Who is the useless character in part 4 and why Okuyasu?

Who is the useless character in part 4 and why Okuyasu?

>Literally saves Josuke in the second to last episode.

Please go die.

He is the most saved character from the whole series till part 4 at least.

Hazamada is way more useless, I dot even know why he was in Great Days

It's the alien guy

Okuyasu is not useless, he is pure and reminds us of the goodness of life

Hazamada it's pretty useless but he is not a protagonist
Mikitaka is way cooler than Okuyasu IMO


>loses his mother
>is ocasionally abused by his dad
>dad becomes a monster
>all this shit happened when he was a kid
>elder brother essentially becomes his new dad
>elder brother grows up to be cunt
>blindly obeys him and as a result he grows up to be completely dependent on him
>brother dies
>suddenly has to take care of his dad
>despite this he still goes every morning for josuke with a big smile on his face

Ignorance is truly bliss

Koichi's stalker?
She doesn't even have a punch ghost. Just punch hair
Oh and alien too I guess

We are talking about protagonism here
He is useless as a protagonist despite of his sad story or whatever

Name 1 thing he did other than meme fights like cheap trick and boyz 2 men

He isn't the protagonist though. Josuke, Koichi, Jotaro, and Rohan have protagonism in them but no one else so its pointless attacking the loveable retard about it

>here's an overpowered Stand
>but lets give it to a huge idiot

kill yourselves, jojobronies

OP said character not protagonist
And there are a ton of more useless characters in Part 4
Even based Tonio didn't do anything after his first appearance

For me he has the same protagonism as Koichi and Rohan
But he is stupid as fuck

Bronies were off topic

He found Hayato.

He's literally the one who finds Kira.

The italian cooking man.
So useless I forgot his name.

Why is Part 4 full of so many useless characters? What purpose did the baby serve? Or the lock guy and the little twerp with his statue stand? Tonio and the rest promise they will help look for the killer, then point at the sky and do nothing. Why do they bring Joseph over to do a spirit photograph of RHCP, but not for Kira when he swaps faces? Why is Okuyasu so great but he doesn't get to go to Italy too?

So many questions?

>Slow as fuck with its swipe
>Weak even as a punch ghost
>Never uses his ability to slice through a person or a stand since he literally cannot hit anything but inanimate objects.

OP Here guys
I was wanted to say the worst protagonist. I thought you guys would catch that. My bad.

The baby is meant to provide an opportunity for Josuke and Joseph to bond as father and son. Some fights are similar to Part 3 in being filler between the BBEG, so the Lock was meant to draw out Koichi's stand in a personal experience. Surface was part of the driving story of the Bow and Arrow. Tonio was just a break from drama and Araki said it was to attempt to create a "suspenseful story" about cooking. They probably realized Joseph was too old to do good spirit photographs, so they gave up.

The baby and Tonio are so useless too
But Tonio is a funny character
I really see those episodes as fillers

You got a point

Okuyasu at least finishes off Akira and does something during the final figh (and saves de gang from Aya exploding if you count the anime)

He's got the shittiest voice, at least.

Nah. His voice is awesome.

He sounds like a 40-year old man smoking thirty cigarettes a day that also has throat cancer and spends every waking moment gargling a huge pile of gravel.

I don't know what they were going for, but no matter what it actually is they've failed.

>dissing a good seiyu

>(and saves de gang from Aya exploding if you count the anime)

What happens in the mungo?

read it and find out


they die



Damn. Never gonna listen the song the same way

>reading action stories

Yuya should have been the brojo, not this retarded sack of shit.

Her hair is the ghost

>Surface was part of the driving story of the Bow and Arrow.



His voice is good, but it didn't fit.

Just because some one has a good voice it doesn't mean they fit every thing.

Would you honestly like an anime where all the characters are voiced by Wakamoto? Including the girls?

Can somebody find those black and gold Bruno/Giorno figurines?



It'd be better if Okayasu died instead of the fat midget. That would make it really personal for Josuke. It's not like Okayasu did much after avenging his brother

Kira also has protagonism in him.

His voice is practically an homage to Kuwabaras from Yu Yu Hakusho

Also it's literally Knuckle's voice from HxH

Like Fugo, Okuyasu had to be dealt with due to having an extremely OP ability except instead of him leaving the group for no reason Araki just made him retarded. Which is believable. Even retards have spurts of usefulness.

But Kira isn't a fucktard

Imagine Misty being voiced by Wakamoto.
How awesome could this be?

>Never uses his ability to slice through a person or a stand since he literally cannot hit anything but inanimate objects.
He sliced Red Hot Chili Pepper in half but it didn't fucking do anything.

And ripped of the fire of a random girl's hair

I just think Jump asked araki to write a lot of filler. Part 3 was the absolute worst for useless filler imo

Surface also introduced the stand users attract stand users thing.

>But Kira isn't a fucktard
Kira is fucking dumb, bro.

kys anime only fag you're not wrong tho

Thats true

Kira was fucking smart using Killer Queen and Stray Cat at the same time IMO

Kira >>>>> Dio

>meets josuke out of chance
>starts following josuke around and gets caught in his bullshit
>basically becomes part 4's speedwagon

>Basically becomes part 4's speedwagon.

Stopped reading right here.

With all the commentating Hayato does, wouldn't he be more accurate for that role? At least for the BtD arc.

I laughed so hard at Speedwagon comparision

>never was a stand user in the first place
>nearly kills jotaro

Duh nigga, that's the end of his post, why would you keep reading it?

That's the last line you inbred fuck
Koichi is more than that tho

If Josuke saving Hayato is anything to go by, doesn't that mean he stopped Josuke from saving Aya? And in the final battle with why didn't he remove the space between Kira and Jotaro? I mean I like the guy, but his intelligence is just depressing. At least the ending showed he's good with taking care of outcasts like his dad and the cat plant.

If Josuke saving Hayato is anything to go by, doesn't that mean he stopped Josuke from saving Aya?
No, because Aya herself was the bomb. Josuke trying to heal her was what set her off. That's why Hayato had to touch Okuyasu to begin with.

>And in the final battle with why didn't he remove the space between Kira and Jotaro?
I think it's assumed if he did that, BtD would have activated immediately. And even if he could have, he was farther away from Kira than Jotaro anyway.

It introduced the idea that Stand users attract other Stand users which is SUPER important in 5 and 6.

You have objectively the worst taste of anyone alive. Wataru Takagi has the definitive dumbass delinquent voice, it could not have been more perfect.

wow me too

What does josuke even do after part 4?
Aside from becoming gappy I mean.

>I think it's assumed if he did that, BtD would have activated immediately.
Kira's pretty fucking stupid isn't he, BtD doesn't let him remember past events so he'd wind up in the exact same spot, especially since the chick wasn't going to expose his identity to the group

Yukako's arc also stated it. You could completely remove Hazamada.

Okuyasu's not useless, he's just never around when he's needed, and there's that one time he tried punchghosting Superfly when The Hand's erasing ability completely countered it.

It does the first time it's used on a person. Like when he killed Hayato