Shiva The Destroyer running for GOP against Elizabeth Warren

Time magazine claims he "invented email"??

What's his deal? Does he seriously stand a chance if the meme power gets behind him?

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He's a REAL indian

Poo for one and Poo for all

Meme into reality boys

"Vote Shiva. What are you, a racist?"
Just straight use their rhetoric against them.

I listened to one of his interviews and he is pretty cool. He is an independent against both the GOP and Dems although he is a conservative. I think he could win if his message got out.

There are a TON of pajeets in MA that will all vote for him. He might have a chance

He's an OG Indian, not like those Injuns or even fake Injuns like Warren.

Shiva is using the Trump method--- running as Republican, but being firmly anti-establishment. I really hope he wins, his IQ is probably somewhere around genius level.


This should be his campaign slogan.

>Poos in your tipi

The irony here is hilarious

he's a low IQ oppurtunist all minorities are oppurtunists in one way or another

He didnt invent smtp email. Not all email is smtp. E. G. Microsoft Mail, PROFS, SNADS, CCMail, Lotus Notes etc.
Retards just assume all email is SMTP/POP3.

We honestly need to push this loo'er.


This guy triggered THOUSANDS of leftists by protesting the same causes they do. Anyone remember Boston?

big chief Shiva smokem peace pipe

She's got my vote. Let's freeze this motherfucker down.


Fuck yeah!

Massachusettsfag here

hes got my vote but theres no way he will win

Pretty based. He was the organizer of the Boston Free Speech rally back in August.

I'd say he could benefit from meme magic.

sounds good to me

Here he is at the Boston Free Speech rally. Surrounded by all those antifacists calling their small gathering nazis.

I think he's pretty based.

We get a general up and running and that'll help him a bit

The only word that normies have to hear in order to blow up and star sucking his dick.