The "Justice" Department

What is the point of this? Goddamnit Trump

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The Clintons deserve prison time, and next week we will see it.

To remind citizens that the Democrats are about 100 times worse then anybody near the right wing. Everything they accused President Trump of doing Democrats have done far worse.

It's always next week. I'm tired of waiting for happenings that never happen.

Nothing will happen.

Why doesn't Trump act? Why is he staying on Twitter? What the hell. He clearly doesn't want to put her in prison, otherwise he would act. Do something. Make a speech about it, ask for the people to make a protest.

It's all word games. They are name-calling each other while they steal your money in order to consolidate their power. They're all united.

He wants us to get outraged so Sessions can justify cleaning house?


>Why doesn't Trump act? Why is he staying on Twitter?
He's so fucking incompetent it's starting to piss me off. He should have had her arrested and jailed IMMEDIATELY after taking office but he just spouts bullshit and whines constantly. I'm so tired of it. What is stopping him from ACTING?

If this was going to happen he wouldn't be putting "justice" in quotation marks.

>What is the point of this?

What do you mean? The point is to prove the double standard. Flynn does it -- he gets killed for it. She does it, the FBI shrugs and let's her nearly become POTUS. It's relevant.

He's having a meltdown because earlier today he accidentally admitted to trying to obstruct justice. He knows he fucked up but he doesn't know what else to do besides lash out at everything on twitter.

He doesn't want to. It's all verbal games.

You know why? He's also corrupt. It's common wisdom, but it deserves to be repeated: YOU DO NOT GET TO BECOME A BILLIONAIRE, OR PRESIDENT, OR ANYTHING SIMILAR, WITHOUT COMMITING A FEW CRIMES ALONG THE WAY.

Trump commited crimes. Hillary too. Probably the whole American Congress, Supreme Court etc. also commited one crime or another at one point in their lives.

If Trump arrests Hillary, her friends will arrest Trump. Simple as that.

Jeff Sessions is a boomer cuck who isn't doing what Trump wants

Also, the whole goal of talking about 'Crooked Hillary' without actually doing anything is to keep his base silent. They gotta think the man is actually trying to do something, when clearly he isn't.

so a boomer cuck, cucked BASED God Emperor Trump.

maybe you should stop sucking his cock then.

ITT things women and nu-males will never understand

He's clearly doing this to bring the justice department to heel you retard, that's the point.

digits and he locks her up next week

He's doing exactly what Trump wants. The establishment will never want to arrest its own members. American politics is just too corrupt.

It's worse than Brazil, where the justice system actually can arrest the powerful, although it rarely does so. American politicians, however, have just too much power. They can fuck you up if they want in a way that Lula or some other Brazilian politician would never be able to fuck up a judge. Can you imagine what will happen if Hillary is arrested?

yea trust me guys its RLY habbening next week :D just wait and see.

He isn't going to fucking sperg out and make it look like hes jailing political opponents, thus increasing the backlash from the leftards. He's on a long term plan, not a fuck it lets do it now plan.

I have learned not to question Trump or his methods...he knows how to motivate people, prod his enemies and bait the media

America is being made great again before our very eyes, every day, in new and innovative ways

just enjoy it

He's done it so often that they won't care anymore. Do you think Sessions will lose a good night's sleep because of merely one among thousands of meaningless Trump tweets?

I am pretty mad, because I trusted Trump. I actually thought he was on the anti-globalist side. Turns out he isn't, and, even if he is, he's too corrupt in order to take risks, and much prefers saving his own fat ass.

You guys are a bunch of incompetent, idiotic, useless voters who should have chosen Ron Paul. You had the chance. Now you deserve the shit you're getting. Idiots. Your economy will grow for a few years, but the Mexicans will come just the same, and the culture, the old America, will disappear just the same, just like the old Brazil is already nothing but a setting for cheesy Globo soap operas.

>Can you imagine what will happen if Hillary is arrested?

2018 is gonna be a great year. Bill and Hillary are both about to die. It's gonna be great having their last days be them withering away with their legacies crumbling. They won't live to see prison, but I will put a MAGA hat on their graves every day.

How is Trump corrupt?

>Jails political opponent
>Doesn't jail political opponents

There's no winning here you apes.

The media will call him a dictator and they *will not stop* and the only thing you will hear about will be 'Trump is a dictator' for months and months and months, and all TV shows will talk about it, and the only jokes permissible will be about Trump's dictatorship and so on and so forth, and every single little thing that he, his wife, his kids, his ex-wives, his friends etc. have ever done in the history of their existences will be scrutinized to such a point that he will go mad and kill himself, unless he's actually a man like Napoleon, Cesar, or Bismarck (he isn't). They will have no pity whatsoever for as long as Hillary is in jail, because if he gets Hillary that means he might as well get Bill, Barack, Michael, McCain, Soros, the NYT leaders etc.

Racketeering and conspiracy are the hardest things to prove. Blow it, and it's Hillary/Kamala Harris in 2020 with a huge sympathy vote. Given the choices, I'm OK with driving her and cult to pills and insanity.

And then mockingbird dies.

Yes, that's the plan.

In one way or another, mate.

He's a billionaire and, like all billionaires, was involved in shady stuff at one point or another of life. He only needs to have committed one crime - a single one, a few years ago, maybe a few decade - in order to get fucked.

This is why working class leaders like Mussolini etc. are much better than billionaires. You wouldn't be able to find shit on him for the simple reason that he was a normal guy who didn't have the means to commit serious crimes.

Answer me honestly: do you seriouly believe a guy can get power without committing crimes? This is impossible, I say. Even Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have done their fair share of ignoring the law...

it's this added to the fact that he cant "influence" the Justice Department. Only was Hillary can be investigated is Sessions is fired and Trump hires a new AG who launches one without ties to Trump

His supporters need to start emphasizing to everyone what a transparent adminstration Trump runs. Even small fuck ups have been dealt with swiftly and severely (Tom Price, few others) and he's so closely covered that we've already had full text transcripts of some of his private phone calls leak, something I literally cant remember with anyone else. The man is rewriting the book on how to be a politician and an executive in the 21st century through a life of open, public accountability on a daily basis

>b..but the emails
He's melting.

And being lambasted for it.

I don't get the reference.

Also, I am very surprised that Trump's sex life hasn't been investigated yet. The left really must be a bunch of pedos if they haven't taken that step yet. They would have taken it if they didn't also have something to hide. I thought Trump's dick size would be public knowledge by July 2016 or so...

Why are you right wingers so obsessed with Clinton?

>was involved in shady stuff at one point or another of life
No retard, he wasnt. Thats why he's so opposed by Clintonists who have derived ALL of their power through illegality and criminality. Trump is, in comparison, pure morally as the driven snow


He doesn't have the power to just arrest anyone he wants, does he? If that's the case, arrest George Soros and everyone he's associated with, along with Obama.

how autistic are you morons? the president of the united states cannot arrest and convict anyone

Digits and she goes to prison

>we came, we saw, he died

It's the way she conducts it. The smug brazenness.

So close fuck me

Google locus of control. Trumps is very high. He is a person who aggressively seeks success and knows how to profit, even from failures. That is why he is a fucking billionaire.

If he wan't pretty godamn clean he wouldn't have been able to get the nomination, let alone become fucking prez. Some libtard with access to damaging info that is provable would have come out with it so they could lick hillarys clit under the desk in the oval office. The worst they got was grab em by the pussy.


It's okay user. Digits or not, it will come

>When the dust cleared it revealed a priceless moment in american history
Well they're right about that part at least.

drumpf is a pussy no wonder hillary should have won she got shit done and would have drumpf in jail.