Is the West worth saving at this point...

is the West worth saving at this point? Is Varg correct in saying that the best option is to create a humble home with a wife and children while watching civilization burn?

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Yes I'm moving to the isle of Skye.

Plz stop posting this fucking gay welfare leech that married a mentally disabled woman.

I know you are a single mother teen boy, but find a real role model.

I don't see how you could do anything else.

The God Damned Anglicans are praying that the future heir to the throne is a homosexual sodomites. Swedish women are fucking Moslem rapists. The French are surrendering to the Moslems. The Canadians are apologizing to butthurt sodomites. The Americans are literally letting horrific murderers get away with it because the murderer is a illegal alien.

How do you stop that kind of insanity?

What is this meme? It’s always the same thing.

I'm just sick of seeing Varg dick sucking threads every time I load the catalog page.

His followers are lacking a father figure.

Literally copy/pasting the same shit in every Varg thread. Do you think no one notices david?

Awww i just went there 2 months ago. Heaven on earth mate.

There were no white people before Christianity.
If you're not Christian, get out of Europe.

hes been telling people to do nothing and fuck off to the woods forever

the "collapse" meme is one of the most destructive ideas in the pro-white movement. it tells you to sit and wait for some grand event that will set everything in motion. but guess what? THERE IS NO PROOF SHIT IS GOING TO "COLLAPSE"

the soviet union was a shit whole for 80 years before it collapsed.

the U.S and europe are still mostly functional and still will be for some time, especially Europe which is still mostly White

Merry Yule and Happy Solstice anons. Remember the reason for the season (It's not jewsus).

He's right about not taking Christianity too seriously and the flaws of Europes past and I thought his views on modern farming was pretty good but at the same time varg shouldn't be the end all be all. Taking his advice of saying fuck it all and living innawoods is pretty dumb cause if we all did it the chinks would take over North Korea then proceed to kill the west afterwards. Also your ancestors built all the shit in modern society. It'd be a lot better if society collapsed from agriculture failure, emp, or resource depletion. I'd watch Canadian prepper instead and learn about prepping it's a healthier influence and a much better way to go about having a role model by becoming your own.

varg is just a mentally ill faggot who can't function in society

>American speaking of Europe anecdotally

isn't this limited for normies?

It's a healthy and good way to live anyway. Learning how to grow/preserve your own food, live off the land, disconnect from the 'net now and again and love your family - what could possibly be bad about that?
Then, if there is a collapse, you eat from your already full pantry, read your Bible by candlelight and thank God for His providence.

No. This option is that AND terrorism

It requires a ton of larping. It seems inevitable that humanity is heading towards singularity

I understand this is a bit out of the random, but this guy has a fucking ROBLOX account. Not even kidding. Here it is:

That isn’t necessarily him

His profile has a link to his Youtube channel, though.

>'go rural guise'
>gets slaughtered by niggers

someone should redpill this fool about South Africa.

>muh farm murders
No, it's a million times worse. The people living there don't even seem to realize how bad it is.

Also, If no one believes me, read this

Here's the thing. This man doesn't even own a farm, I did some independent research. Nor did he do this crime(obviously)

>'She had covered her face with an ANC-branded sheet as the media was granted permission to take photographs'

Should tell you all you need to know right there.

Fucking Kek

Skate til the whistle faggots. Blackpilled are just window dressing for do-nothing losers to make their cowardice feel calculated and rational. We are the ones who are right.

I love Varg not because I agree with his views, but because of how butthurt he makes the Americans. lol

>i want to slave away for the jews maintain their mongrelized hellscape society and die without my foreskin in a sand dune fighting for master

nobody cares about the opinion of a mutt

Varg is wrong. It shouldn't be "Hyuk Hyuk lets watch the corrupt world make itself burn". It should be "We're gonna burn this corrupt fucking world and rebuild from the ashes". Shoko Asahara was right.

>There were no white people before Christianity.

Varg overestimates the negative effects of Christianity, but he is literally right on modern western "civilization" being on the verge of destruction.

If you really feel that all the refugees are ruining your country just go live in a cottage by the woods.
Wife and kids are optional. Just jerk off with some weeb pillow and pretend. Finding a real white wife is too hard anyway,

Varg Vikernes is a fucking cringeworthy pathetic loser. The fact that you look up to some convicted murder shit-tier metal 'musician' who LARPS as a Viking in the middle of fucking nowhere in the woods in France all while leeching off welfare and being pretty much the epitome of a nigger is pathetic.

His music is pretty cool desu

Filosofem is objectively good. Also, this is pasta. Why is there a shill force against Varg?

Varg is a pussy quitter

He's correct in that instance, but that's not exactly what he did.

Like, white people should be having more children, but that's not what he cares about. He's basically a cult leader who bitches about civilization, while literally selling his cult voodoo bullshit on Amazon, milking off patreon, etc.

Varg is my husbandfu

He's anti-christian, burns churches and has an avid following. Can't let these fucking goyims stop turning the other cheek.

Would you prefer he married an anime character on a pillow, though?

He is basically a cult leader I agree with that; however, at least he is selling a product without shilling it like other right wing voices.

He knows a good bit about nature, history, an self sustainability but I would understand not following his politics.

why do that when you can avenge your ancestors?

>Is Varg correct

Stopped reading there.

I don’t see how a new reich could possibly arise in the current world. Things would have to collapse and be built from the ground up. Things are to far gone

Varg is a psychotic attention whore. Do what you want, faggot.

He doesn’t have patreon, he specifically tells people to not donate to him

That's what Varg says too. To a T really.


Varg is right about very few things.

IMO, the best possible outcome in our current society is Trump. That’s the best the right wing, traditional people can get. The world is already to tainted. Majority of people seem to enjoy it being that way though so the best thing you really can do is live modestly off the grid

>isle of Skye
Looks pretty comfy desu

Forgot pic

If he was just promoting Paganism, teaching white people to be self-efficient, etc, that would be fine. That's not all he does though. He's practically going full anti-white at this point. He CONSTANTLY bitches about nationalist movements because they're not doing something that he has not even specified. He CONSTANTLY bitches about Christianity, even though he glorifies the high fertility of the Amish, cherry picks the 'good parts' of Christian European history, ignores that most white people in history have been fucking Christian, ignores that overall white Christians tend to have the highest fertility rates in their countries, rivaling and even surpassing the fertility of non-whites in many instances. He spews complete lies about European history. For example, he made a video about how Americans are descended from the 'scum' of Europe. I'll bite, let's go with that. That could be the case in many instances, (even though he killed a guy and burned down a Church). After getting some comments citing the facts of the matter that contradict his non-sense, he makes ANOTHER video, citing..... his own fucking comments.

His idiocy is on another planet. If he didn't have kids or lived a rural life, he would be less than worthless.

the eternal merican at it again.
meridumb genocide when?

> develop "civilization" with 3 guys
> kill Varg and enslave his surviving family
He sure showed me.

>Pretending to be anything other than China

Come on now.

t. you

>is the West
Kremlin thread! Abort!