The richest 20 Americans own more wealth than the bottom half of Americans. For the top 20...

>the richest 20 Americans own more wealth than the bottom half of Americans. For the top 20, this wealth averages to $36 billion per person, but for the bottom half, it is just $4,575 each.

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Wealth isn't a zero-sum game faggot.

Unless they're stealing, productive, hardworking, talented people get so paid much because of the value they bring.

Not everyone has the talent or drive to be ultra rich and that's okay. We reward their productivity so they keep being productive. We all benefit because they create new goods and services that make modern society enjoyable.

Go study the 20th century history to see what happens when try to equalize wealth.

>Go study the 20th century history to see what happens when try to equalize wealth.
soviet union hardly bothered to equalize wealth

>Not everyone has the talent or drive to be ultra rich and that's okay

>Walton inheritors
>DuPont family
Yep, sliding out of the lucky crotch in the vagina lottery sure required tons of drive and talent. Oh wait....


is nothing but robbery hidden behind funny word
try again

let's divide up the combined wealth of these people among the 300 million Americans! We will all be rich.

Let's see 20 x 36,000,000,000 equals $720,000,000,000. Oh, shit I'm gonna be able to buy a Lambo.

Divide $720,000,000,000 by 300,000,000. We each get $2,400.00. Wait. Oh, shit.

They inherited it from their ancestors. What's the point of succeding in life if you can't pass it on to your children?

You don't get it. They tried so hard that millions died.

Turns out it is hard to keep things equal without totally castrating productivity.

You miss the point: there is nothing talented or driven about having everything given to you. You're a fucking bum if you don't work for your bread. The guy who made the money in the first place? A different story.

25% of the USA is below 22 years old with 0 net worth. Literally summing 0s

Dude, if you've got a job, not a lot of debt, and regular pussy, life is fucking good. I don't care what rich people have beyond what I do.

Yes and they generally lose their money (Ie giving their capital to others) because they do not behave like their parents. Capitalism rewards good behavior.

>Wealth isn't a zero-sum game faggot.
This is so stupid. Yes, at any given time there is a set amount of shit on the shelves to buy, a set amount of production capacity available, a set amount of laborers who can work to make and deliver products, a set amount of land, a set amount of resources, and a set amount of currency by which to exchange everything.
You can print up trillions more dollars of monopoly money and give them to political cronies to "create a wealth effect" and inflate prices as the Fed did, but you really haven't created any wealth, as we've seen from shit GDP growth this past entire generation, you just reinflated an already overinflated bubble.
>Not everyone has the talent or drive to be ultra rich
Please. They aren't "productive". Microsoft products are shit and derivative and Bill Gates got richer than his competitors because he was more willing to bend laws and made more political deals with the neolibs taking over the world. We certainly don't benefit from Microsoft dominating the PC market over Linux. Computer experts almost all choose Linux over Microsoft, and the only reason a lot of people use Microsoft is because of monopolistic practices that make it the default platform for games.
Linux is the more valuable product, but its developers didn't get rich because they aren't greedy manipulative assholes who exploited the legal system and public trust for personal gain.
Wikipedia is a massive project that has provided tremendous value to mankind, but none of the incredibly productive people who contributed to it to provide society all this benefit got rich from it.

There needs to be a balance between meritocracy and the right of parents to bequeath wealth to their children. There needs to be an upper end limit to what can be inherited. Multigenerational wealthy families like the Rothchilds are cancer. There must be a fair balance somewhere between confiscating everything and allowing dynasties of inherited wealth to gain a stranglehold on society.

Be grateful that they keep the money in the family and keep it invested. If they donated it to lefty charities it would enable hundreds of thousands of people to be shitty.

I will take a few hundred heirs who usually have a hand in the family business over enabling the nig-spic cycle through donations to hospitals.

Sometimes I think, what must it have been like to be a king in the Middle Ages.
Then I adjust my thermostat.
Take that King.

It's irrelevant if it's not "talented or driven", it's basic property rights. Those who own property should have the right to give it to whoever they desire.

>Vagina lottery
You're retarded. Your parents are literally the only people on earth who could have possibly given birth to you, and their parents before them. It's not a lottery or an accident. People who want their descendants to be comfortable work harder, and so with great intention. Sorry it wasn't you, it wasn't me either.

The DuPonts have kept going for over 200 years, which is pretty impressive, other than the one who went nuts and murdered a wrestler after an unrequited gay crush.

Still, many do fall into decadence and ruin as you say. Look at the Max Factor heir that raped like 200 women, or that Getty. I think the Rockefeller bucks are running down.

Rothschilds are a whole other level and basically NWO royalty.

>for the bottom half, it is just 4,575
Am... Am I really richer than half of the US population?

yeah, it's pretty sad

most people who work live from paycheck to paycheck

>Go study the 20th century history to see what happens when try to equalize wealth.
Ya har har this sure is funny. Show me one country where wealth was actually ever equalized. What you're thinking of are situations where states appropriated production to empower themselves.
And by the way, you know that before the industrial revolution and the rise of the proletariat as a class that most workers didn't have any money at all, right? You worked as a peasant and bartered, or you belonged to a lord's household. You didn't get to have any money at all, only the lords and shit dealt in money. When the industrial revolution brought wage jobs then the majority of people for the first time had any chance at wealth whatsoever, and guess what, overall production and wealth and benefit skyrocketed.
The great gains these past few decades have come about due to the digital revolution, where more people than every before, anyone who has a computer has access to means to produce and trade.
The more tools and wealth you give to more people, the more total production there is in society. Production is in no way a function of a few dozen "talented driven" elite having trillions of dollars, it is more people having access and control over means of production.
Amazon would not be a huge company without the many many small manufacturers and traders making and selling goods on the platform. Amazon is huge primarily because it grew and expanded during a period where it could take on massive debt with low interest rates. And when rates rise Amazon will hit a brick fucking wall

This is the most black pilled statement I've read. You can't trust that, if the public programs and state funding gained much more tax dollars from the mega rich that the whole country wouldn't be better?

>richest 20% pay 95% of taxes.
how about that?

If you can rub two cents together and are debt free you are wealthier than a quarter of them.

This is all by design. The market has made consumer goods, technology, and food all cheaper than it has ever been. Meanwhile, the government has raised taxes and regulated housing, medical, and education to the point of being unfathomable debt and money pits.

The gears of progress grind to a halt when people are too comfortable. You can't let them have wealth, lest they get this way.

Missing the fucking point once more - I was responding to an idiot that equated wealth with admirable works and deed on the part of the wealthy, when that is a totally false assumption as I have proven.

Answer the fucking point. I'm not for standing the rich up and shooting them, FFS, but I will not stand for people who suck their dick without good cause.

I think people like Larry Ellison are fucking cool and have no problem with him building a 300 million dollar Japanese style palace and buying a Hawaiian island, as he did it through his own talents.

Why would I give a fuck about what rich people have? I make a middle class wage, and have a comfy life.
In the grand scheme of things, as a westerner, I’m filthy rich compared to most nations.

... Jesus. I mean, I'm working to be a lawyer, so I have some debt, but my net wealth is well over 20k, not including retirement funds.

This is just depressing. How are we not in an endless bloody civil war. If I was that poor, I'd have joined a skinhead milita or something by now.

slave mentality

You absolutely cannot trust that things will improve with more money. France, Belgium, Germany, and most of Western Europe have total tax rates greater than 50% of GDP. Half their economy is government spending and there are still issues getting services to people and an ever growing welfare class. Taxes naturally increase as national production increases, but politicians still push for more. Europe has shown us that you can get to 50% even as productivity and efficiency continues to increase.

Every single private market consumer good is cheaper today after inflation. Only government and charity clusterfucks have gone through the roof, yet people will blame the entrepreneur's children for their financial misfortune.


Furthermore, once upon a time, you could own massive tracts of land and you could just do nothing with it and let it grow over with weeds and woods while your fellow countrymen starved because there wasn't enough farmland to grow enough food to feed everyone.
All those wealth land owners weren't productive in any way, they just held hereditary rights to the land and fuck everyone else.
And then guess what, we implemented property taxes and shit so you either have to produce something of value with that land or you lose it and it goes to someone who will produce value with it.
And guess what, that's a Marxist policy. And guess what else, that policy has lead to massive increases in production and wealth. But the butthurt elite who had to use their land or lose it sure did whine about "wealth equalization" and their "rights being violated".

>I'm not for standing the rich up and shooting them
Give me a good reason not to.

Because despite it all folks are comfortable and we all know the government doesn't do shit for us. Even the virtue signalling lefties know that the government can't and won't solve the problem entirely.

think about it pleb, the lord and his serfs... cyber feudalism...

you should know your place in the world, roach. you will never be great, and you will never take their wealth. want to know why? because you're just a filthy roach to them. oh, you're going to start a revolution? what happens when the rich throw some money to your comrades, and they all turn on you? or when they infiltrate your revolution and turn it into a profitable business with you as their unwilling pawn? accept your life of mediocrity.

Property taxes pay for communities. There are plenty of places where there are no community services and therefore no property taxes.

People don't let their land rot when they can make money with it, that is simply a foolish thing to believe.

>a slave proud of his slave mentality

Rich people will not be able to corrupt and divide us if they don't have their heads attached to their bodies ;)

Maybe this method from your neighbors in Spain would work for that.

>soviet union hardly bothered to equalize wealth
>that was not real communism

>There are more poor people than there are rich people
This is new and has never happened in the history of humanity. Why can't we go back to the good old days when there was only one king, and everyone worked for him and gave him money.

I have so much food available, that I can eat myself to death. Potable fresh water is readily available straight from the tap. I have all the entertainment I could ever want. I have complete freedom of movement. I can own guns if I choose. I have heat in the winter, A/C in the summer. I can say fuck America, the president, and heil Hitler. Fuck the police, or whatever I feel with ZERO repercussions. In what way am I a slave? Boo hoo, some old fags live an opulent, lavish life. Life ain’t fair.

I'm just saying our highest tax braket starts at a little over 400k, we should make a trust tax rate because that's where most real dynasty weath is held, and we should actually crack down on tax haven nations.

I like the idea. Nothing would make me happier then genociding every filth billionaire, neo-liberal piece of shit. And their minions too.

USSR was not communism. Check the wiki definition. USSR was socialist

Here we have a disobedient roach thinking he will ever amount to anything. they have the power to make your movements fall apart from the inside, and if they couldn't do that, they could make their own armies to squash you like the filthy pest you are. I'm sure they are shaking in their boots at the thought of millions of white numales and thirdworld scum facing off against their genetically engineered armies. you're completely out of your depth, roachie. you've been on the puppet string since day one.

Bootlicker slave.

>The poor outnumber the mega wealthy
>The guy's who invented Facebook, YouTube, Google and Amazon have more money than the majority of people
This can't possibly be true, I call bullshit.

I’m not licking the boots of anyone. I’m just ok with myself. I don’t even think about the rich. Present a fucking arguement.

>Present a fucking arguement.

Average American can't endure an unexpected expense more than $500

shit they're doing pretty good. thats baller

I really don't feel like reading about communism and socialism, so what's the difference?

Better yet, name me one billionaire who shares your ideology, or white nationalist ideology.

the incentive to be productive evolves into the incentive to manipulate as someone rises to the top. once someone is high enough, there is no more incentive to be productive since more productivity is more costly and less rewarding than simply manipulating the system using your power.
ultimate power corrupts ultimately, i suppose. we should balance the game to prevent this.

The guy who made Minecraft. Surprisingly enough.

There's ways to endure thousands more than that if you are willing to do shit like default on loans and credit cards. It's all bullshit numbers in the end, so take what you can get and there's no debtor's prison nor can blood be extracted from a stone.

>does not understand how averages work.

I never really equated their wealth with their political beliefs. I don’t believe that they are pieces of shit because they are ultra rich. I think they are ultra rich, because they are manipulative pieces of shit.

Nobody would give a fuck about those rich pricks if so many people weren't so desperately broke.
Are they to blame? Probably, they sure like buying politicians.

Socialism is when the workers assume the means of production.

Communism is the theoretical, natural evolution ( according to Marx ) of socialist societies. The societies would progress to a level where the state would no longer be needed.

this kind of massive imbalance is unstable. if we dont find a way to stabilize it, it will polarize and collapse.

However,i do like this arguement. It deserves its own post.

Seriously? Source?

My point is, why are you defending a group who works against you and your ideology?

because he has been tricked into thinking their ideologies align
manipulated, and he is one of very many

>when that is a totally false assumption as I have proven
No, you proven you are an envious faggot. The Rockefeller money didn't fall from the sky, and if I want to make so much money every single one of my descendants ten generations down the line recieves 100 million adjusted for inflation, there's nothing a commie like you can bitch about it.

I’d never defend them. My point is that it’s not good for your health to worry about how much money someone has, or how easy someone’s life seems to be. It can make you a bitter person. Now, if you wanna talk about the dangers of radical political activists such as them having so much wealth, or where it came from, then I believe you and I would probably agree on a lot.

He fair balanceto own money and I get to keep and do whatever I want with mine.

You are a fucking imbecile and are welcome to KYS, or have a seat in that chair over there

Can't answer a fucking question without sucking dick, just like I said.

>I’d never defend them.
Defending status quo is the same has defending them. The status quo is immensely beneficial for them.

> Now, if you wanna talk about the dangers of radical political activists such as them having so much wealth

Billionaires do not need to be political activists to destroy our society. Their constant tax evasion is a huge drain. Outsourcing destroyed our middle class. Their habit to pour millions into politics made politics completely corrupted. And i could go on

>The Rockefeller money didn't fall from the sky
For the current Rockefellers, yes, it fell down the sky.

>there's nothing a commie like you can bitch about it.
We will see about that

Whats' that, commie bitch, can't handle the fact you are a whinner who has no base to stand on when claiming people shouldn't inherit money? Thought so, faggot.

Whats a solution to this? Is it even a problem? I want to live in a society where merit is rewarded, I want there to be billionaires, but a tiny minority of people being so vastly richer than the lowest person seems odd. I don't want to steal their money, but how do we raise the lowest person up without coddling them?

What that? The house and Senate voted to phase out the death tax? Neat.

>people shouldn't inherit money?
People should not enjoy the fruits of someone else labor. Or are you a entitled bitch?

The natural state of man is abject poverty and lack. Say, what has changed that in the last 100 years? What characteristic appears in most countries that show greatest growth and rises in life standards? Hmmm, it's a fucking mystery.

Dance, dick sucker, dance for my amusement.

Fair's fair, faggot. Time to pay up - do you think the roads pave themselves, or Rastus puts his bucket of KFC on the table for free? If you have a problem with that, the feds will be happy to introduce you to David Koresh on the other side.

That's life. Fat cats whose sole accomplishment in life is sliding out of the right vagina are beneath contempt, lower than Rastus above, and even lower are bootlicking toadies like you.

>muh zero sum game
When is this mentality going to finally die?

Kind of like you hardly even bothered to write a response?

>Trump reneged on every single promise he made that would actually help the working/middle class
>But he passed the one thing that will help him and his chumps.

You americans are so easily duped. And the best thing about this is that "people" like you applaud him.
Like you would ever make the threshold on estate tax

>People should not enjoy the fruits of someone else labor.
Sure they should, but only the people the person who labored wants to. I give my property to whoever I want.

>The natural state of man is abject poverty and lack.
Last I checked, only spearchuckers live in a state of nature. We're above that, and your primitive economic notions are just as savage.

They’d just give it right back to those top 20, because those 20 control industry (supposedly), which would cause even more production than there was previously because of increased spending.

Millennials are now and forever will be zeros. Kek.

And guess what else....

Not only will all these broke faggots spend the whole 2400 in a week, but the rich people you took it from would get it all back.

I think we’re on the same page.

Why? Your impotent screeching is far more amusing. You could even monitize that and stop having to demand other people steal from the successful for you.

And the feds are only a problem for people without money, user. Maybe try having some for a change.

What, he is trying to ban coal, increase regulation, advocates for keeping the healthcare mandate, and is making the economy grow slower than previous presidents? Oh, shucks me and my money.

I would spend it on Bitcoin.

Considering mass redistribution of stuff is the essential spearchugger economic policy across the world, I can understand why your intelligence is lacking now. Join free, advance society when possible.


>This is what Trumptards still believe

He already got what he wanted.

>ctrl-f thread
>"monetary policy"
>"central bank"
>"federal reserve"
pol is dead.

>Wealth isn't a zero-sum game faggot.


New wealth is created every day. Paint something someone wants? BAM you created new wealth out of thin air.

>And the feds are only a problem for people without money, user.
Wesley Snipes did years of prison time for not paying his taxes. Tell you what, toughguy - try to weasel your way out of paying for Tyrone's gibs and see how long your freedom lasts.

Indeed. Instead, spend it learning how to code so you can develop an automated cryptocoin trader and miner manager so that you can always target the best one and trade the best exchange.

Or, you know, use your newly acquired knowledge to do something else that also pays the bills, whatever.

The problem's not possessing wealth or using wealth to -directly- claim material goods/generate business; it's corruption (especially political corruption). It's the tax havens, the rampant collusion, the insider trading, the 'old boy's club for aspiring Jew elite', the spirit cooking (lol), etc..

The problem is these 20 or so fuckers also happen to lobby for, and subsequently enact, policy on everyone else around them by using their checkbooks to bribe those who hold an office (they would be fools to try to hold it themselves; always have patsies do the dirty work for you).

Buy 50 yachts or whatever, totally fine, couldn't care less about it. Buy the votes of 50 Congressman that will in turn affect basic aspects of my own life, and I now have problems with your scummy Jewry.


15 years and counting. Will let you know when that changes.
