K-On! College: Chapter 10

K-On! College: Chapter 10
prior thread: 151801125








I can't bump my own thread. Anyone still reading?








yo, keep going


yay! new thread!


finish it, I guess















And like an unfinished handjob, here we are suddenly at the end.

Now for the extras, then Vol. 6 High School



I omitted these earlier when I was trying to get under the image limit. This is from when they first played Fuwa Fuwa Time for their friends.


And when Mugi swore off her parent's allowance and bought cheap snacks instead.



Hey high school!








When are they getting boyfriends?


Alright, testing 4chanX out again. Let's see if this works right.




It's important to remember that Azusa has a huge crush on Mio.

They downplay it in the anime, but in the manga she do.



I thought Asuza saw Mio as a big sister


She gets a nosebleed from watching the video of her fall and expose her panties, then she makes her valentine's day candy. She was super embarrassed about the whole thing when Ui caught her so she lies and says it's for the whole club.


Idunno, I don't like that

They barely reference it in S1 (literally blink and you'll miss it) and they seemingly retcon it out in S2. I only mention it for the context in the manga.

































