Is David Attenborough propaganda I always feel inclined to help the environment after watching his documentaries

Is David Attenborough propaganda I always feel inclined to help the environment after watching his documentaries.

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Helping the environment is good you faggot

>Is David Attenborough propagand

>I always feel inclined to help the environment after watching his documentaries.
What does it mean to help environment? To me, helping environment amounts to not intervening and causing unnecessary suffering to sentient beings. In other words, I feel the best way to help environment in Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEM).

it's just in the white man's nature to love nature

It's because you know that deep down humans are abusing the planet way more than we should be.

The guidestones are right there shouldn't be more than about 500 million of us.

Protecting the environment is good.

liberals have co-opted environmentalism though, and turned it into cancer.

Saw him in that documentary jurassic parks, didnt reckon much to it. Seemed like a bit of a pretentious prick in person

>it's just in the white man's nature to love nature
Scandinavians do stuff like whaling and seal clubbing. Animal abuse or lack thereof is not exclusive to any particular race.

His documentaries have a tendency to make animals seem silly and endearing or pitiful.

Get high and watch blue planet.
Thank me later cunt.

I've been watching blue planet II all weekend.


I actually do not like the sound of his voice. It seeps with pretentiousness. The cinematography on his documentaries are okay though.

I prefer reading books on animal cognition and then watching live recordings of interesting behavior.

Get your scuba diving license because at this rate the biodiversity in the ocean will all be completely gone.

That shit where he kept getting divebombed by those vicious giant seagulls is a comedy classic.

friendly reminder that wanting to protect the environment and conserve nature is not a jewish plot in the least bit. don't think that because leftists are for it that it's bad
multinational jews want to convince you that you don't need to worry about the environment so they can rape it for all its worth to make a pretty shekel while destroying the beauty around you
there's no point securing the existence of our people if you don't also preserve the land. the soil is kind of important to blood and soil

His brother's documentary was better.

It was too. That scene is still awesome. Huge and beautifully shot. Pure 90s epic.

Then how do you rationalize Trump dropping the Paris Accord?

You think your stewards of the Earth, but you really aren't. The Earth has been crying for a long time now. It's time mankind goes extinct, really. Let other animals evolve and take our place.

Do you also shit in your own bed and through garbage in your own lawn?

If not, how the fuck can helping the planet you live on be bad?

Getting rid of India would solve half the world's problems.

Ha! Still falling for the dinosaur jew.

>would solve half the world's problems.
It would not. Stop lying to yourself.

Conservationists have been around longer, at least in the U.S. Hundreds of species that were on the brink of extinction in the early 20th Century were saved by hunters who basically wanted them around so they could shoot them. Bubba may scoff at environmentalists, but he'll get together with his buddies to buy a hundred acres so he can go shoot Bambi every fall which keeps another hundred acres pristine and untouched. Meanwhile the liberal environmentalists who make fun of Bubba buy a Prius, donate $100 to the Sierra club and virtue signal about their environmentalism. So Progressive.

Its great nature content with subtle lines about evolution and environmentalism and talking about how the earth is billions of years old.
Satans form of daily reminders through his controlled media.

Whosoever therefore is a friend of the world is the enemy of God. King James bible has the true history perfectly translated without error.

>someone else who knows about VHEM

>The Earth has been crying for a long time now.
Compared to the pollution from the last VEI-8 eruption, we've done nothing.
The most damning thing about environmentalists is their distinct lack of knowledge of biology, geology, and history.

Forgot my pic.

>tfw no vhem gf

So much for loving nature. The best way to love nature is what Schopenhauer devise: deny the servitude to the "Will-to-Live", or in more precise terms, deny biological impulse procreate. Just look at mankind's history, it is full of madness, from blood eagle to lingchi to scaphism, mankind has best been at coming up with creative torture methods.

Mankind's self-consciousness is flawed. Ted Kaczynski's thesis was right, but he never asks what is it in mankind's consciousness that has led to this? That has led to the madness of industrialization and globalization.

Mankind must go extinct and other species evolve to greater sophistication. We are merely the stepping stone to other superior beings.

I like Schopenhauer more than Nietzsche.

yes he is, he lied about the polar bear babies.

He filmed some polar bears in a zoo and said they were in the wild. What the fuck is wrong with him?

He lied about some other shit too but I forgot what it was. I would post source but I remember all the Attenborough fans don't care that he lied so whatever.

Ocean acidification (especially), overfishing, oil + nuclear spills, PCBs + mercury, and more are totally destroying the ocean. There will be more plastic bottles in the ocean than fish by 2050.

We got there first, go fuck a tree you dolphin loving hippy


His documentaries are some of the last worthwhile things we export. Likewise, it motivates me to be more conscious of the eniroment. However, it really is futile unless there is a serious discussion about population. There's a speech on YouTube he made about population, I encourage people to watch, it's some of finest work.

Its the fishes fault for being weak. For someone who's anti evolution you seem to harp on about it a lot when it applies to every race apart from humans

>Ocean acidification (especially)
Neutralized by limestone/carbonates.
Nothing compared to what the last ice age did.
>oil + nuclear spills
Nature LOVES oil spills. Bacteria eat that shit up. Hell, millions of gallons of crude leak out into the ocean naturally which is consumed by bacteria. This is what causes naturally-formed tar balls. And nature doesn't give a fuck about radiation either, hence why nature is reclaiming the Chernobyl site.
>PCBs + mercury,
That first one isn't dangerous to nature. It's a danger to humans who are the most likely to come into contact with concentrated masses of it.
Mercury is a natural element found all over the earth, likely brought here aboard meteors, like gold and platinum.
>and more are totally destroying the ocean
The ocean can not be destroyed by humans. We could destroy ourselves by messing up the ocean a bit, but after a while(100 years or so) the ocean will have adapted to it and neutralized the problem, as nature always does in the end.

You have no clue how powerful the natural world is. It can wipe us out with a sneeze and keep on going.
You know what a hurricane is? Air conditioning.

Mankind's will is insatiable. Look at how much human beings have destroyed simply to try to fulfill their ambitions and lust. What has it amounted to? Nothing but greater suffering, greater destruction.

The will precedes our thoughts, and it can never be satiated. Why perpetuate this? Why continue building Babel until it collapses? Why not simply deny serving this impulse? Don't you see mankind's struggle has been entirely futile, brutal, leading nowhere? Don't pass judgment onto nature, just look at ourselves, for now.

The narrative of civilizations is one of utter nonsense, broken dreams, the songs of those swept under. Just let mankind go extinct, let other animals evolve to greater sophistication. They will not be as foolish as us.

Add dwindling krill populations due to shrinking sea ice in winter; the advent of ocean mining for minerals and accumulation of micro plastics to the list. Lesser known but just as important.

Mankind is best off wiped out regardless. We're just stupid primates that devour everything in our path. We only have 2% genetic difference from bonobos and chimps.

Our stone-age ancestors frequently resorted to cannibalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if shit hit the fan that mankind would resort to its primitive, base madness. Why have children when we are a despicable lot?

I still want the Jews to die first, though.

>resort back
revert back *

Yes they will, its called evolution.
How the fuck you guys think that if somehow humans werent around, the chinchillas would develop some sort of shit free utopia where no-one fucked or ate too much, is beyond me

Well, go kill yourself then. I'm sure those bacteria and insects that want to devour your flesh after your immune system and motor ability are disabled from your nervous system dying will not thank you for the putrid buffet.

They have a problem with too many seals though. Apparently the gobbament in Norway pays 50 crowns per killed seals just to get rid of them. They are really cute but it's our duty to kill them too to preserve nature

>Well, go kill yourself then
I have attachments and such. I don't derive meaning only from procreation.

I actually have a prediction about this that's very well thought-out, but I don't want to share it since someone might steal my idea.

"They have a problem with too many human though. Apparently the International Kikes pays 5 toes per killed White babies just to get rid of them. They are really cute but it's our duty to kill them too to preserve nature"
-- Moloch

>Is X propaganda?
That answer is usually yes. Propaganda comes from the same root word as "Propagate", meaning to beget more of something.
So, if I teach my kid to accept freedom, democracy, and the American way, that's propaganda.
If a North Korean is taught to accept the Kim family as gods, and that America is the Great Enemy, that's propaganda.
If Sweden teaches their people to accept foreigners because of whatever reason, that's propaganda.

You can't just say "My way of life is Humanity in its natural state, and is the way everyone should be. Everything else is propaganda". It all is.

The original conservationists were Conservatives and Republicans. These days y’all think it’s more fun to troll Liberals for shits and giggles than be responsible custodians of the Earth and God’s Creations. It actually one of the few subjects that everyone could agree on, especially based on the science. But right wingers wedge it, choose politics over principles.

Seriously. Oils at $50 with a worldwide glut and industry (industry, not liberal) forecasts for global long term dwindling demand. But the GOP is cheering drilling in the Arctic reserve. Even the vast majority of Alaskans think that’s stupid. And it’s unlikely BP or any of the players are going to drill because of the cost. But, hey, let’s fuck nature up, because we can.

>paris accord
>protecting the environment

climate change negotiator here, let me tell you about the fucking paris accord

the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) system which is the basis of the accord is horseshit. any country can say they'll reduce their emissions by whatever amount they want and everyone is supposed to applaud them when they reach a laughably easy goal. China (polluter number 1) literally had a look at where their carbon emissions were going anyway and stuck the target in a safe place where they didn't have to do a fucking thing

that doesn't even take into account other form of pollution like dumping fucking plastic into the ocean thats going to stick around for 30000 fucking years. pic related, the rivers that dump the most plastic shit into the ocean are all in asia and africa (Niger, Nile, Indus, Ganges, Yangtze, etc) its fucking disguting and they come to the conferences and talk shit to America cause they're pulling out of the agreement.

The worst part of it all are countries like Germany who LOVE to talk shit from their European shit-eating perch, like they're so fucking clean. They turned off their nuclear plants and spent a fuckload of money on solar panels in a country where the sun comes out like 3 times a year, those fucking retards. Their emissions have actually increased since they said they were gonna take care of that shit, and they have the GALL to talk shit to America when the US is actually keeping the commitments Obama made.

Why? Fracking has provided such a cheap alternative to coal that America's emissions tanked. the paris agreement can go fuck itself, fucking greenpeace and a bunch of other lefties were protesting us in Paris cause they were 100% redpilled on the horseshit that the treaty was

>I have attachments and such.

Well good for you. Now marvel in the power of evolution.

The whole existence of the Default Mode Network (DMN), which is basically the brain's intrinsic activity at rest and tied to the creation of meaning-making on narratives, is a persistent propaganda machine. In other words, our narratives are continuously manufactured by our brains to create the illusion of our "selves" being real, fixed entities. In fact, it's not real... There is no you, only the flux, the Heraclitean flux!

If you think chimps are only 2%genetically different from us, then I can assure you, your idea is safe.
Cooperation between any species will never work when short term success results from long term failure. EVERY animal on this earth has wiped itself out before we came along

"Ever since researchers sequenced the chimp genome in 2005, they have known that humans share about 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees, making them our closest living relatives."

>you keep using that word
>i do not think it means what you think it to mean

Well, I know if you want to get technical, we really don't. What I mean, is we have a recent common ancestor, that's it:

My hypotheses and predictions are that birds, who diverged from mammals 300 million years ago, have developed more robust neuronal architecture. Consider crows and ravens whose intellect rivals greater apes with meta-tool use and problem-solving. New Caledonian Crows are very intelligent, and like orangutans and chimps, are one of the few animals to use a tool to modify another tool, or save a tool for future reuse.

Corvid brains are more like cloves on a bulb of garlic whereas mammalian brains evolved in more hierarchical fashion. Look at human neocortex, which has six layers in our neocortical column, and this is much like layers of plywood stacked up on each other. I believe the hetearchical organization of avian brains is more robust. I hypothesize, the avian brains' circuity have less redundancy, and this correlates with their socially monogamous sensibilities and general well-mannered behavior. Unlike apes, crows do not engage in insane rape and cannibalism because their brains evolved to be more harmonious in monogamous relationship*** more on this later.

My hypothesis is since birds descended from dinosaurs, since process of paedomorphosis is correlated with intelligence, and that they have decent encephalization quotient (EQ), that when mankind goes extinct, birds will speciate and inherit the Earth.

This is true transcendence, what Western religions were all about. Zoroastrians, who influenced Abrahamic faiths, desired nothing more than to be devoured by birds in their "Tower of Silence". This defines Christianity, Islam, and Judaism too -- this desire of transcendence, to go beyond the human, which only birds fulfill, hence why we see imagery of wings, birds, and flight for ascendance/transcendence. This is because deep down and unconsciously we realize birds will inherit this Earth, they will evolve/speciate to higher complexity. It's already happening with crows.

>What the fuck is wrong with him?
Sometimes it's not practical to film in the wild. Hardly a lie when he's done episodes showing how they get the footage. Like the insects are normally done on a set.

Not an argument. Grow up baby boy. Leave pol for plebbit until you are 18.
Then kys

>Is David Attenborough propaganda?
Probably. Ellen is.


Kill yourself then, faggot. Self-loathing people are mentally ill. A true animal supports conservation of all life forms, including humans.

*A true animal lover

My argument is nuanced. I gave a little bit of before. I am arguing that human beings are naturally prone to violent, destabilizing behavior because our mammalian brain's circuitry has too much redundancy and clutter. I feel the brains of birds has evolved in a more robust manner. I described this here: Consider how our ancestors were not monogamous, but we, ourselves, try to be socially monogamous. In a since, we emulate these birds. I go more in-depth into the superiority of birds. Only when the raven swallows your heart, can it be converted into light.

no. the world is a beautiful place and we should preserve it. being pro environment isn't an inherently leftwing positon

Yeah, it's happening, but I don't know what they will look like. They won't have as much problems with thots as us though. There also won't be psychosexual undertones in their bonding with others (e.g., think Lynch's Last Highway -- I doubt birds would have any situations like that).

Bird sexuality is not as "chaotic" as mammals. Only 3% of mammals are socially monogamous whereas 80% of birds are socially monogamous.

theres nothing wrong with caring about the environment and animals you nigger

Clearly it didnt happen fast enough because here we are. You could argue that the dinosaurs should still be in charge if all it takes it "fair" conditions.
Im sure theres plenty of species that had better potential than us, before we fucking ate them and wore them as a hat.

>I am arguing that human beings are naturally prone to violent, destabilizing behavior because our mammalian brain's circuitry has too much redundancy and clutter. I feel the brains of birds has evolved in a more robust manner. I described this here
Absolutely retarded. Birds one of the most brutal animals out there. Humans are violent because of the same thing that makes other animals commit violence; territory and difference.

Birds descend directly from dinosaurs.

Consider in how human beings love and hate are so close to each other. This is due to poor evolution of our brain. One would desire more independence between love and hate... but look at how quick those in relationships turn to hate one another... how quick a nation turns to hate each other... how friends become enemies, enemies become friends...

like that

*snaps fingers*

See, mankind ought to go exinct. The birds are superior to us. Their genome is also better compressed and condensed. In fact, more efficiency comes from better compression.

I for one welcome our new bird overlords.

>Birds one of the most brutal animals out there.
Depends which species we are speaking of.

>Humans are violent because of the same thing that makes other animals commit violence
A vast oversimplification. The violence manifests differently for many species.

>territory and difference.
You are correct about territory or resources, but difference is "different depending on context like certain evolutionary pressures", so I prefer saying territory or evolutionary pressures, and evolutionary pressures are different for each species and depends on their niche and more.

The way I see mankind's future is based on these two paths:
A. we gamble it all on transhumanism and hope for the best (basically Nick Land -- Nietzsche on steroids)
B. we accept our extinction (basically Schopenhauer )

Mutually Assured Destruction is complete BS. Mankind is not responsible enough not to resort to nukes and causing the "End of Times". Either we bid all of it on fusing with the machine before then or accept our inevitable extinction.

There were some crows digging in my garbage can, and earlier that day I'd seen them in the street pecking at a flattened squirrel. I asked them how come they didn't get jobs and buy some food from the grocery store but they didn't answer. I was going to ask them how come crow society hasn't developed interstellar travel yet but since they wouldn't engage in conversation in the first place figured it was no use.

No, I went more in-depth elsewhere. Crows intelligence rivals that of Greater Apes like chimps and orangutans. Even with smaller brains relative to Greater Apes, crows are on equal or greater level of intelligence. This is the beginning of something greater for them.

They will speciate into higher forms, just like we did from common ancestors as chimps.

You're really talking out of your ass when it comes to your human argument. A much more complex animal will have complex outputs. If birds were to advance higher into sapient beings, they will be exactly as hateful as humans. We're the epitome of godlike beings on this planet, birds will only emulate us in all aspects of psyche.

scuba diving and snorkeling are overrated. blue planet ii is the premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak.

And you bet your ass same crows are gonna work out killing everything in sight is profitable long before they realise what sustainability means

>they will be exactly as hateful as humans
I disagree. I do not think they will be as psychosexual or "disturbed". They wouldn't do shit like rape or cannibalism, both widespread in human history. Of course they would have conflict and wars, but birds are socially monogamous whereas humans are not.

>We're the epitome of godlike beings on this planet
Then why do we fight against our base impulses and adopt social monogamy? Human beings are not naturally socially monogamous.

Civilization has "auto-domesticated" us and helped us refine certain features better. It has helped channel certain drives more efficiently and effectively, changing certain habits and behaviors.

I wonder what the civilization of the evolved birds would be like?

Depends where you scuba dive. I think going to Florida Keys would be mesmerizing. Florida has some great places to scuba dive. Crystal River is nice too. I saw a manatee up close.

That one was propaganda. They filmed a bunch of stuff in an aquarium and faked footage.

>If birds were to advance higher
funny how we only see bacteria advance higher

They won't surpass humanity due to the fact they don't even have articulate hands. They use their beaks more like all the lesser animals. Why do you think we surpassed ants and other insects when they were already builders far longer before we evolved? Their bodies aren't like ours. The human form is the perfect form that makes full use of intelligence. Birds will not win, their evolutionary pathway doesn't even come close to any humanoid formation. They'll just be smart, but still primitive.

>hey wouldn't do shit like rape or cannibalism
Are you serious? You haven't been studying birds for long then. Those are very common avian behavior. I can already see the first tribal stage birds raping and cannibalizing enemy tribes to grow power.

>i wonder what the civilization of the birds would look like
Probably be crap everywhere

>they don't even have articulate hands.
I think their feet are quite flexible, and after a a few million years, it may become an analogous structures to ours. Already we see convergent evolution in many cognitive faculties and more between them and us. My point is, chimps and humans had a common ancestor about 10 million years ago, so it's not out there to say birds won't speciate, in stages, to a higher level in a couple million years. Already we see corvids rival greater apes....

It is somewhat like a cognitive arms-race evolutionarily.

I recommend watching Beak & Brain: Genius Birds From Down Under on Netflix when you have time. Also, Genius of Birds by Jennifer Aickman is a good book.

>The human form is the perfect form that makes full use of intelligence.
Then why in Christian mysticism are angels portrayed with the wings of birds? Why are angels synonymous with transcendence? See, our form is not perfect. In fact, the bodies of birds seems more efficient in many regards, especially lungs and beautiful wings.

>They'll just be smart, but still primitive.
Give it a few million years, and they'll get better.

I bet they would develop a sewer system like us.


Birds bodies are horrendous.
Theyre weak, porous, disease prone, you even so much as fart near them and they asphyxiate like a coal mine canary.
Low tolerance for heavy metals, polution, their constitution means they cant survive a famine of more than a week without dying of malnutrition.
This is a species thats arguably smarter than cats, but are still cat food

There is a lot of diversity in various bird species. What you say seems true regarding parrots, parakeets, and some other species, but I'm not sure if it's correct about corvids, like crows and ravens, or eagles. They're actually quite tough.

It's not good to generalize all birds. Not all of them are intelligent or equally as tough.

Release crocodiles with disguises into minority communities

"oy vey, it's like another croca-shoah"