Salt mining now that theres no SALT deductions

Look what you've done

also salt mining thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Are we seriously gonna have to wait until the end of the financial year before these cucks realize they've saved money?

Oh wait, I doubt these people pay taxes anyway.

>He's one of the strongest men I know emotionally.
>And he calls me at 5 in the morning crying [...]

Numales are friends with numales

No surprise there


>fighting terminal illness

>now he's good as dead!!!

Wasn't he always as good as dead if he had an terminal illness?

But he could have lived a little longer on everyone elses dime!

> democrats preserving the middle class
Hahaha oh wow, they actually believe this.

>redditors complain unending about tax loopholes
>private universities have their main tax loophole closed
>can't claim having academics working for them for free makesthem lose dozens of thousands of dollars
>reddit is livid

lowering taxation is theft!

>Who is this?
>Le reddit man please listen to me
>Fuck off retard

>When their moms can't afford
>They're manly children


>thank you for the gold

>when you think that taxes are the price we pay to live in society but lowering taxes is theft
This is your brain on gommunism

What does that even mean?
The fuck is gold?

Reddits way of grabbing even more shekels than the ad revenue disguised as a way to support someones post for being "right".

It's basically people getting high off their own farts.

>he will no longer be able to afford pain medication, oxygen tanks, therapy treatments... Nothing.
>oxygen tanks
He should try helium, much cheaper in the long run. Does anyone actually believe these fucktards?

Some "reddit points" or something

Not sure if it has anything to do with real money


I have been saying this for a while, we’re at a tipping point. Right now it’s gonna suck for a while, but in the long run there will be a brighter future after this.

Edit: to answer those who don’t share my optimism, I am basing my comment off of similarities of the 1890s-1929 in the US. We have been in a similar scenario and things went from right to left fairly quickly with FDR at the helm. It’s likely we will face similar issues as the past, but not exactly the same conditions. The pendulum will swing.

It should also be noted that a plurality of the boomer generation that supports this horse shit, is on its way out. This is the generation that buys conspiracy theories and believes bullshit and spectacle due to the conditions that they grew up in. In all likelihood, the US will head towards universal healthcare and maybe some other social programs much like our European counterparts. It’s only a matter of time. The sooner millennials get off their ass and high horse, and vote (plus unionize); the sooner we can take back our country from the oligarchs.

Its basically a golden (You)

people literally pay IRL shekels to buy a super upboat

i think the biggest salt mine is the fact that /u/spez is apparently keeping this news of the front page of his shitty, horrendously biased left-wing site

>tfw I'm pretty sure I'm paying more taxes than all of reddit combined.

>as a citizen that bla bla bla
This is why i hate reddit they always have to identify as something, most of the time it doesnt matter what they are but they still say it just because.

>as an ordinary citizen who has made numerous calls to senators, what elseems can I do?
You could go full boomer and pull a James Hodgkinsons by taking a potshot at someone.

didn't Bernie loot his supporters donations and give them to Hillary?

But the reason why healthcare is so expensive is mass immigration and the Democratic medical industry pushing regulations to limit competition.

>getting pretty radicalized
>might have to start posting in /r/anarchism instead of /r/socialism

Basically reddit's version of Sup Forums's pass. They don't get a lot of ad revenue because of a select few alt light boards there.

Fucking kek. Please accept my humble (you) kind strangers!


Umm.. sweetie, Bernie signed a contract to share the money so it wasn't even Bernie supporters money to begin with.

Kek I'm kind of jealous we don't have golden (((You)))s on here when you phrase it like that

My eight year-old loves school, but yesterday she wasn't very interested in her breakfast. I asked her what's wrong, and she said she was having trouble concentrating at school knowing drumpf wants to kill terminally ill people.
Thank God trumptards are going to lose the Senate.

But there is. You just don't know about it.


Jesus Christ.

Don't tell him about hidden board 6

>muh pain medication

The real reason some loser addict wont be ablet o get his fix

>middle classes disappearing
>Imports more shitskins



Sorry sweeties, you better be able to translate the Communist Manifesto to Spanish, and also be able to rap it

>He doesn't have a Sup Forums gold account
You're doing it wrong, user.

>Government needs to take care of everyone
>Government needs to pay my bills
>Government needs to do everything for me
>Government "fixed" healthcare last time by making it harder to become a doctor, causing prices to increase and making it hard for people to pool resources together
>All we need is for the government to take care of all of then prices will go down
I can't believe I was ever a leftist

>Look what you've done

Nobody here did a damn thing, the gop was always planning to do this when they could because it''s what they always do; they work only for the ultra rich.

Sup Forums got harnessed by globalist jews, not the other way around. We just gave them some of what they wanted. But they want it all, and the GOP will hand it to them whether or not they remember to tell you what to think about it.

Close, just needs a nudge.

>wah the GOP killed some faggot
>not the terminal disease he was diagnosed with
Good fucking riddance, fuck these people. Also, I know what they mean by reddit spacing now.


Fucking kek

>gaming chair
I expect nothing less from that horrible website.

Standing desk masterrace.

It's real money given to users but the user doesn't get the money they just get a gold star

It completely ruins the tone of his fake story


So how will this actually affect middle income earners? I will be getting a real job soon making decent money and will actually have to start paying taxes. What can I expect long term?

>Dems need to drop this bipartism, centrist myth
Apparently this faggot was born last December.

>long, melodramatic post immediately followed up with LE THANKS 4 LE GILD
Why are they always such walking stereotypes?

>salt mining thread


its like a super (you)

you have to say it in that specific way "thanks for the gold kind stranger"

i would lick the shit out of this mountain. would i die?

>an histrionic essay about muh close friend will LITERALLY DIE because of tax adjustments

It's the perfect reddit post.


How do you take money away from people who don't pay taxes? I genuinely don't understand? Is welfare going away?

It would be extremely painful.

Being a leftist means believing government can work for the common good.
Being a rightist means you realized the government is fucking terrible at it.


It would be very salty.

>muh Sup Forums is basement dwellers


>i didnt get my way, I AM FREAKING OUT

lower federal taxes, but if you live in a shitty liberal state that has high state taxes like California, your taxes will go up because you can no longer deduct your state taxes from federal taxes, California was literally using fed taxes to pay illegal immigrants welfare, fuck that, fuck them

>rather to die than to let his daughter work while in college

keep digging deeper




Edit: thanks

for the gold

Don't give Hiro any more ideas.

lol appreciate trying to make logic of these, but
>actually believing reddit

>shit all over the right for the last decade

You would need to lick 200+ grams of it. That mountain is literally just a pile of table salt.

>pls donate

Totally not a fake post, soley based on emotions, made for libtards to donate money to his org.

wtf I'm middle class and will be getting a pretty nice increase in my return, so I dunno what these shits are on about.
I guess they are just trying to get an increase in their bagel allowance.

What the fuck is going on here?



People being extra salty when they're aware someone is enjoying their salt is even more delicious.

thank you for the serious answer, i googled the amount of tablesalt that becomes fatal. i didn't know i could literally kill myself with salt, this is extremely worrying

>mfw leddit is going full (((they believe)))
are they finally going to call out the jew soon

How are they so convinced that lower taxes are going to destroy the middle class?

You can kill yourself with pretty much anything, as long as there's enough of it.

post the link niggggger

Upvoted for the keks. I posted this on my throwaway account.

I think he's trying to hide his boob by tucking it into his armpit.

Can I get a source on this?

Someone gave me gold once on one of my reddit sock puppets for some random comment I made. Didn't even notice until 15 days later when I logged back on to that account.

this is so asinine, maybe spending the last 25 years gutting the middle class to bolster the swarthy rabble while skimming limitless amounts off the top wasn't such a good idea.

i don't understand how these people stay so content with meaningless social issue victories while the same wealth transfer process continues unimpeded when their team is in office

Thanks. My state is straight red, but broke. Long term prospects here aren’t looking good, but in the meantime I am glad to get a little relief.