We must resurrect the swastika

The swastika resonated throughout all Aryan and oriental civilization as a universal symbol of spiritual dynamism. For the ancient Europeans, it always was synonymous with solar worship thus life, proactiveness, victory, with the Hindus this idea degenerated into generic 'goodness'.
The swastika also holds special psychological properties by its unique 'sacred' geometry, with its reflective right angles. Hitler added to, and he adjusted it to 45°, giving a rotational vigor to embody the white man's spirit.
Hitler choose the hakenkreuz for the same reasons we should for today's movement. It captivates the uneducated masses with its meticulous uniqueness, whilst signifying the esoteric philosophy of aristocrats.
We are damning ourselves to obscurity by compromising with on the most provocative symbol of our identity.

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I hereby resurrect the Swastika.

>We must resurrect the swastika

Or you can just use your fucking runes and leave our symbols alone.

whoa that was amazing, how'd u do dat?

Using the Swastika symbol around normies is like starting a pick up line with a hot girl “I want to fuck your ass” We have to wait to the 5th date before we use the swastika again. Don’t use any swastikas anywhere


>“frog-like” swastika
This is not a coincidence.

it is far older then that my friend
the wheel of time, told us when to plant and when to harvest, we taught this to our children, it always points to polaris, so not only does it very accurately predict the time of year, it also knows the way home

the swastika is one of Europe's oldest and most important symbols, this is precisely why the media has destroyed it


all 8?


Back to Russia Slav. You occupying foreign land.

Ursa Major, the "big dipper", the great bear always points to polaris, the north star
Polaris is a fixed point in the sky, its postion never varies, the heavens revolve around it

the last two stars in Ursa Major always point to polaris, and the distance to polaris is seven times the distance between those last two stars

The revolution of Ursa Major around Polaris create the symbol of the swastika. Ancient farmers would use the postion of Ursa Major to know when to plant and when to harvest. Ancient explorers would use Ursa Major to accurately locate Polaris, true north, and so be able to guide their journey

The swastika is older then almost all known written languages.

sheeeeeeeeeit fpbp

>solar worship
get out you misinformant.

Its the Big Dipper/Ursa Major/Stary Plough
revolving around the north star
>its a calendar you LARPer

Step 1) infiltrate those lefty nutjobs and gain thrust.
Step 2) convince them to 'repurpose' the swastika as a symbol of love, peace and tolerance. Because using the swastika for their agenda means you're shutting down the nazi's.
Step 3) watch antifa and the idiots alike march through the streets intimidating and vandalizing everything while carrying nazi flags

there done we just use this til we get in power then chop off a bit and hey presto we got a swastika

Why would you ruin this great symbol? Also this will never work. You imagine these Antifa types sit down and vote on what they do,carry etc.? No the people who pay them (Soros) tell them.

actually desu it would be better if we reappropriated the rainbow flag as right wing
>used to be christian related flag
>judans hate xtians
>give faggots the flag to wave

Anyways, whatever course of action is being taken. It has to be according to their rethoric. Use their tactics against them


We must secure the existance of the swastika. And a future for swastikin.


>digits will it be

This thot needs to be captivated early or we'll fall out of her memory.
The swastika can be used effectively, although very carely. Normies are too accustomed to swastika's reused by rednecks on the fringes of society. It can be rehabilitated with meticulous positive association both with the past legends, and present fashion.


To resurrect something it has to die first my child

This, any other alt right symbol is a cheap ripoff anyway so we might as well be open about it

Positive association done best


I actually hate Greeks can you fuck off please you shouldn't even be considered European.

you can just move to Asia where 卍 卐 is still used as a reference to buddhism

we even have it in names of schools