This absolutely triggers the Mohammecuck


allah be fucked, muslims are forced to eat pork in hell, 72 times per day.

Pig be looking gooder than a motherfucker.

The NatSocs allegedly roasted a pig on a spit and offered it to Jewish prisoner s(yes it is a myth) but it is nonetheless a great idea. We need to do that for real with Muslims and Jews

that doesn't sound much like hell if you ask me

I had a muzzie roommate and every meal I cooked I slipped bacon bits and booze.

he loved my cooking

It is hell for the eternal Mohammecuck though. Absolutely haram


iirc Muslims are typically permitted to eat pork (and break fasts) in life threatening circumstances or where there is no other option, it would be a waste of pork.

Aw shux

Each one will get their worst dream, used Aquafresh. One savage nightmare is one righteous dream. Probably our punishment ill be to fuck niggereses.

>in life threatening circumstances
They hardly are, nowaday

Rivers of whisky, and the only thing to eat is pork. Want a veggie? Covered in pork.

Looks delicious. Reminds me of my ex who was a filipina, they'd have the skewered pig any time there was a party. Between that and coconut vinegar sauce.. mmm good stuff.

That looks so good fugg

It will be to get raped by Tyrone you faggot

dindu notings will get Heaven, pleb

>We need to do that for real with Muslims and Jews

roast them on spits and offer them to Jewish prisoners?

sounds good

looks amazing, they are really missing out.


Was going to post this originally but I was banned


I like you.