Remind me what ((they)) did to get whipped by ((our)) guy?


Other urls found in this thread:

Banking in the church, moneylending and currency convertion.



They weren't faithful enough jews. Literally. Anyone who praises Jesus for hating jews seems to forget that little bit about him being mad because they weren't following kosher law well enough.

wait, so your telling me that they ate prok and shit?

They were basically the ancient equivalent of reform jews or non-observant jews. The mythical figure Jesus was a rabidly religious jew.

Child sacrifice and incest, check of the curse of ham

so would those be the jew hitler was trying to get ride of and not all of them?

How was Jesus a rabidly religious jew if he denied/corrected many of God's commands in the Old Testament, such as stoning as a punishment for breaking the Sabbath?

Reminder that people of Judea aren't Jews, the bible uses that word but they are completely different

He didn't. That was Saul. Jesus explicitly said to obey kosher law to the letter.

*speaking to jews

Who the fuck else would he be speaking to, the Chinese?

pic related

That's why they have slant-eyes, user, they're still trying to read those laws and they obviously have a hard time with it.

Jesus looks stoned as fuck

Think of it as zionists (Jesus) vs bolsheviks (moneylenders). It tells the international, power hungry Jewry that if they don't respect their roots then a crazy prophet will whip them into oblivion.

One of them anyway. It's not like there were communists or pornographers in ancient Judea

Because Saul was talking to gentiles not Jews. Kosher stuff never meant to apply to gentiles.

The jews cruficifed jesus specifically because he didn't follow judaism the way the jews were currently practicing it. The romans didn't want jesus dead. It was the jewish religious authorities who wanted him dead and it was explicitly for heresy. For every tiny segment of the bible that might allude that Jesus wanted to follow current religious laws there are 100 examples of him not following the law. By putting his body between an angry crowd and a prostitute condemned to be stoned death he risked his life for his ideals. I don't understand how people can possibly have an argument over this.

Anyway it's funny how Jesus's only display of anger and violence is generally ignored. He really didn't like those merchants in the temple.

Just being the cucked version of themselves they are. Jesus tried to stop their greed.