Why is America obsessed with Adolf?

Why is America obsessed with Adolf?

Do they secretly envy him as a leader?

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((((((Media)))))) and ((((((education))))) and ((((((pop culture)))))) push the idea that hitler was literally the worst person in all of human history.

Well genocide IS pretty bad.

American knowledge of history:

It's all they know.

the comparison is kind of weak since there were isolated incidents of previous presidents being compared to hitler

trump being compared to hitler is a daily occurrence perpetuated by billion dollar mainstream news corporations.

I watched a bill burr standup special awhile ago, and he asks the question why is Hitler regarded as the worst person alive when Stalin and Mao killed so many more people.

The audience got completely quiet. It was fascinating.

but tl;dr: jewish tricks


Also, it's not even that. It's that they portray hitler as some satanic spawn while conveniently ignoring atrocities commited by communists, the British and especially the mongols-in 10th grade history they even try to get students to argue a case that the mongols were good because they brought peace n sheit.

In American education, the only thing worse than hitler is America.

Implying they know the truth about any single one of those things

>since there were isolated incidents of previous presidents being compared to hitler

Actually, the democrats have compared *every single republican* running for office since the late 1930's to Hitler.

Every. Single. One. They really aren't a very creative group

oops...I meant every republican running for the office of president**

Hitler didn't have the highest kill count and his genocide wasn't the most brutal. So what makes him unique from all the rest?

(((Oh right)))

>It's all they know.

> push the idea that hitler was literally the worst person in all of human history.

This. Basically Hitler is pushed as the worst person ever. American's don't even bother reading about history or other people. Hitler is the BAD GUY POLITICAL LEADER in the last movie they saw. They get their ideas from the simplest places to get them like movies and TV.

So when they don't like someone in politics? Insert normie emotional association in lieu of logic -- "Person I Don't Like = Hitler!"

Hitler is our greatest export and nobody knows it was the Eternal Austrian as always. It's not fair.

lol the Jews thought Based Bill Clinton was Hitler. Gee I wonder why.


It's funny because, from an American viewpoint, Hirohito was way worse than hitler.

But we don't ever compare anyone to Hirohito because Das Rayciss and America wuz rayciss n sheit for killing Japanese in WW2.

If that is true, and if it is also true that burgers don't read, I am not surprised a certain someone sees them as...


So you're an evil anti-semite, obama leaf? Who knew

Pretty much. That's why I ignore it. And they get so pissy when you point it out too "You said this literal same exact thing about Bush and look what happened... Bush stepped down and went and fucked off on his ranch painting in his boxers all day."

It's a baseless assertion of "I DONT LIKE THIS PERSON!" but that sounds too personal and not smart enough so they try to compare them. "Did you BAD PERSON IN HISTORY also EAT BREAKFAST!? Wow.. They're like the same person!"

Because the jews control them. The last to oppose the jews in large scale, so he is the worst person ever.

literally that leafanon


It’s been shilled that hitler is literally the embodiement of evil and all wrongness


Too many Jews teaching in universities and Hitler it's the perfect escape goat for anything that is not exactly with the things i things, like in the (((media))) and blame a bunch of self righteous gullible people.

they think they are white/

>Do they secretly envy him as a leader?


Sad, but true

>Why are Christians obsessed with Satan? Do they secretly envy him as a leader?
Canadian education, ladies and germs.

This, growing up Hitler was basically portrayed as second only to Satan himself in terms of pure evil. We are that brainwashed

>linking to JIDF BPS

>and if it is also true that burgers don't read,

You don't even want to know dude. But the point is that reading also offers a bigger view of the world and history. Everything that gets filmed, gets really cut down and condensed as far as information goes. It's easier on the brain to watch something, but it's actually better for the brain and it literally expands when reading information. Meaning that with television the brain tends to just accept the information, but reading gets the brain THINKING about the information, trying to sort it out.

The normies get their information from very limited sources and thus have limited views on the world. Shallowness and pettiness is their essence. Shallow not just in aesthetics but in how they view literally everything -- the easiest and most surface level way of doing it.

But lots of people have done it. Hitler is equal to the devil in the narrative. You could probably take out the names in the Bible and fill it with American politicians; then start preaching it at the DNC.
The only reason he's still a relavent figure after 72 goddamn years is so Israel can exist.
The man has been dead for 72 years!
72 YEARS! Political stigma against him is losing its punch, especially now since he's thrown around like everybody's favorite political insult. He'll just become another figure in history like Napoleon but without a grave.

>The man has been dead for 72 years!

or has he!?

dun dun dun


Fuck off kraut, apparently our firebombs missed some of you

Jude and Untermensch

Hitler is one of the very few historical figures that Americans know anything about. And of course they do not know any details about Hitler as an historical figure, instead they know he is "bad".

Amerimuts jewish goy supreme.
That's why.
Just look how much of pride they take in bearing the mark of the jew aka being circumcised.

In the narrative.

> watching Bill Burr

That's a good one.
Nearly all of us amerinazis aren't mutts at all btw.


Nothing wrong with exterminating pests.

Jealousy and regret kek

WW2 shaped the new world order. American's in order to justify what happened, was sacrificed, and power consolidation had to provide a honest justification for the everything that could move people. Stopping a genocidal monster and saving the world is what they came up (I'm not denying the holocaust to be clear). America is an entity of true good, as a result. This has shaped our modern thinking and is why we are no longer isolationist. If we drop the ww2 story then we have only our action post ww2, which have been pretty awful in its own way, and we'd have to admit we're just out for ourselves and will steamroll anyone in the process, instead a being for the good of humanity. This in turn precipitates that hitler must be the one true evil and in turn our obsession with him

Stop user I don’t want to feel like dying today. Plz

Probably because we’re actually allowed to say his name without threat of imprisonment.

Jew media thats all you need to know.

Them being all black make it a little bit clearer? Jews are not white, their words not mine. They are the only superior race, they are supremacists.

fuck off leaf, your people elected a frog, those fucking people were subjugated here, rule 1 of civilization, dont give a fuck about the subjugated, you lose fgt

because we are indoctrinated with anti "nazi" propaganda from the day we are born

therein lies the most important thing to remember about it all.

we don't hear about joseph stalin every day. we don't hear about pol pot every day.
many people have done far worse things than the germans are charged with, yet all we ever hear about is them.

this fact should tell you everything you need to know about the nature of our reality.

rule 2: write in coherent sentences so people know what the fuck you're blathering about.

>not even the top genocidal
>treated like devil himself

Its not an objective measurement of evilness

Zundel was fucking based