Jotaro gets time stop just because, no real explanation

>Jotaro gets time stop just because, no real explanation
>Dio dies because his leg gets punched really hard
>Not from an actual weakness like sunlight or hamon, leg punch

This final fight was ass. Cry all you want about the ambulance in part 4 but at least there was an explanation.

It's a gag series you dumbfuck.

>expecting anything more from reddit crusaders

Aren't gag series supposed to be funny? If they were aiming for "it's so shit it's funny" then they failed.

ya, as in all the plot holes make anyone with a brain gag

>not from ... hamon
stands are personified hamon that trades it's age lengthening and utility for specialization and lack of need in regards to training

Hurting the stand hurts the user. It's not unreasonable that you can sidestep the vampire immortality by killing him via the stand.

But it would have been cooler to have jotaro and Joseph come up with a mixed solution that utilized Hamon.

Kars is the strngeoest
his power is untltimate

>not punching your enemies hard enough to make them explode

>stands are personified hamon
I must have forgotten about the part where Dio kills himself when he summons his stand.

Nice headcanon retard.

>Jotaro gets time stop just because, no real explanation
I'll give you that. It was an asspull of the biggest calibre.

>Dio dies because his leg gets punched really hard
>Not from an actual weakness like sunlight or hamon, leg punch
1. It was shown before that his right side heal slower than his left half.
2. A Stand is a pretty glaring weakness for a vampire. Given how if you kill the Stand you kill the user, a regular human can kill an otherwise unkillable vampire if he can hurt said vampire's Stand.

hamon doesn't instantly kill vampires upon touch or proximity you retard

It was foreshadowed,kind of, with SP breaking The World's fist which also broke DIO's hand after High DIO appeared.

I want to fuck Straits

I guess Dio was simply melting himself slowly whenever he summoned his stand then. Dumb jojoposter.

stub your toe, bottomfeeder

Neck yourself, jojobrony.

chock on vomit while sleeping, pus-brain

Get run over by your school bus, underage cancer.

become living NTR, Sup Forums poster

I'll NTR your dad, kid.


I don't think Jotaro getting time stop was a complete asspull. We know that the Dio's awakening had an effect on Jotaro- it led to the awakening of Jotaro's Stand. We also know that both Joseph and Dio can use Hermit Purple- Dio uses it to track Jotaro and the gang on the plane in the Tower of Grey arc. Since both Joseph and Dio share an ability, it makes sense that Jotaro and Dio would also share an ability, but in this case it's The World's time stop- hence Star Platinum The World. Finally, all Stands have the "Development Potential" attribute; throughout Part 3 Jotaro and his Stand evolved and gained new abilities (Star Finger and the Star Breathing thing). Gaining Star Platinum The World and time stop was the final step in Star Platinum's evolution, and the farthest extreme of Star Platinum's base ability: punching stuff really, really fast.

It wasn't an ass pull. Araki originally had it planed that THE WORLD's ability was that it could copy the powers of any other stand, so the final reveal was supposed to be that it was copying the time stop ability from Star Platinum

he ended up retconing the idea, but you can tell he planned it from early on since there's the scene of Dio using purple hermit

and as others have noted Dio was killed because his stand was killed... but then again how do we know he was killed? He was blown into itty bitty chunks because THE WORLD was destroyed, but he may have regenerated from that. They didn't give him time to do so though as they threw his body into the sun

>I'm pretty sure the idea was that Jotaro finally "broke" The World, shattering it- and then its user -into a bunch of little pieces. But Dio definitely would have recovered if given enough time; that's why Jotaro and Joseph took his body out into the sun to finally kill him for good.

youre talking about an ending for a story that happened well over 20 years ago

this came out like last year you fucking retard holy shit

stardust crusaders ended in the early 90s you fucking dumb anime watching faggot

go back to catching up on shit using kissmanga or something you moron, literally no one cares about your antiquated bullshit except you




falling for such an obvious troll

come on sempai calm down

>LOL Jotaro wins: The Series

Part 3 is complete garbage

Are you retarded? They're adapting the manga panel for panel. That's the whole fucking point of this massive project.

>people are falling for this ridiculous bait

adapting things panel by panel is fucking stupid because you end up just recreating the same stupid plotholes and "developments" that are still retarded 20 years later

they had a chance to address this shit and fix it and they didn't
but you faggot fanboys try to defend it, acting like it's somehow better than the shitshow that is naruto or bleach despite having the exact same issues


Mangafags everyone.
Nobody cares if you read some shit before everyone fag. literally worse than Marvelfags that complain about reading the comics before the movies.

comics and the movies are no way the same in any way

two different universes

I really hate how Joseph turned into a bumbling idiot in part 3 because of this.

DIO worship in part 3 and 6 would have made much more sense if Araki could have kept his ability to copy stands without writing the final fight into a corner. Jotaro almost jobbed several times despite having the "ultimate stand ability."

yet another thing that could have been fixed in the anime but wasn't