MBTI Personalities

Anyone beleive in this method of dividing people by 16 different personality types?


Thats a test that supposedly tells you what kind of "personality" you have

oooo i'm gonna do it hold up

Data mining is forbidden.

I've found the personality types helpful personally, but the tests arn't perfect as they are susceptible to the biases of the test taker.

I dont have nothing to do with that page..

You're not supposed to use the online tests. Each question corresponds to a letter dichotomy like T/F. It doesn't account for functions and function priorities.

Also, it is quite useful.

the tests are not official


enfp i'm a fucking girl lol




The trick is this doesn't show you 16 personality types. It shows you 16 ways in which people process information.
But anything that isn't NT is murky due to the way the process information like retards.

And remember, it's not people with F that are the enemy, it's the people with S, SF being the worst of the lot. Kill all sensors.

ENTP Master Race here
fuck u

>But anything that isn't NT is murky due to the way the process information like retards.
Except the NT dominant functions are extroverted thinking (ENTJ), introverted thinking (INTP), introverted intuition (INTJ), and extroverted intuition (ENTP), which are all shared by ESTJ, ISTP, INFJ, and ENFP respectively.

INTJ and INFJ share more in their information processing than INTJ does with INTP or ENTJ.

INTP here, Hello there extrovert counterpart :)

sup lil man hows it hangin

My phrenologist told me that MBTI is bunk.

The MBTI is pretty shit, desu. I'd only ever put stock in the Big Five.

>INTJ and INFJ share more in their information processing than INTJ does with INTP
How does that affect INTP/J wobblers?

this is now a political compass thread
>intj natsoc masterrace

But what if the parties I go to are quiet book reading parties and staying home for the evening means listening to my neighbors blasting rap?

>affect INTP/J wobblers?
They don't exist. Compare dominant Ni to dominant Ti and auxiliary Te to auxiliary Ne. Then there's INTP having tertiary sensing and inferior feeling while INTJ has tertiary feeling and inferior sensing.

You're one, the other, or neither, there is no wobbling.


Your a IN

i prefer this one

"Had fun once, made a ppt about it, lmaoo hahah"

Havent laughed so hard at an image for a long time, thx bro

made this over a year ago

intp here, it's in the ballpark for me

Sup Forums is an intj/intp honeypot

To what end?

>You're one, the other, or neither, there is no wobbling.
So I guess that gets back to what you said here

>Each question corresponds to a letter dichotomy like T/F. It doesn't account for functions and function priorities.

Right. The questions aren't set up for functions, they're just set up for letters. The tests are good for beginning to find your type and learn about MBTI but they become less and less useful as you learn more.

idk, conditioning doesn't stick

conditioning doesn't stick to INT*, you mean?


Sensors are the chief short sighted hedonists of the world. They are the ones with no positive goals, no care for their people, all they give a shit about is material pleasure and how to advance it.

>INTJ and INFJ share more in their information processing than INTJ does with INTP
No they do not.

INTJ and INFJ are Ni dominant with Te/Fe auxiliary, INTP is Ti dominant and Ne auxiliary. INTP has stronger sensing than both and weaker feeling than both. The dominant function is the most important unless we're comparing an N type to an S type.

Its somewhat true. Its impossible for things to be illogical so theres some truth to everything.1 Kinda like how niggers are on average dumber than everyone else.

Absolutely. NFs are the Tolkiens, moral philosphers, and justicars of the world. NTs are the Descartes and Pascals. S types are objectively worse, and they are by far the majority.


Some seem to succumb, but most are impervious. Though they may wear it as a game for a time.

I'm an ISTP yet my political compass is on the INTP square one. seems legit

I already know that differences between S and N account for the balance of difference in information processing and ultimately personality. But as I look at it again, you are right, as for some reason I was failing to account for N overlapping for all types. I think I may have misread the post I had responded to. My bad.

ENTP - inventor

Anyone ever have to take one of these for a job?
I just did last year when I switched jobs. Employers had me take the test; that's how I found out I was an INTP.

They wouldn't tell me why they administer the exam, just that they do it to everyone.

I don't really think that this is the most accurate political compass. I think that political association could probably be predicted to a certain extent by personality type. I can even see the logic in the way this compass is organized. I'm just not sure that it is the most representative layout.

Who else INJT totalitarian master politics here.


absolutely disgusting

That's weird. I am sure there is some research concerning which are the most desirable personality types for employers. Looking into it.

Sounds discriminatory.

I thought it was weird; it's not like it was a "Oh, let's see where you'll fit in," but was something they had me do on my first day.

Didn't seem to change the job I was hired for or anything. I just figured it was how they suss out those who might have personality clashes or something.

I think it's fairly accurate. INFP here.

>pic related

Discrimination can be good.

Can you please explain what the fuck you guys are talking about ??? what honeypot

Oddly enough, I always get INTP when I do these quizzes but I am and feel like more of an INFP. Is it possible to have a mixture of types?

Yes they used to screen me hidden in an interview. asked questions to figure out if i was J or P

doubting you are an INTP is actually a trait of INTPs

Largest issue I have with this test, is that it relies purely on self-awareness. This test determines who you see yourself as, rather than who you really are.

There IS wobbling when a person takes the test on a E/I N/S /T/F J/P spectrum, like the one OP posted, or on 16personalities.

Cognitive functions are rarely ever truly touched on these tests.

ISTJ here

Dating INFP

We're going to make tons-o-babby

You're better off talking a projective assessment like the TAT and the Rorschach

Can confirm. Never believed this shit. But after taking it a handful of times over more than a decade, every time wondering Wtf i answered last time, it spits out intp-a every single fucking time.

I even went back and changed answers once. It just resulted in a slightly less severe intp-a.

INFP Nazi here
I don't want to be a writer and it feels like I could grow out of this personality

I'm sure it is.

>people died
>good soup
I don't understand.

ESFJ here. Am I gay or what?

Yeah, you probably suck.

>always get either i/entj every time
>on the borderline between i and entj on your pic

I am, almost didn't respond due to introverted tendencies.


Sieg Heil

Google “Myers-Briggs”. Its 1050s pop psychology with no grounding in science or reasearch, made up to sell a HR service. Like Dianetics, without L.Ron Hubbard’s insane cult ambitions, but just as stupid. Cosmo and Buzfeed quizzes have more validity. There’s no red pill here. Not even a sugar coated placebo.

ISTP or bust. No one else will survive what's coming.

>MFW ISTJ isn't Hitler

At least George Washington was an ISTJ.

wat. hitler was INFJ

no dawg

auth left is FJs
lib left FPs
auth right TJ
lib right TP

>INTJ is a massive meme for people who want to be like Lelouche
>Be legitimately INTJ

It fits. So does this in my case(chemist).

Given that a lot of people here are probably software dev majors and not left-wing, this is bulls hit.

Fits me, though.

>tfw that pic is true in my case
H-how did you know?

Jewish garbage
You can be anything you want user


INTJ bois ww@


INFJ here. Anyone else? :/

5x5 personality matrices are very controversial.
ENTP INTJ etc is a 4x4. it's like NLP etc. Very iffy!

ENTJ masterrace here

Is that bad or good, Sup Forums?

INTJ reporting in

hello fellow douchebags

>Given that a lot of people here are probably software dev majors
Well that explains why there's so many incompetent idiots around. Those same fgts think they're "intj" because "hurrr i r smart, i read Evola!".

>thinking you're a mastermind

>tfw ISTP master race

Intellectual and physically strong. Feels good man

very good.

1% INFJ master race

christopher hitchens is a kike, makes sense he would be an atheist

Same Im an Istp/ Intp, but im always switching between the two.


>muh joos!!1!

Get in the shower, user.

Im like a quarter kike myself, but it is weird how most atheists are ethnically jewish

>My political compass is on the ISTP space
This ain't adding up.

I guess there's only 2 of us itt