Why are Democrats so opposed to lowering the United States's astronomically-high corporate tax rate?

Why are Democrats so opposed to lowering the United States's astronomically-high corporate tax rate?

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because corporate profits are at all time highs, corporations only pay taxes on their profits, meaning after they've already deducted all their costs

revenues - expenses = profits

so there's nothing stopping already massively profitable corporations making billions from hiring tons of new workers and paying higher wages

tax cuts for trump's pals at goldman sachs isn't going to trickle down, it's going to make things worse

and if the economy is already doing so well then why do corporations need tax cuts at time of high deficits and debt

inb4 tax cuts pay for themselves with magic unicorn pixie dust

they don't



Not every registered corporation is a publicly traded Fortune 500 company. Taxes are only relative to Federal Spending, which is out of control. That's the only gripe you could possible have. Lower corporate taxes = more investment into companies via FDI or regional.

You visit zerohedge website?...............lol

I thought they loved Canada and Socialist-Scandinavia and be just like one.

Dumbass, what Trump wants to do is make corporations actually pay their fair share of taxes, including on the trillions of taxes they hide overseas. Now to be able to compete with foreign companies USA ones have to double Irish dutch with their money and dump it in some offshore account.

t. leaf

Its 20% isn't it?

government is more important than the people according to democrats.

not giving all your money to government is literally theft!

Democrats like minority votes.
If you want to see what Democrat policies actually do in reality, look at the Illinois budget.


>90% of your voter base is forced to get a job because they are so abundant
>can't control their peanut sized brains with gib me dats

If wages weren't stagnant, then they wouldn't be opposed.

>Inb4 trickle down economics

Democrat politicos must convince their useful idiots that they can invest other people’s money better than those who have their own skin in the game. Else their class warfare doesn’t work.

right wing retards still think posting charts of bush crashing the economy in 2008 hurts obama LMAO

That money could be used to import niggers and give them a better life than or whites
What are you racist?

Because single moms don't want jobs to be created they want to sit at home sucking Tyrone off in between smoking crack rocks.

I'm a Democrat, but I'm in favor of lowering corporate taxes to within the range of other countries. HOWEVER, I am 100% opposed to pushing crap legislation through, just because our politicians are incompetent and beholden to special interests. GOP really failed here.

The Democrats want industry to move to China, where people will do whatever the government says. The fall of the US economy would make it easier to create a world government.

>brainlet thinks tax rates and effective tax rates are the same
What are deductions and credits
Our effective tax rate is already in the average there

Wow. No company is even going to bother with Canada if they can get the same deal in the USA.