Sup Forums humor thread: Fuck the Courts Edition

>Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again

Why the fuck do I get this error when I have clearly solved the captcha correctly

And like 20% of the time post gets through but mostly it doesn't

this is hte same on other websites as well

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw Trump is probably going to be impeashed soon and you will reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight






I'm so glad he became a meme.


>me after seeing that number


He becomes in death what he could only imagine in life. A meme. Something so powerful that a ancient Egyptian god was awaken by it,

not cool to make fun of an hero's death like that




Im druk halph XDDD





Uncle Ruckus bringing the pain to lefty brains.

Legacy Captcha's getting the axe
Images for everyone, so feed false information




Jewdicial system makes billionaires of thieves like zuckerfuck.

The circle because it's the only one without an individual trair





Lena Dunham's a man, right?



Why do you mock this guy. He is another victim of the Muslim political rise to power in Europe, who got punished for removing kebabs from his beloved country.

I'm glad there are other Enlightened polocks on here.


Jap sense of humor

quick rundown?


>General during Yugoslavia conflict in 90s
>On trial for the operations, accused of genocide removing kebab
>Sentenced to 20 years
>Declares he's not a war criminal and becomes a hero in court



Based af


Is that Ted "The Zodiac" Cruz?

I'm too newfag

Please explain

still funnier than the muslim concept of what to do with a goat

>implying shape isn't a trait


American political cartoonists believe that their audience is so dumb that they cannot understand basic symbolism.


1 is the only small one
3 is the only green one
4 is the only one with no border
5 is the only circle

Regarding 2, there are other red/square/bordered shapes. It's the only one without a unique trait.

>actually replying

Square is a shared trait
Border is a shared trait
Red is a shared trait
Size is a shared trait
It has nothing to 'stand out' like the others have
1 is the only small one
3 is the only green one
4 is the only borderless one
5 is the only circle

Lmao i was in that thread, funny shit


>gender fluids

my fucking sides

ISIS is using cannons from the 1700s now?







>2 is the odd one out by not standing out
Thats pretty good desu

I hope this is true




>posting the worst edit
post the white supremacist ancap version of this where hes selling bats to both sides at different prices.

gary larson was a great cartoonist who never went into the gay ass political cartooning








Holy shit





Fucking kek.




Anyone got the Bugs Bunny one?





