Fuck you, GOP! Me and my stepson get screwed while you line the pockets of your corporate donors

Fuck you, GOP! Me and my stepson get screwed while you line the pockets of your corporate donors.

Don't worry, you don't need the government to ensure the survival of your country. You have plenty of Mexicans who will keep your birth rate high. :)

You and your wifes son?

stfu cunt, stop trying to use govt to extort people who try harder than you

Wut? Chad doesn't pay enough child support for you to live off of?

cause we really need more welfare babies

> Jobs
> Gits
Pick one. Stop having kids you can't afford. World's overpopulated. You shouldn't get a credit for having a fucking kid. You should pay more because of the drain on public resources that kid will be.

im actually down for this, we need to shift our reproductive balance

The corporate tax rate is the highest in the developed world, why the fuck would it be raised? What a retarded title

... did it pass? Is that some twisted Orwellian way of saying that it passed?

>still believes the overpopulation meme


follow-up: it has not passed yet but this brings it closer and keeps it along the lines of what has been promised.

I'm pretty sure all that means is that they aren't expanding the child credit (which they said they would double) so they are going to tax corporations more. That's what the headline says.

The Republican Party is the jewish party just like the democrats except they pretend to not be like democrats and care about conservatives. Trump, Rand Paul, and pretty much nobody else are the only real Republicans left. Wake the fuck up, white people

isn't the child tax credit gibs for nigs that make $15,000 per year

and they get a $4,000 tax refund of white people money?

>businesses get a hard on for low taxes
>move corporate businesses to America
>more white collar jobs
>more jobs with the same amount of available workers, therefore increasing demand for labor, increasing wages with out inflation unlike dumbfuck commies who think a $15 MW wouldn't completely fuck the economy.

Aka basic economics.

Jubilant Trump voters on Thursday celebrated the prospect of a gigantic tax cut that will benefit everyone but them.

Across the country, Trump supporters were overjoyed that, after months of gridlock and wrangling, the man they voted for was about to make Americans other than them wildly richer.

“President Trump has taken a lot of hits from the fake-news media, but he stood his ground,” Carol Foyler, a Trump voter in Ohio, said. “Today he honored his pledge to the American people, except for me and anybody I know.”

Harland Dorrinson, a Trump supporter from Kentucky, agreed. “When I cast my vote last November, I said to myself, ‘I sure hope this means that people with a thousand times more money than I have get even more money,’ ” he said. “Promise kept.”

Tracy Klugian, a Trump voter from Minnesota, said that tax cuts for everyone but him are an important step toward making America great again. “Look at the stock market—it’s been going through the roof,” Klugian, who has no money in the stock market, said.

But some Trump supporters, like Calvin Denoit, of Texas, were more muted. “Tax cuts that completely exclude me and my family are a good start,” he said. “But, until President Trump eliminates all environmental and safety regulations for corporations that I have zero stake in, I won’t be satisfied.”

Good, fuck you and your wifes son

You stole this from New Yorker you hack.

They already expanded child tax credits lmao

>my stepson

subtle, bravo

I get a couple grand per child. I make WELL over 15k

look at this dude