Somebody redpill me on Nazbol

Somebody redpill me on Nazbol.

Is it a real ideology or just a meme? On paper it seems Sup Forums as fuck. Way better than lolbertarianism or worshiping Donald Trump.

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first though i need you to redpill me on slide threads
and what happens when we write sage in options

It's real but not well developed.

It's basically socialism in one country, socialism with strict border control, strict nationalist social policies.

The responses from people who oppose Nazbol is always fun though.

Sounds good desu
Why don't we have more Nazbol discussion on Sup Forums then?

Nazbol is NS except for russians.

People are brainwashed by "American dream" capitalist and libertarian propaganda. A lot of people here were in the fedora libertarian stage when they first started coming here.

Also Nazbol isn't much different from Eastern European communist countries or North Korea which kind of sucked. Bulgaria for example forced Turks to either assimilate or be deported.That was a better country under the communist system economically though. Personally I like the Yugoslav system the best out of all of them.

Its a meme made up by 8pol to trol troll leftypol

It's an art project by a punk author and a bunch of other Russian punks. It's for lulz, but the plebs at the lower level are willing to die for lulz. I like them, but it horrifies normies. It's probably what NatSoc would be had Hitler been a better artist and less psychotic. It's completely underrated, and I'm surprised non Russian speakers even enjoy it. It's pretty targeted for the Russians. It's culture dependent, that's what I'm trying to say.

think it's just a meme but based on my limited research into it I think it'd work.

In it's contemporary form it's basically far left national socialism with a heavy emphasis on authoritarianism and socialism.

nazbol is the ultimate /synthesis/
Sup Forums will come around soon enough, it'll take some time but it WILL happen

the ideology that is viewed by both sides as "I'm retarded but I want to fit in"

Look into Strasserism for an idea of what it could be in practice. Strasserism was the left-wing sect of the Nazi Party.

Because most stormies see the symbol and immediately assume it is gommunist guckery or a jewish trick. Strasser had a lot of cool nazbol concepts.

was thinking about an yours.. laughed my ass off.-- couldn't have done better. NazBol is SJW with fences

All of their violence, though was against corruption. But they do talk shit, and there is a whole music angle to it. It's an awesome political art-form, but they scare normies shitless. A lot of people actually take them seriously including nazbols themselves. But you can't be a nazi and a commie at the same time, which is what they claim they are. Functionally from the political angle, they are an underground army that can do terrorism against really corrupt politicians. They can't win any election, and it's not really what they are there for. It's genius, actually.

Strasserism is less authoritarian and more based on confederations than national bolshevism which is closer to the Soviet Union, whereas Strasserism is closer to Volkisch socialism.

Faggotry. Communism is pathetic, and those who worship it are less than human.
At least niggers can produce a meme almost person in 1/100 cases. Communists, by definition, have no human worth.

Strasserism is already a component of Natsoc.

Just because Rohm got KOTLK'd for subversion, doesn't mean that that Feder's ideas weren't being implemented and wouldn't continued to be implemented in the Reich.

Strasserists are just pretentious faggots for leaving out the other aspects.


True indeed, nonetheless we can dump both ideologies as a very awkward kind of ambiguous centralism, and ultimately the limit as far as an acceptable incarnation of leftism from a far right perspective. I mean, for some radicals Hitler was a commie.

That's true, one of the founders of their party was in a punk band.

Go be a MAGApede somewhere else. Adults are talking about actual politics and history in this thread.

That's true. They're both very unorthodox ideologies overall.

Yegor Letov was the man

You should ask a commie what he sees when he sees their symbology. The commie will explain to you they are nazis. The nazis hate them too. They managed to piss off both commies and nazis with this flag alone. It's amazing what a minor change of color does to a hammer & sickle. The people who created the movement were considered anti-communists. They all were persecuted by the Soviets.

Globalism has fucked our capability to perceive a land for each kin with no immigration fuckery.
If there is a steady free market balancing out each ethno-state there would be offer and demand to stabilize the market, so people can have food and private property. And most importantly: no private banks meddling and grabbling.

Isn't that essentially stalinism? he should ask less how it came to trannies getting the gulag, and more how the hell any commie ever thought they should be spared. You can't be totalitarian with minorities fucking your shit up.

Yes one could argue Stalin was a nazbol.
Althrough it's closer to strasserism.

>weak bait attempt by leftist nigger




>Althrough it's closer to strasserism.
No it's not. Strasser was a socialist but he hated bolshevism in all of it's forms because he thought it was a totalitarian ideology spreading across Europe. The founder of national bolshevism (Ernst Niekisch) wanted Germany to emulate the soviet union because it was authoritarian.


National Bolshevism is a SHITTY name for it. Can't believe they thought that sounded good. And the logo is fucking retarded too.