Why do liberals hate having children? Why do they push the child free meme so much?

Why do liberals hate having children? Why do they push the child free meme so much?

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Kids are parasites
just the way it is

One and sometimes both:
>They have no spiritual identity or vocabulary, so they but importance on material things that do nothing for you like getting drunk and being consumers (expensive dinners, shopping, etc). This is made worse by the social engineering of the elites
>They are an active part of the social engineering machine, and so they post shit like that to convince white people not to have kids so that their masters can just import their voting base via immigration

they are a literal dead end. let them die off. have kids and home school them.

Because liberals are mentally still children and they believed the “never grow up” meme pushed by the media, so the thought of losing out on all that great “fun” going out and drinking makes them scared because they avoid responsibility like the plague.

>furthering the human race and doing the one thing all species of life are meant to do is bad

Kys childfree soycuck.

They're an investment

Article II of the Genocide Convention contains a narrow definition of the crime of genocide, which includes two main elements:

** A mental element: the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"; and
**A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively:
* Killing members of the group
* Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
* Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
* Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
* Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

Being a parent means having to law down the law, set boundaries, and be in charge, and they are too gutless/poorly socialized/self-absorbed to do any of that.

Because liberals have a child's mentality. They think that the purpose of life is to have fun. They don't understand responsibility.

white men have been indoctrinated to be fearful of make sexual advances on women and to not desire starting a family
white women have been been indoctrinated to get drunk and sleep around with lots of men, ideally of other races, and "focus on their career" until they're almost sterile

They've been raised to be snarky narcissists. Take pleasure in knowing that they'll die alone.

>let's get married and have kids so instead of being degenerate layabouts we can produce a genetic legacy that will last longer than the afterglow of being soulless consumer automatons.

What more do you expect from a low IQ? You'd think the same retarded things if your brain didn't develop past that of a child's.

Instead of "doing fun stuff" with his children, the retard would take them to some shitty kid party.

Because they’re hedonists. There exists nobody but they themselves and snyone who infringes on their freedom to pursue their immediate cravings is an enemy.

Kids shouldn’t have kids. At least they are responsible enough to know that. Let their cuck genes die with them.

They're a gamble

Because they lead empty, sad and lonely lived devoid of the value family brings. And instead of realizing they will die alone, infirm and in a government hospital surrounded by Mexican and Filipino nurses - they pretend they have saved themselves from something dire. It is quite sad really, I pity these people. Posts like these are really a cry for help above all else.

You sound like you’d be a shit parent.

Fuck no they're not. Maybe into happiness, but they are by no means an investment. And I actually want kids.

So is every worthwhile investment.

The manchildren don't want to have to share their toys with their kids.

because they're perpetual children, children aren't naturally in the business of creating children.

They do not idealize the family, they worship childtier hedonism. Much a result of their upbringing and educatiob

not just that archivebro, but they wont have kids to spread their cancer. theyll forever be known as the virgins who should never give advice on the future they wont contribute to, stigmatizing liberal ideals

Because they're young and think they'll find happiness is hedonism. However, they'll learn in time that extra money will not add any meaning t their pathetic lives. The next gadget will not make them happy. They should be pitied, not hated.

A man who puts his own selfish desires before his bloodline is no man and does not deserve to live

jesus christ im only 20 and im already bored of all the drinking and partying shit. how the fuck do these people intend to do it into their 40s?

Soyboys are lacking that animal instinct in all men to procreate due to a extreme lack of testosterone.

Coupled with white guilt, and being a manbaby who plays videogames - they aren't in the psychological mindset to even have, and care for, children...

I doubt their sperm is even fertile enough to have children anyway

>Why do liberals hate having children?

Who cares? Let them not have children and maybe we can solve the problem of having leftists in our country.

because children act like /poltard/

>Haha fuck having kids
>Wow! Our fertility rate is so low we need to import millions of room temperature IQ people into the United States
How did the left get all this power again?

Because they are scared shitless of having any responsibilities. Mentally, they ARE children.

I beleive this conditioning will backfire on the elites hard. Their loyal cucks will die out in a generation and pretty much every white person who has kids will have them to continue the white race. I beleive the next generations will perhaps be the most redpilled generation since the hitler youth

How many years straight do you need to go get pissed every weekend? Do these people never get bored of the hedonism and ignoring the call to do something with a higher purpose? I'm almost 25 and I cringe at people 5-10 years older than me still going out and getting freshman in college wasted.

>it is a bad thing these people don't want to reproduce
Want to know the meaning of life? It's passing your genes on. By choosing to not have kids, they have effectively ended their lasting impact on humanity. They will live, they will die, and nobody will be there to carry their memory, both biological and social.
All they are doing is voluntary eugenics.

Nature has no further use for the parent once the child is grown. In the process of the child growing, the parent loses everything, ends up a worn-out husk and dies
Everything can breed: rats, cockroaches, weeds. Nature feeds on new life, one generation after the next. That's all it is

Good. We don't need more criminals raised by leftists.

>self hatred
what is the point of living if you do not have children?

Also them not having children is also affecting their minds, it's not natural, as you change mode when you get one. It's not about you, your empty pleasures anymore. It's the natural next phase in your life, your focus is now soley on the well being on your children, and raising them right.

That's what's missing in their lives.
In many ways, as a father and an uncle, it's just sad to watch these people and their meaningless empty lives

Having a child means to most people you envision a future worth living for your offspring. An optimistic world view that sees your live as part of a chain reaching into the future. As that saying, great men plant the seeds to trees they will never enjoy the shade from.

Liberals tend to believe mankind is destroying the world and everything will go to shit in the future. So many of them opt to be a genetic dead end.

it's the will of their master Satan.

they hate responsibility

they'd rather kill their own children than raise them

>Why do liberals hate having children?

See video below - it's a must watch:

I secretly want to have children to play with dinosaurs toys with them :l

It was subsidized..

To them: fun > carrying on their lineage
They don't care what happens after they die. They don't plant trees for their kids to sit under, they chop them down.

Because they are cowards and lazy. Also their men are pussies and their women are ugly and/or whores

>Why do liberals hate having children? Why do they push the child free meme so much?

Why do the selfish, hedonistic, atheist, narcissists who hate responsibility and don't care about the future not want to have children?


Funny thing is though, they don't want to raise children and are fine with killing them off in the womb but they want to tell everyone else how to raise their children. Lol.
It's why homeschooling or alt schooling our kids is a big part of the survival plan. These fuckers are going to die off. Let them.

His biggest concern is potentially catching a non-fatal temporarily annoying illness and not the happiness of his own child.

Who cares, less breeding of liberal faggots

Fuck you user. This meme is pushed by Televisions and sticoms FOR DECADES. Fuck you're better off just blaming shitty jew writers. This "kids are a burden/honey we finally dumped the kids off" got exaggerated with crummy sitcom humor.

So true user, so true. We will get to see these shallow husks in full display now that the holiday party season is upon us. Every time I speak to one of these narcissists, I become more grateful for the family that I have made.

This guy gets it.

They can not accept anyone who makes different life choices than them.
Also, family is the patriarchy yadda yadda yadda, but some are still aware enough that they'd not be taken seriously with these arguments, so they try to take another angle to attack it.

They never grew up.
Hopefully the hedonistic generation will die out. We're unfortunate to be in the middle of it, but it'll pass eventually.

Because they are children. They only see other children as competitors for the resources they are trying to get Mother or Father to provide.

well said health pack

can't wait to see this pathetic fucktard at age sixty when all his family is dead and gone and it's just him left

Let the liberals go childfree.

Perhaps they and their awful atheist/liberal ways will be extinct in 50 years.

The vast majority of people historically did not breed anyway. Our weak society gives everyone the chance to do so.

I mean to be fair he's not wrong.

this--the beautiful ones

Then why are they so ugly. They hate muscles/physical activity/power.

All they do is eat pizza, play video games and work minimum wage jobs.

aren't we the beautiful ones?

Kids are great fun. Spent the evening teaching my daughter the basics of taxonomy. She's only 8 and learning things people learn in college here (college is the stage before university here, for you burgers).

I don't call them children.

I call them "shackles of Torment"

Because they don't want anything that takes away attention from them. Throwing tantrums and nobody paying attention because people are more interested in the baby is their worst nightmare.

it's consumer culture user

it's not so much about looks, but about self indulgence. the mice couldn't play vidya, so they obsessively groomed themselves. they avoided social interactions and avoided sex. they just consumed resources, offered nothing to the group, never procreated and just fucking died

They hate life and themselves so see fit their dutybin not continuing it
Those who enjoy the good of life and rise to its challenges want to continue it and gift all the joys of the world to our sons

That's a valid point, good post and good response.

with the mice it was a mental illness, like autism. so maybe we all have it, but unlike mice we can affect our outcome through sheer will. don't give up. I'm an oldfag with kids, but it didn't come easy. I don't want to watch my people die off like the mice did

ignore them and have kids, they will die along with their shitty childless ideals

So you dare reject nature itself? Do you think in the grand scheme of things, not just your own life, that's a good idea?

>liberals don't want to have kids
>Sup Forums is upset

>black people get abortions at highest rate
>Sup Forums is upset

>raise kids so I can watch them die in a war for Israel.

No thanks, the jews can shed their own blood for a change.

I wanted to get married and start a family with my college sweetheart. Everyone told me I was too young, so I didn't. Now, years later, everyone asks me when I'm going to get married and start a family. Welp

>children are parasites

So what exactly do you lose out on by continuing our species while leaving a lasting legacy on this mortal coil? I suppose you're content to be an insect? A mindless automaton that merely exists to consume and satisfy fleeting, trivial desires?

That's what happens when you grow up in a suburban environment. A soulless and degenerate environment produces soulless and degenerate "people". The prime examples of what happens when a society espouses the sins of hedonism and pure selfishness over actual drive and purpose. Combine that with a people who have been intentionally mentally and physically castrated and you wound up with our current situation


>Talk to liberal
>His mother told him never to have kids and so far he hasn't
>Still lives with her
>"So you're just staying at home for life?"
>"Why not? She'll need someone to look after her when she gets older too"
>"Then who'll look after you when you're older?"
>See in his face he's never considered it before
>Didn't mean it the way it sounded
>Never spoke to him since

Last I knew he bought a dog. The baby substitute for any true liberal.

>dislikes dogs
>UK flag
Hello Achmed, how are the goat and kids doing?



>Enlightened Fedora: The Post

What lasting legacy are you talking about you retard? Your kids may appreciate but their kids probably won't, nor will your grandchildren's children. You're better off doing something important with your life that makes people want to emulate you, like Alexander, Ceaser or Napoleon.

>meant to do

says who? is there a rule somewhere saying i have to do this?

Dogs are man's best friend. Cats are baby substitutes.

Children are the strongest representation of people which we are naturally compelled to care for. If people had children and intact families, they would have people they care about and are obligated to stand up for. If they have these things they are at risk of opposing poor conditions and corruption on behalf of their children. This is not conducive to the state.
Similarly, ones community, particularly ones high-trust racial community, is also a very strong representation of people which we are naturally compelled to care for. If people had tight-knit communities and intact neighborly relations, t hey would have people they care about and are obligated to stand up for. If they have these things they are at risk of opposing poor conditions and corruption on behalf of their kith and kin. This is not conducive to the state.
These things are risky because they make people WILLING to stand up for themselves, which is not an ideal position for the state to be in.
Similarly, because it is men who tend to fight, it is not ideal for masculinity to be considered a virtue. If men believed in discipline, emotional sturdiness, strength, independence, bonding, hierarchy and aggression, they would be effective at opposing the perpetrators of poor circumstances of life. These things would be risky because they would make people CAPABLE of standing up for themselves, which is not an ideal position for the state to be in.

These are not without precedent - in the U.S, the men once stood their ground against the greatest empire ever known and won, all because of taxation. If people followed the values those men held dear, they would be at a terrible risk of doing the same if they assessed the current state of their nation to be unsatisfactory.
This is generally why it is important for us to have leftism, which stabilizes us by ensuring we are not in any great risk of rising above our stations. A sea of effete individuals, disarmed, dismayed, disorganized, divided, and proud to be so.

>I suppose you're content to be an insect?
Kind of ironic since reproducing is all that's on an insect's "mind" right after eating.

>A mindless automaton that merely exists to breed

Because liberals are mentally children themselves

base defilers. unworthy of a noble name. kek


>people reproducing at the rate of cancer cells is a good thing

It's not the lack of reproduction that's going to lead to human extinction.

Children are a blessing from God.
Psalm 127: 3-5

>Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.
>Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
>Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in

>tfw used to be like this

have two kids now...it's hard work but there is joy and love beyond anything I had ever felt before. My friends are all still shitlibs so I make a point to post as many pictures as possible of my family on social media just because I know it eats away at them

>U.S, the men once stood their ground against the greatest empire ever known and won
>while said empire was at its weakest
>with the help of said empires' enemies

I didn't say I disliked dogs, retard. Liberals buy dogs purely because they need a baby substitute, that's why liberal "men" buy things like Bichon Frises, not a real dog that can serve a real purpose. If you look it's always something that stays relatively small, is as aggressive as them, and is easy to control. Just how they like it.

You can't mollycoddle a cat the way you can a dog. Old women get cats because they're independent and don't need taken for walks, young people who buy cats generally live in apartments where dogs aren't allowed (too much noise), but cats are.

Children are a waste of natural and economic resources, keep you awake at night and encourage you to be a cuck by making you a slave to a women.

In before the Bibble quote!

An investment with no payoff. I bet you're real successful!

yeah its either scripture or the tired old 'if you dont have kids you're a genetic failure' line, as if thats supposed to scare me.

Because they hate white people, they know with low birth rates they are forced to mass import breeders from muslim nations and africa.

Good, I don't want these people to spawn more brainwashed libtards.

I for one plan of having children while I watch these libtards wither and die alone like the miserable shits they are.

that is why your precious white race is dieing.