or that you've been misled by ill meaning people?

Same question to you bub

Implying that the number of jews surving is more important than the intent of those nazis .

Yeah next holocaust we need to use a combination of brands or ear clipping. Shit is so efficient even a Ukrainian can't fuck it up.

Is it possible that we live in a simulation, and none of this is real :O

>6 million killed
>a few hundred thousand imprisoned at labor camps

you see how the difference in numbers and the correlation with what was actually done puts a hole in your conspiracy theory?

Why? Noone has ever claimed that every Jew was tattooed under the Nazis.

check mate.

because they only tattooed the Jews going to Auschwitz 1, not Birkenau or any of the Operation Reinhard camps, or the camps outside of Poland; or the Jews who were shot by the SD or Wehrmacht

>crosshatched seven
>upward stroke on the one
>crosshatched zero
german numbers are actually a thing user

Look up numbering system. They only had maybe hundred thousa d or so tattooed to keep track of who was russian commie (au prefix to number) and i believe it went with a and b prefix up set number with intent to go a to z but it was scrapped at b.

This man is dead.

Interesting. I wonder if there are any duplicates out there...

we got different colors depending on what camp we where in, i was in treblink so i got this color.

the ones with red and purple and green color tattoo are all dead

Of course not, they all check with each other first

>implying the number of surviving jews doesnt cut the legs out from under the holocaust

How old are you?

How many jews do you think died ?

The large number of Jews that stayed in Germany, served in the Wehrmacht, and lived normal lives during the Third Reich is what redpilled me on the Holocaust. If they really wanted to kill all the Jews, why did they leave so many alone? Why did they let them serve in the military? Why did they actively try to create a Jewish homeland? They wanted Jewish influence gone, yes, but I doubt they were genocidal to the point of killing 6 million Jews.

There was no Holocaust Idiot

I'd answer with no. I've read extensively on the subject including Nuremberg trials transcripts and biographies of German high command officers. For example, in Manstein's "Lost Victories" he talked about the issues he had with maintaining discipline among the ranks if there wasn't equitable distribution of loot after the (nominally clean) Wermacht would exterminate areas with high % of Jews

We should get all together in one place and find out. There's a lot of jews so we'll need a big spot with bungalow sleeping quarters, a dining hall, and a fence to keep them from being counted twice. It would be like summer camp.

Don t tell me you caught the b8 m8

How about a gulag denial thread just to change things up a bit.

Why doesn’t someone just take the tattoo ink of one of the human lamps and date that shit?.



So when they say 6,000,000 Jews died in the holocaust, what they really mean is that the man with the 6,000,000 tattoo died

That is a very expensive watch

>young skin
>says he survived the Holocaust
You a vampire nigga

This is a good tattoo.
Except it needs to be an arm band that just keeps adding zeros and arbitrarily places decimal points.

Each camp had there own number sets you dumb nigger

White privilege and a racist number and math system.

Nah. Teenage fashion jeans, cut marks, no jewish gene arm hair, hand looks max like a 30 yo, tattoo is too fresh for a 1940

At least I taught my kids the truth about the Holocaust. No, imprisoning the jews in labor camps wasnt good, but was necessary, as jews are subversive creatures by nature and cannot be trusted in a time of war.

I taught them how to prove the 6 gorillion number was a fantasy, and how Communist Russia was far more guilty than the Germans, and how Hitler did nothing wrong.

>human lamps
>jews with tattoos
cause that shit ain't real

I'm 55 y-, I mean, I am 97 years old and very sick and old and sad, i miss my wife very much!

they killed my family, plz gief shekels!

also support israel


> they're numbered per camp or area
> not all camps did it
> not all prisoners lasted long enough to get one
> only those doing manual labour got one
> you're mentally challenged and will used anything as evidence to further what you want to be the truth

why don't you find the official reasoning it can't be that difficult to find out

Oi vey! This reminds me of the six times I survived the gas chambers!

It's probubly fake.

You literal retard it was done on a camp by camp basis like motherfuckers didn't have email back then and a registry system linked up through the camps.

Alt Right monkeys are literal retarded mutts. Gas yourself

>translate from amerimutt:
>"i taught my kids how to have no friends and get suspended"
NK nuke muttmeric please


In the extermination camps where most were killed there were no tattoos. It was straight from the trains to the ovens.
Tattoos were only done in the actual concentration camps.

How fucking retarded can you faggot cunts get? Not all millions of Jews were kept in ONE fucking camp. There were multiple camps across multiple countries. Each camp had its own numbers. FUCKING IDIOTS. Fucking absolute brain dead motherfuckers. You give national socialism a bad name. Fuck off and die.

So you figured it! the holocaust did happen, but not how the jewish propaganda wants to show. 6 gorillion FCOL....not even people in Israel believe this, its just a psyop for them.

Why would they bother with a gas chamber when they could just stick them straight in the oven?


Bretty much this.

>why don't you find the official reasoning
because no official documents exist that show either the planning or execution of a continent-wide mass genocide

>anti semitism
Please prove your middle-eastern heritage first. If you trace your roots to Europe, then you are not a Semite.

They did not tattoo all the people that were in camps, and a lot of jews that were killed never made it to a camp, they just shot them in the head.

but... what about the holocoaster rides? was the train platform elevated so the passengers could be loaded directly into the holocoaster cars and have a fun filled ride to the ovens?

My dog escaped belzac

Dehomag employee PIN numbers. You’ll need Dehomag’s records to figure out how their numbering system worked. Unfortunately they are secret and kept away from freedom of information requests.

Because they didn't store them all in one camp you idiot. They tattoo'd them as they entered their camps. The tattoo's applied there and not as a whole you racist.

how is that of any relevance though? I don't have to be Jewish to object people denying Holocaust

Or just shoot them.

Ok Shekeli Shoky come here so i can put a bullet through your forehead . But before that pls let me tatoo you k? ;*


germany pls

I'd recommend a pool as well. Sports fields too.