Why is Trump not Shutting Down Super-Max Prisons

America can't criticize North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or any other country accused of immoral stuff when the U.S has Super-Max Prisons.


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the alternative to these prisons is execution, but leftists hate that so we just torture them for the rest of their lives

Why the fuck would you want to do that? People in Supermax prisons are people who should be killed outright. Who cares if they're uncomfortable?

Why are they against it though?

im all for shutting down prisons

gas them niggers

I don't care if they are killed but im saying America can't critize any other reigme if it uses these. They violate the U.N human rights code.

Colorado has huge limestone deposits and make cheap concrete.
In the late 90's the Dems wanted full private prisons.
Judges and cops rounded up all the kids and they went to jail for bogus shit, just like some Communist country.
The real issue is the privatized prisons like CCA. And the Clintons

How does it violate human rights code?


So they used them to make concrete?

>[citation needed]

Because our crime rate would be higher than Brazil if we did not have them. Our huge prison system is literally the only reason the USA is not South America tier in crime.


Why does Canada not have crime or as many prisons, what about Europe?


Yunno the guards in super-max prisons wield electrified riot sheilds? Fucking bad ass

>Why does Canada not have crime or as many prisons, what about Europe?
Because they don't have as many niggers and spics. Most Canadian non-whites are chinks, who tend to only commit white collar crime (but constantly do it). Europe is getting there though because of their influx of shitskins.

Woudln't they have feelings against supermax prison?

What fucking part of it, specifically, is cruel and inhumane?



All the decent white kids got 20 years.
All the MS 13 got 2 months.
All the Mexican judges hate white kids and send them away.

You really trying to make an argument with this subjective garbate? post modernist should be shot.

Using logic against libshits is not really done

Solitary, forcefeeding

I think that is not true

You fascists should be censored

Man you seem fucking braindead

...you do know who goes to super max, right? Like, generally, you have to try and do something really bad to get sent there. Hell no I don’t want Trump to close them. You fool.

Underage faggot detected

>Solitary confinement
These are people in jail for decades who are a danger to other prisoners and often themselves.
>Force feeding
So they don't die in a hunger strike. I don't think you even know how force feeding works.

>Putting an international mafia boss with a guy who stole someone's purse

Seems legit.

I once interviewed the inmates in the lockdown wing of a louisiana maximum security prison. It was hilarious.
>They put me in for nothin'! They're all racist
>I stabbed a guy, but he had it comin'
>I'm in here for the fifth time this year. As soon as I get out I just start throwing shit everywhere. Fuck this place and fuck their rules

>These are people in jail for decades who are a danger to other prisoners and often themselves.
Isn't that good? Less work for the guards if the prisoners damage other prisoners amd themselves

>so they don't die
How is that bad? Why not just give them lethal injection the day they walk into prison.

Literally fucking wot, m8?

We feed, shelter, and clothe them. We even allow for TV and internet connection access in some cases. Am missing something?

They are deprived of rope.

Feelings don't work like that. There is a hard limit that they can't get above no matter how much you show them how integrated over time it would actually cause less hurt fee fee even from their perspective. You rarely capitalize feelings over time, otherwise nobody would be stupid enough to do hard drugs or go into consumer debt.

>They violate the U.N human rights code.

>implying the US has signed that additional protocol
pic related


Because they weren't sentenced for capital punishment or they're waiting the 20 fucking years to execute somebody.
Stop being such a retard.

Trump is a fraud

It's still against their constitution. No cruel and inhumane treatment

Then capital punishment should extend to way more crimes.

Supermax isn't torture. Actions have consequences, especially in prison, and in supermax facilities the consequences are severe because the offenders are dangerous.

Torture would be running the country like Brazil, where the prisons are a total mess with no semblance of security at all, and where inmates get coked up and cut each other to pieces and play with their insides for fun.

and being in prison is neither curl nor inhumane if they get the basic necessities for living, aka food, shelter and medical treatment.

the US is pretty based in that regard, they haven't signed a shit load of additional protocols which usually fuck over law enforcement or the justice system and usually give more power to lefty NGOs

stop fucking avatarfagging Sup Forums

Prison is cruel and inhumane unless it's death row

Any prison that's not a death-row prison is cruel and inhumane.

Shut the fuck up loser.

are you really this cluless? the issue with death penulty is that innocent people could get executed who could be redeemed innocent years later