When we discover alien life, how would you determine whether a species is intelligent or an animal?

So a few weeks ago I was talking to a buddy about European colonization and I made many parallels to space colonization for analogies. They travelled, explored, and expanded their civilizations; and now the space age has introduced a new era of colonization. When the European explorers would visit Africa or the Americas, the most advanced species there were living in tiny huts made of dirt and sticks like something animals would make. Europeans were building massive castles at the same time period. Native Americans and Africans used sticks and stones as weapons, Europeans had swords, guns, and armor. They still hadn't reached a bronze age when Europe was a few thousand years into the iron age. If you encountered a species that was this less advanced than your own would you feel like you were encountering a civilization or would it feel more similar to some beaver colony living in a dam that you stumbled upon? Would it be fair to make them work for you (slavery)? If not, is it fair to make other animals work for you; ie cattle, dogs, sheep? My point being, where do we draw the line? Should there be a line at all or should the strong and intelligent be allowed to enslave the weak and stupid if they are capable of it?

When we do start colonizing other planets with life forms on it, how will we determine which life is intelligent and which is okay to enslave? The precedent right now seems to be if they are living in literal shit houses they are still considered to be equal to humans. That's all I've got, let me know your thoughts or questions. Personally I think survival of the fittest should be the deciding factor and if a civilization is weaker than yours you should be allowed to conquer it.

>TLDR; should we enslave any civilization less advance than us

Any civilization which has not developed spacecraft should be left alone. Any advanced civilizations should be diplomatically engaged.

I would throw a basketball at it and see what happens.

The only (((aliens))) we'll ever see will be fallen angels roleplaying. don't be deceived

>how would you determine whether a species is intelligent or an animal?
throw them a banana.

What about planets that have life on it but they haven't developed a civilization yet

Present them with a cart full of baubles but it's missing the wheels. Provide them with the tools and materials needed to make wheels.
"Take this treasure back to your dwelling, it is a gift!"
And if they make it back without figuring out how to put wheels on a cart, genocide.
We don't have to wait until we discover other life forms, we can test this out right here on Earth.

only one question to tell if animal is intelligent: can it poo in loo?

Fell from where?

>implying were not going to be the ones discovored, enslaved and have our resources stolen

Because if that dosnt happen, you can guarantee thats what we will become.

>should be the deciding factor and if a civilization is weaker than yours you should be allowed to conquer it.

Nah, you can be a monkey if you want to. Stars are for diplomacy. If you can't abide, don't go.

Don't get used, but don't be users.

Get a load of this heretic. All Xenos must be purged. Get out Space Niggers, this is our Galaxy.

>When we discover alien life

We won't. Get over it.

If not civilised, genocide, if somehow civilised, hook them up on opium, if equal, nice diplomatic relationship, if superior, inflitrate, steal tech and surpass them. Mankind will endure

Har har har. At least were not a mutts

Let me tell you about the stars, Milan.

If we began colonizing space and were fine with enslaving aliens, then any civilization less advanced than us is fair game. Any civilization that is not advanced as us, yet, but rapidly increasing should get attacked and destroyed to avoid issues in the future. Finally, any civilization that is close, equal, or more advanced than us should be aproached diplomatically.

>Any civilization that is not advanced as us, yet, but rapidly increasing should get attacked and destroyed to avoid issues in the future.

If we aren't gassing retard babies, that's a shitty strategy. Eventually you'll produce resistance stronger than your core.

Everything that is not human (and by human I mean white men) shall be purged in the name of the God Emperor.

> t. Liberal fool
Nature doesn't give half a shit about your artificial morals.

This guy has it right If we're lucky enough not to be subjugated/consumed by a vastly superior species, we will in all likelihood consume/subjugate every inferior Civilization we discover.

Nature is survival of the fittest. Nothing more, and nothing less.

>Implying a space colonizing civilization wouldn't be smart enough to practice eugenics
Come on, user

I wouldn't mind if we were colonized by a more advanced specy. It would likely bring us up