This Kills The Man

I wonder if I'll get banned again for starting a white hate thread. Who'd join me? Who even has the balls to?

Also, why is the white ego so fragile? Why so defensive? Niggers aren't even on this board because they're too busy spreading AIDS to white whores.

Any takers?

Honestly: Why are you white kids triggered so easily? Shouldn't you be smug in your vast superiority over other races?

Also, how is it that white folks run all the banks, all the corporations, and all the wealth, but still manage to let niggs nog? You guys are doing a lousy job with all that power you amassed throughout history IMHO.

Friendly reminder: there is no such thing as 'white people'. A long time ago the phrase held a specific racial connotation meaning anglos. In modern history, socialist jews during the civil rights era re-coined the term to propagate their 'us vs them' narrative. The recent iteration of 'white people' means nothing more than 'not black', and if you pay attention to the race baiting by semitic-controlled media you'll understand why
What does an anglo and a slav have in common other than skin color? Their cultures are different, their customs are different, their people are different; explain how it's not the very definition of racism by lumping them all together based solely on similar skin color.
When the potato-nigger irish and pasta-nigger italians were being discriminated against in America for being the subhumans they are from their respective shit nations, there was no subtle wink wink nudge nudge about being a similar color
>I'm not going to give you a job or rent you shelter because you're a filthy mic
>but hey at least you're not a nigger amirite
Never happened. Don't let census jews trick you into throwing away your heritage and culture under the guise of being 'white'

Another honest question: I mean, it's easy to hate lazy, shiftless nigger criminals. All too easy.

But what about the lazy white people who imported them in the first place? Why not take your aggressions out on them?

>white folks run all the banks
you're either a jew or a nigger pet for a jew

>white folks run all the banks
confirmed for kike and/or nigger

But I like Fear Factory. :((







>Who even has the balls to?
>ego so fragile
>Why so defensive?
Troll overdrive. The typical "a REAL man would" approach of the insane SJW.

Found the honkie!

wtf i love /po/ now

If you know the answers to your lame questions, why don't you answer them you fucking faggot?


>he doesnt have a cubi /po/ Hitler

You arent a man.

Literally 70% of Sup Forums threads are made by angry leftists. So I guess they’re too busy crying here to fuck all the wimmin n shiiiiet

I am intrigued. Why there isn't a board dedicated to white hate? Like alternative Sup Forums. We could have concensus and bring back apartheid. It would make world less hateful.

This isn't politics

Oh, but it most certainly is!
