After we Chinaman take over the west, were gonna kill niggers, Jews, and mudslimes hmmm

And they ain't nothing you western folks can do about it.

Many of these ethnics the blacks, beaners, jews, and arabs or whatever, have a survival strategy to guilt others to make them feel bad for them. That weak strategy may work on whites, but in China we see you as bugs to squash.

If you're an Asian nationalist, you're objective is to support your race and China.

>in China we see you as bugs to squash
in China you see everyone as a bug

Yep we kill Chinese traitors like they're bugs. It's what you whites should do to your own white traitors but are too weak to do that. Have fun getting enriched faggot.

I personally support th removal of Nigger-tier races
It's probably more important than Whites taking over east asia

Your time to take over shit is on the rapid decline. I see America and Canada for example and it's clearly headed to be a multicultural shithole. Citizens won't be united and all the imported ethnicels will want to destroy the white man while they lust for their women. That's pretty much the future of the west.

I'm afraid whites have fallen to great to continue leading the human race. There's no chance. The runner up chinks will have to take up the reins and lead the world for better or worse. Chinks, Koreans and Japs United would create a fucking power house. A tip: don't allow the niggers in, exterminate the shitskins, poo in loos and niggers and take over every corner of the world as a homogenous Han world. Whites have failed.

please do, that way all the pussy whities can still be holier then thou but get what they secretly want. i know you insect people are up to it.

if you guys could exterminate the white traitors too that would be sweet

>After we Chinaman

Can you at least TRY and troll properly?
0/10 troll harder newfag.

but chinese have the same strategy.

You couldn't even beat India in a war...

I've studied why you fell, I won't tell you because even if I did I'd be aiding my enemy. Ironically you whites keeping doing just that, aiding your enemy. You make your bed you sleep in.

Sounds like I'm trolling but you know I'm correct.

More like
>Wee Chinamen

Yea but China isn't full of Indians like yours is boy. That's a bigger issue for you to worry about than the lame recent standoff between China/India earlier this year.

I would be in favor of making the lesser races our slaves. When the East Asian has taken over the world, the white man needs to be genocided, right-wing or left-wing. His intelligence is near to Asians (still less though) and so he is too much of a threat, he needs to disappear.

The other races are simply too stupid to pose a threat to East Asia though. We will bring back slavery and make them our slaves. We will grow lazy and rich off their backs while we live like kings.

ching chong ching chong china numbaw juan

fuck you and your shitty country.

All whites need to be eliminated. You are a defective race and a racial threat.

Last time whites did slavery
>le 13% face became a thing.
Forget slavery. Genocide is the only way. 2 billion East Asians is enough to repopulate the world.

>were gonna kill niggers, Jews, and mudslimes hmmm.
But Speed, that would be racist aha~!


I disagree nigs really do need to be sterilized and same with the Jews. Whites I'm indifferent to, but if they get in the way of Chinese interests then they will be treated like niggers. Especially if they start virtue signalling.


you arent gonna take anything before that happen all of you would be exterminated

I look forward to it.

The higher IQ races should be eliminated, but the lower IQ races are not a threat to us. East Asians are not like pathetic whites and we will not feel an ounce of empathy for these subhumans. The browns and blacks must be enslaved, and the whites must be eliminated. Without whites to virtue signal, subvert and organize the lesser races, they will be helpless and they will accept their natural role as property.

Yes I'm a Chinese nationalist. My people over yours. It's just the way of this world.

You can try but it be like putting your hand unprotected in a hornets nest.

Nope I don't want to enslave blacks or browns, they're too stupid for discipline as you look at whites history of enslaving them. Better to sterilize their populations and make them in extreme small numbers or wipe them out through biological weaponry.

Fair enough. However, we need to make sure the whites disappear first as they are our principal threat and the second-highest IQ on the planet. The rest will be easy pickings after we have finished off the whites.

it doent matter how much your economy grow when a country like russia with a pib 10 times inferior than china say no is NO
your pseudo econimic colonialism is all you have to boost your fragil ego,it doent matter china never will be a unilateral world power ,

We don't need to that, they can do that to themselves as you observed in western nations. As they have a spiritual malaise to take pride in their heritage. What we can do is infiltrate their countries and take advantage of their pathological altruism, learn how they operate, what their cultures weaknesses are, which people to subvert, which whites to ally with, all in the objective to destroy them.

>We will grow lazy and rich off their backs while we live like kings.

Jew detected. Why do East Asians need blacks when they have superior robots?

You faggot chinks can't take anything over with your small dicks. They are so small that your women suck white dicks openly and now have even moved on to nignog dicks even though it's taboo for your shit culture. So keep talking shit you 5 foot tall small docked faggot. Just don't forget my dry cleaning needs to be ready by Friday while I pump your women mouths with my cum chink

Smart thinking. We should keep backing the left so that they can continue to degrade the nationalists and loosen up immigration so that more East Asians come here. The influx of blacks and other subhuman minorities will naturally race-mix with the whites and eventually result in the annihilation of the white race.

Nobody likes chinks.

I disagree with that boy. These nigs don't need to grow in population but to be artificially sterilized for their own good and for everybody's interests. The key to Africa is displacing their demographics with Chinese immigrants and wiping out the natives.

Very smart. If China displaces the blacks from Africa, the whites would be forced to accept these hundreds of millions of blacks, who would inevitably race-mix with the whites and result in total white extinction. It would be two birds with one stone.

Lies, all lies. The yellow man is only too happy to blanda up.

If you read his post he uses an only slightly altered Jewish phrase, "The gentiles will work, and we will eat like kings."

I think he's just a Jew trying to convince you to let lesser races survive and turn on you once you've become soft from prosperity.

Remember, ultimately it is prosperity that brings down empires. With the wealth to avoid all hardship, perspective is lost and you have people caring about trivial things.

Be careful, I think China has begun to have Jews infiltrate (they've been at it for a long time). The Chinese are already falling into the decadence of western cultures, experiencing female sexual liberation and such. You're obviously not too far gone, but just look to SK to see how quickly you can lose yourselves.

It seems Japan is the only nation to completely rebuff the merchant menace.

I bet I can still blindfold your asses with my shoe laces.

You know the price chink, white men will support your empire, but we get our complementary asian girl.

I disagree with you on some things, not just eliminating whites but you have to lower the population of the nigs and arabs, so we shouldn't necessarily support them to race mix with them as increasing mongrels would lose some of the cultural value that whites have produced.

Did you know in the East we are known as the Jews of the East? The problem with these kikes is that they're fighting an opponent who also understands the game they play. They may play chess but we Chinese play intergalactic go.

>My people over yours.
no shit if you're a nationalist.

i'd rather sell my soul to the devil then let any of you slanted eyed ants lay a finger on my race. fuck off to your homeland, stay there, and we'll pay the favor.

When the whites are gone, the negroes, dunecoons, poos, spics, abos and other subhumans would be easy to get rid of. The problem is that as long as whites are around, they will never accept their pet races being displaced.

Giúddiskr skum.

You aren't Asian are you, what are you.

I mean, that other poster wants to let blacks interbreed with whites and destroy the white race, seems pretty Jewish to me.

Like I said, don't become arrogant. It's been a while since China was at its potential. You were once the most advanced civilization in the world, and collapsed onto yourself. Then you had foreign powers use your own technology to make you drug slaves.

Whites are counting on you if we can't manage to pull our heads out of the Jewish mind control.

What does that mean? That language sounds like you are gurgling cum. A typical dumb-sounding white language.

I am half Taiwanese and half Filipino.

I agree that China has a superior culture. I'm a Ch'an practitioner and have deep reverse for your culture. It pains me, however, that I was born as a Persian -- with a shitty culture and people. If I were to denounce my culture and ancestry, and try to become Chinese, then would you accept me as one of your own? I want to learn Mandarin and contribute to the greatest country on Earth, China.

You're correct arrogance can lead to downfall if you get too comfortable in your environment.

I'm indifferent to the plight of whites as naturally I want my own race the Asians to succeed even if certain ethnicity's among the Asian race are too scared to accept their potential. My problem with the whites is that they pander to the nigs, they pander to the Arabs, they pander to the Jew, which affects the interests of the Chinaman because we have to deal with more people to suppress.

That is ironic considering you would probably be accepted more in a White society than Sinitic society.

I'd tolerate you if you look oriental. If you look like a semite, you can go fuck yourself.

you chugokujin will do nothing but pollute the world and cry about nanjing

Good luck to you. I know my whites are defenseless and corrupted, not only by leftism and Jewery but also by wealthy right-wingers trying to exploit us. Remember though, the average Chinaman lives a shitty life compared to the average white American. A few wealthy Chinese will benefit in the big picture. My best advice is make sure to finish off the niggers and spics while you’re at it otherwise they’ll come back for you. Keep your women in line otherwise they will become sympathetic to minorities. Asian women are typically smarter so this is less of a worry. I’m sure whites in the woods and the Appalachians will continue to live on, don’t bother trying to kill them.

Ping Pong.

im as white as they come and i wish you all the best in your extermination plans chink

>half Filipino

Man, I'm sorry. That must fucking suck.

I appreciate you at least being honest. I do not look Oriental, but I do not look Semitic either. I guess I will not be accepted by your cultures or peoples. It's fine. It's just something I have to live with.

Mongoloids are subhuman genetic garbage. You were only saved from extermination by the kike takeover of our civilization. If the kikes win, they would easily exterminate you. If the kikes lose, we will easily exterminate you. Gooks are a genetic dead end, you have no future.

I always wonder why whites didn’t just slaughter natives in South America and Africa. If we’d committed genocide early on, white liberals would’ve never had the chance to let them become free and get treated as equals, let alone give away or welfare to them. Hopefully China learns from this.

I'm not going down without planting my seed in many of your girls wombs (already have with 2). It's so easy to find Chinese girls who would kill for white cock, especially over 30 career minded professionals who are desperate to have children. I am booking another trip to Asia just for this purpose

Just saying, if you want to treat us like niggers I might as well behave like one.

What fucked Latin America up wasn't the indigenous element but the Moorish element present in the conquering Spanish, like when the Spanish chimped out in Catalonia.

Implying we would stop you

A White Nationalist society you mean? How so?

Ping Pong? Is that a language? I thought it was some sort of Scandinavian.

Better than being white.

Hi, I don't like you, fag.

What's up with this small dick bullshit. This is why you whiteys are being cucked by niggers

BTW white women I have slept with tell me that I'm larger than the average white boy. Stay mad

Pan - asianism is a joke. Shinzo Abe is very close to out right denying Nanjing Massacre haha

thank you based chinaman. please deliver us from ourselves. We will make the germans share their free energy with you in return.

Modern day White society is hardly White nationalist. You'll be fine in the West until it sobers up to reality.
Yeah it is, but Ping Pong is all I can say to your attempt at mockery

Sobers up to reality? Unlikely. I along with many other Asians are doing what we can to make sure it will never wake up, not until whites have disappeared.

I don't really care what the Japs did to some Chinese people in WW2, because my people who I'm descended from did much worse to other humans i.e, the Mongols/Manchu.

Most Taiwanese say Japanese rule was better than Kuomintang rule from what they have said since the Japanese let the Taiwanese speak their languages as long as they knew Japanese while Kuomintang was Mandarin only.

You're not Han Chinese. Go to hell. I regret even talking to you.

You whites will have to genetically disappear. Your flawed genes are a danger to the East Asian race.

Are you Han Chinese or what? If so you are just a Manchu rape baby lol

If you really mean this, then I'm cool with it. The west isn't failing because of its decentralized systems and individualistic philosophies. It's failing because it refuses to accept IQ differences between groups. Chinese civilization would crumble just the same if it ever got swept up by the fantasy of racial egalitarianism. As long as you promise to keep your word you can take over.

Haha Filipino NIGGER. Literal shit-skinned tribal ape. Go eat some pagpag and sleep in a ditch you hut-dwelling savage. Nigger-lipped, gorilla-nosed Filipino NIGGER.

>things that never happened

>the Mongols/Manchu.
You bastards are the reason China suffered greatly. You are scum of the Earth. How dare you lie about being a true East Asian. You are literal scum of the Earth. Why the Chinese have not expelled you yet is beyond my wonder. Go to hell.

Really, the Manchu cared more about China than did the Han. They complain about their rule but China wouldn't be half the size it is now without their rulership, though they severely genocided the Dzungar bunch.

>Really, the Manchu cared more about China than did the Han
Utter bullshit. GTFO. You lying scum. You are already far worse than Jews. You people should have been exterminated a long time ago. Anyone that knows history is aware of how shitty Manchu/Mongol people are.

>doing what we can

So circle jerking your impotent cocks to the fantasy of an Asian dominated world on a Cambodian basket weaving forum?

Pretty lame if you ask me.

Fun fact, Koreans call flips literal niggers. They are the lowest on the racial totem pole only slightly above real niggers.

Qianlong drinks your tears in the afterlife.

GTFO, China belongs to the Han people, not to Manchu/Mongol genocidal subhumans. These bastards have no claim to any of China's legacy. The Manchus literally waged genocide in China, killing 50 million people.

They are not in continuity with Chinese ethos.

Hmmm those tears so fresh.

I shed no tears towards either Manchu/Mongol or Turkic subhumans.

>50 million

They sound fucking based.

Their the reason China regressed a bit. They are not based at all. They were not very literate and intellectual people. It was not a time of great intellectual growth, such as Tang or Song dynasties. The Manchu/Mongol people are not in continuity with Chinese ethos.

I'm a Chinese and also a Asian nationalist buddy. I'm not interested in playing social justice warrior games with a batty boy.

>Their the
They're the*

As far as Qianlong went he was a pretty good guy. He denounced all the Han generals who defected to the Qing side during their conquest as traitors and cleared the name of Yuan Chonghuan who was basically the reason why the failed to conquer China earlier.

True, it's all over for the white man.

You just called yourself Manchu/Mongol. I hate to break it to you, but you are not fully Chinese. The Manchus people were genocidal, batshit insane and illiterate people.

china has never won a war against any other nation ever. They're only victorious against their own middle kingdom fuck buddies.

That guy sounds like a fucking cuck.

>my face when china exterminates all non-Han chinese and becomes master of the universe

tbf to the chinks that applies to the entire yellow race. Bunch of little-dicked faggots.

Guy was ace but got manipulated by He Shen. Qianlong Dynasty is a great history drama.

China belongs to the Han people, not to subhumans like the Manchu people. They are worse than Jews, no joke.