Croatia&Serbia memes

Give me your best cro, srb, south slavic memes! :3

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Here you go: The split was messy, but good in the end.

I love how I can now visit Belgrade as a Croat and enjoy their culture and people there will accept me as a fellow Slav.



(pic related)



You are an embarrassment to this country




Gib krajina baek.

moraš biti 18+ da bi ovdje postao anone.


>I love how I can now visit Belgrade as a Croat and enjoy their culture and people there will accept me as a fellow Slav.
it's more than that - they will accept you as a brother

Nope, the one on the right is not our president. And frankly, neither the one on the left should be...










Hibiki so cute.

albania shits on you both...once we reclaim our rightful territory and deturkify our nation with skanderbeg's blessings it's over for you hoes

we shit on croatia a little less though


>Three fingers
>Hashtag JesamSeJaZaovoBorijo


Albanians are literal shits with a pulse. You're even below Turks.


ljudi su se borili da bi postali invalidi, a šoferi i krimosi uspješni biznismeni
ne znam kako ovo ljudima ne smeta toliko, ali mi smo stvarno robovi po prirodi


Foolishly tbqh

kek, saved

qka je ty fol o budall pse po ta qi qenin

Do you have more pictures like those?

But we declared independence on the same day as Slovenia

>Give me your best cro, srb, south slavic memes!
>at least your not asking for money.

what do you mean senpai

nope, only those two

but they have initiated the first conflict on yugoslav soil

Dumb smelly okinawa monkey.

Fkjbs mjvflj be,j bc,j djbj d,jbfljjjcjbk jbjkjj jjkjkkkkkkk

E, di si našao te slike? Ima li još toga. Baš su fora!

True story

Why is sweden locking the door? I dont get it

samo te dve sam pohvatao do sad

that doesn't even look Albanian you bitch, what fucking language are you speaking ahahahahahahahahahahaha

>but they have initiated the first conflict on yugoslav soil
No that was you.

No, I got a few letters wrong but its Orc(Albanian) still

>what is 10 day """war"""
janez please

Also: Slovenians are faggots. (They should btfo from Corinthia btw)

Every country next to it + Serbia

meant to post fixed version

I am pretty sure Serbs like Slovenia more than Croatia.

now this truly is a good meme

We didn't start it dumbass.

I hate these threads

lol, good for you I guess.


>slovenian education
you started it by attacking legal JNA army in their barracks, now fuck off

SERVS ======== ASIAN!!!
serbs are stinky the shittiest niggers to roam the earth since the bonobo, haha monkey has banana servs have krem banana

Even with fucking war behind us, we speak same language and our cultures are far more similiar. Slovenes are far away from you guys in every aspect.

Carinthia was more Slovenian than Austrian, faggot. You only got it through cheating after the 1st world war.

As a lower than dirt diaspora, I find them nostalgic and quaint.

Yes,and?The majority of the population still has neutral or positive opinions towards Slovenia,while they have negative or neutral(rarely positive) towards Croatia.
I never said we are more similar or closer to Slovenia.

that's true though, but it has to do with a fact that we weren't in such big conflict with them like we were with you
i'm sure your people like slovenians more than us for the same reason too

Both are living memes

Theres more serb in Slovenia that Croatians.

Who's making these gay-ass memes about Serbia and Croatia becoming friends? It's not going to happen you dogs you faggots

Nema više, odavde su


LOL, not true. Yugoslavian army fired the first shot on 26th of July because they couldn't cross the border as all the border crossings were under Slovene control. Neither side wanted to fire the first shot, but in order to cross from the barracks in Rijeka into Slovenian territory, Yugoslav army had to shoot. The 10 days' war is well-documented. And that's not just Slovenian education: it's taught internationally.

Source please. Because JLA fired the first shot.
Also, after independence, JLA's army was on our territory illegally therefore seizing their equipment was legal.




3 prsta je bio hrvatski znak majmune

>this is what serbs believe
lmao senpai


here's a good one
lmao @ serbcucks

Fair enough. I get what you mean.

That being said, when will we finally solve Bosnia issue? Sooner or later, that powder keg will explode.


>slovenian damage control

And how are we going to solve the Bosniak menace? Not to mention Šiptars...

why you talking shit about albania...?
pic related is average slav lol when i see slavs they look like this man

Nice reading comprehension you got there. Do your homework again.


Tbh, over th internet I feel most familiarity between my Serb / cro friends.

>tfw you'll never be choked by a qt tatar gf

shoo shoo Muhammed Shxljemi

>The Slovenian government also undertook detailed planning of a military campaign against the YPA, which resulted in the production of an operational and tactical plan by November 1990 — over seven months before the conflict actually began.

>projecting this hard

>why you talking shit about albania...?
Because Albania and Albanians are shit.


>T-50 destroying a tiger

>That being said, when will we finally solve Bosnia issue? Sooner or later, that powder keg will explode.
i don't frankly know but the situation is too fucked up to plan anything

this is the final straw you guys have talked too much shit about albania...
bitch i'm killing myself today i hope you guys feel sad..............

>tactical plan
The same thing.

>over seven months before the conflict actually began


nice reading comprehension you got there
yes, they planned the attack in detail and provoked it to happen. what's there hard to understand?

Not my problem you're dumb enough to follow our plan.
Next time l2strategy.

That displays intent, ie Slovenshits aren't innocent victims.