Don't call them concrete blocks

Don't call them concrete blocks.

Call them Diversity Barriers.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not concrete bollards....they are Diversity Barriers.

Fucking Islamophobes!
This is blatant discrimination of Islam! You are denying us practicing Jihad! Fucking Islamobhobes!
This is absolutely haram!

diversity is a gift lol

A German friend of mine calls them Merkel Lego.


Diversity Barrier, meet That's kekking fantastic. I'm stealing that.

quick rundown?

Looks like a christmas market in Birmingham/Manchester. The barriers are to stop trucks of peace.


That's Manchester isn't it?

ah of course

They gotta put these Diversity Barriers around places like markets to stop potential truck of peace attacks.

Yes, that's what they are designed to prevent


>merkel lego

top form my good man.

ebin :DDDD



I wonder if they take turns or flip a coin to see who has to be the human shield dor the day.


Fuck that it should come to this,our own traitorous politicians let these people in and they hide inside their secure houses and parliament.
while the plebs run the gauntlet of murderous moslems.

i like that pic
it has a christmasy feel

Wait, wasn't Krautchan taken down last year? Haven't been there in ages, thanks for letting me know it's up.

Reminder that those things are useless as fuck. Even if they worked, terrorists could just use bombs, AKs or knifes.

>Merkel Lego

How do bollards that go deep fare against it?

can't stop the diversity

I'm gonna copypaste this post made by a German:

german TÜV proofs the terror concrete blocks
they are useless

DOMINOS at christmas will save us?

THESE ARE USED (useless)


long one:


Much better, but those are more expensive and our governments don't care about protecting us effectively. The illusion of protection is enough for them.

that's the saddest christmas stuff I've seen in my entire life

>dad, why are there a metal gating to santa's workshop
oh you know, muslims
>is there electricity in that?
noo.. no I don't think so but don't touch it

>Call them Diversity Barriers.
waits so Eurocucks built a wall around their populated areas? MAGA!

great post

Avon Barrier NICE


police women are pathetic

I mean when I was a kid my brother was in jail and we visited him there. That place really had the christmas spirit compared to this

Thats what i thought when i saw the final product. Somethjng with enough mass and velocity would easily knock those blocks out of the way. Shouldve bored some posts into the ground.

>refused refugges
Yes, they refused them, but it's not like the refugees were going to go in these countries. They all know that Germany is the heart of Europe.


Even sandbags could do a better job.

tfw living in comfy rural germany with zero happenings

I think Hungary and other central/east European countries will be on the up and up in the coming decades. There will be a lot of brain drain here and in west Europe.

Just look at South Africa.


my Bennie Hill music works perfect for this vid

Aren't putting those up even more racist than having borders? I mean you're basically admitting someone of a certain religion might try to kill a bunch of people.


is that a wall?

'til they go full Italy on your ass and take your house to give it to the rapefugees.

they are using shipping containers to block streets where I am

Its not racist to understand someone is retarded but it is racist to not pay for everything for them
Think of these as babyproofing a home. Theyre just muslimproofing a market

No you aren't you idiot, we don't know what their motives are, there are plenty of peaceful muslims. Just because nearly everyone who rams a van into crowds is a muslim doesn't mean it's BECAUSE they're a muslim - remember that one white guy who drove into a guy having a heart attack on the edge of the road - that was a white man attacking muslims, they're victims too.

Intolerance to the people who want to commit murder en masse.
This abhorrence towards acts of violence is an act of violence itself and should be abhorred.

Who says niggers can't meme?

>useless as fuck
>truck only hits one and is still destroyed
They're not going to stop a truck dead in its tracks but as long as they aren't reddit-spaced like in the clip they'll kill its momentum and running gear enough to thwart an attack. They weigh like 5 tonnes each whereas those trucks are 7 1/2 tonne rated

They put this up in oslo too btw.
I doubt they would stop anything

Slaughtering the infedel is a fundamental human right.

Then tell me what is the purpose of the blocks in OP's picture? The truck would squash people between the blocks and the wooden cabins anyway.

That might just be actual decoration

They weigh 2.5 tons, truck in video was 10 tons. Check this pic that shows how far the truck would have gone at a market.

We've had cars for over 100 years now, and nobody ever used one to kill innocent people at a Christmas Market until the rapefugees came. You can argue that these rapist criminal arab nafri scum are only marginally muslim, they smoke and drink and use drugs, but don't try to tell me these liars, parasites, and terrorists aren't guilty. Every last one of them should be blasted out of a cannon over the Mediterranean.

lol what?
first of all, those literally disabled the truck
secondly, those aren't used. Look at the pic in the OP, they are linked together.
Also, it's a lot harder to stop a 6 tonne truck travelling 70mph than you appear to think

Fuken mint

hes baiting you mate

>slowly nudge blocks with truck
>when they are out of the way, backup and accelerate
>dead white people just in time for haunaka

It would take multiple layers of them to fully disable a large truck. Have fun paying for that, Deutschland.


no it's guy from Hedmarken that got the contract and he made these pots out of scrap iron, I don't remember the weight but I think it's about 2 tonnes. They put them in the areas where most people lurk in there.

I was a bit surprised by this image, I had the impression that they were to be armed down into the concrete, but this is just something I just imagined as logical. They are lit just placed here and there

They will get to your town eventually. It's just a matter of time.

so people are killed by flying blocks and not muslims and they can spin the news against white supremacists again.

I believe he was doing this 'humor' thing foreigners sometimes talk about. Not sure though.
Your points are correct anyways.

you can't slowly nudge 5 tonne bricks with a truck...
you'd have to rev the engine extremely hard, then reverse, then drive in to people.
By which time the police have been called and everyone has run away.

What the shit did I just watch?

The real tragedy is that this will seem normal to those kids, so they'll think this is how it's always been, and see the elevation from soldiers at Christmas to soldiers all year as just a minor step.

eh it wasn't funny, I can understand why a kraut would respond unironically.

they'll just start dressing police like the wooden soldiers.

you think
>If I stand on the side of one of these, will they tip over?

They are heavier than they look though, and I assume the shape with that edge and so is for wrecking the wheels (and other parts I don't know in anglo) on the lorry

Jesus Christ

>you can't slowly nudge 714.286 (((stones))) with a truck
I hope they do call the cops when some muzzie takes my advice so they can die too.

Your government obviously cares more about the people. Our blocks weigh 2.5 tons and are not linked together.

Every one of these concrete presents is a redpill. People aren't stupid.

I like this term

Yah, the only way you're getting by those bastards is by accelerating at full speed to plough through.

What does the text say on these?

Pig and Barrel?
>Ahmed, get the lorry

>The absolute state of Europe

ich schütze euch

So good.

nazis used concrete tank traps just like those.

Hands up, Don't shoot.

>wall solve noth...

>Allahu Akbarriers

>Implying america is any better
>Implying this isn't to blame on america


One might call them... [spoiler]Boarders[/spoiler]

"I protect you"

>Also, it's a lot harder to stop a 6 tonne truck travelling 70mph than you appear to think

Not that hard with a proper steel bollard.

I protect you, satire obviously