I am proud of being gay

I am proud of being gay

There is nothing wrong with LGBT. I am proud of it

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why are you proud of being wrong?
that is retarded, apply yourself Yoshimitsu


Thanks Obama

Die of aids. Nigger lover.

Uh it's LGBBTQAAFR now you fucking WHITE. MALE.

Because there is nothing wrong
how logically prove that I am wrong?


Kill yourself mongoloid degenerate

Why do you feel the need to open the same thread 4 times?


can we have the rainbow back, please?

I liked it better when a rainbow was a beautiful thing and not associated with a frothy mixture of semen, feces, and blood.

Do you lie to people and tell them you're fucking hot Japanese girls while you're teaching English in Japan, when you're really taking Jap microdicks?

Hormonal imbalance, feminised brain. You are pretty fucked up, is like being born with Asperger's Syndrome


hmmm.... so what is THE PROBLEM?
your nation is fucked up so you don't proud of it?


basically you fuck wrong sex

Like vegans, can't shut up about it. Good for you, go live your life.

I have male and female mind in my body.

and my partner too
but you are WRONG

Aids in your ass and you die.

>I have male and female mind in my body.
do you shout at yourself for not knowing what is wrong and because everything is ok?
that is mental illness

Sure, there is nothing wrong with it. Just dont generalize it and dont make it the "new normal"

Pride is the devil's substitute for honor.
An asshole is not a sexual organ

>Because there is nothing wrong
>how logically prove that I am wrong?
not being wrong isnt the same as being right.
if i ask you whether 2 plus 2 equals 4 minus one is 3 is quick maths, neither answer is wrong and neither is right.
nothing about not being wrong gives a basis for being proud.

you have mentalillness since you can not aceept facts.

go into hospital. mentalill

Good for you. Don't promote it like it's totally normal though. First off, i think there are more things "wrong" with the L B and T parts; L goes against not only reproduction but the parties involved are more reproduction driven than Gs (given their XX chromosome). T obviously has serious issues and there is something wrong with it indisputably. B seems to be more of an amoral promiscuity trait than anything innate. The issue with G is their propensity for promiscuity and spreading disease. Honestly though, do what though wilt shall be the whole of the law: the most damaging part of LGBT are shoving those flags (ideology( down our kids throats (not the only thing either).

if you wanna suck a dick, then suck a dick. but don't push it on other people, us 'breeders' are the ones saving civilization. get your trans-trenders in order, tell them to stop being retarded fucks.

>and my partner too
so youre single, skitzophrenic, and a chronic masturbator

only fact here is that you fuck wrong sex

Your sexual predilections are not designed to do the literal one thing we are designed to do.

Stop shitting up muh board an go suck a bag of micro dicks.

lol. japan is so gay.

Of course there isn't anything wrong with sexual attraction.
There is something wrong with your promiscuity.
There is something wrong with publicly pushing your sexual appetites and fetishes.
There is something wrong with attacking others' religion.
There is something wrong with trying to redefine marriage.
There is something wrong with you.

t. Fag who is sick of all other fags

Are you going to the big fag meetup? You should go check it out. 35.4626° N, 138.6544° E

i think we need to drop the 3rd nuke on him.

I feel sorry for your parents. I'd throw a faggot son into a wood chipper without so much as blinking.

If I might offer one more thing to think about: day to day gays are being used as a battering ram to push crazy things getting your dick chopped off and having more genders than there are letters to denote them.

So you might also tell them to not fall for jewish tricks. Although I guess a lot of them have a really serious submission fetish, but maybe the rest will get the idea.

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

H-Y Antigen and Homosexuality in Men

Blanchard, Klassen


In men, sexual orientation correlates with the number of older brothers, each additional older brother increasing the odds of homosexuality by approximately 33%. It is hypothesized that this fraternal birth order effect reflects the progressive immunization of some mothers to Y-linked minor histocompatibility antigens (H-Y antigen) by each succeeding male fetus, and the concomitantly increasing effects of H-Y antibodies on the sexual differentiation of the brain in each succeeding male fetus. This hypothesis is consistent with a variety of evidence, including the apparent irrelevance of older sisters to the sexual orientation of later-born males, the probable involvement of H-Y antigen in the development of sex-typical traits, and the detrimental effects of immunization of female mice to H-Y antigen on the reproductive performance of subsequent male offspring.


The biology of sexual orientation has been studied in detail in several animal model systems. In the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the complete pathway of sexual differentiation of the brain and the behaviors it controls is well established in both males and females, providing a concise model of biologically controlled courtship.[26] In mammals, a group of geneticists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology altered the sexual preferences of female mice by removing a single gene linked to reproductive behavior. Without the gene, the mice exhibited masculine sexual behavior and attraction toward urine of other female mice. Those mice who retained the gene fucose mutarotase (FucM) were attracted to male mice.



Female relatives of male homosexuals have 1.3x as many kids:


Bisexual females have more teen pregnancies:


Hamer 1993:



Hamer 1995:


doi: 10.1038/ng1195-248

Hamer 2006:

Human sexual preference is a sexually dimorphic trait with a substantial genetic component. Linkage of male sexual orientation to markers on the X chromosome has been reported in some families. Here, we measured X chromosome inactivation ratios in 97 mothers of homosexual men and 103 age-matched control women without gay sons. The number of women with extreme skewing of X-inactivation was significantly higher in mothers of gay men (13/97=13%) compared to controls (4/103=4%) and increased in mothers with two or more gay sons (10/44=23%). Our findings support a role for the X chromosome in regulating sexual orientation in a subgroup of gay men.

Extreme skewing of X chromosome inactivation in mothers of homosexual men

C. E. Roselli and F. Stormshak


The domestic ram is used as an experimental model to study early programming of the neural mechanisms which underlie homosexuality, developing from the observation that approximately 8% of domestic rams are sexually attracted to other rams (male-oriented) when compared to the majority of rams which are female-oriented. In many species, a prominent feature of sexual differentiation is the presence of a sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN) in the preoptic hypothalamus, which is larger in males than in females.
Roselli et al. discovered an ovine SDN (oSDN) in the preoptic hypothalamus that is smaller in male-oriented rams than in female-oriented rams, but similar in size to the oSDN of females. Neurons of the oSDN show aromatase expression which is also smaller in male-oriented rams versus female-oriented rams, suggesting that sexual orientation is neurologically hard-wired and may be influenced by hormones. However, results failed to associate the role of neural aromatase in the sexual differentiation of brain and behavior in the sheep, due to the lack of defeminization of adult sexual partner preference or oSDN volume as a result of aromatase activity in the brain of the fetuses during the critical period.

Having said this, it is more likely that oSDN morphology and homosexuality may be programmed through an androgen receptor that does not involve aromatisation. Most of the data suggests that homosexual rams, like female-oriented rams, are masculinized and defeminized with respect to mounting, receptivity, and gonadotrophin secretion, but are not defeminized for sexual partner preferences, also suggesting that such behaviors may be programmed differently. Although the exact function of the oSDN is not fully known, its volume, length, and cell number seem to correlate with sexual orientation, and a dimorphism in its volume and of cells could bias the processing cues involved in partner selection. More research is needed in order to understand the requirements and timing of the development of the oSDN and how prenatal programming effects the expression of mate choice in adulthood.

Prenatal Programming of Sexual Partner Preference: The Ram Model


Sanders 2014:


doi: 10.1017/S0033291714002451

In the case of blood type and the Rh factor, however, interesting patterns emerged. Heterosexual males and females exhibited statistically identical frequencies of the A blood type, while gay men exhibited a relatively low inci- dence and lesbians had a relatively high incidence (p < .05). In the case of the Rh factor, unusually high proportions of homosexuals of both sexes were Rh- when compared to heterosexuals (p < .06). The findings suggest that a connec- tion may exist between sexual orientation and genes both on chromosome 9 (where blood type is determined) and on chromosome 1 (where the Rh factor is regulated).

Eye Color, Hair Color, Blood Type, and the Rhesus Factor: Exploring Possible Genetic Links to Sexual Orientation

Das S. 2007


Identical twins are not 100% identical due to differences in womb environment:

Mechanisms for differences in monozygous twins Paul Gringras, Wai Chen, 2001


Another issue is the recent finding that even monozygotic twins can be different and there is a mechanism which might account for monozygotic twins being discordant for homosexuality. Gringas and Chen (2001) describe a number of mechanisms which can lead to differences between monozygotic twins, the most relevant here being chorionicity and amniocity.[13] Dichorionic twins potentially have different hormonal environments because they receive maternal blood from separate placenta, and this could result in different levels of brain masculinisation. Monoamniotic twins share a hormonal environment, but can suffer from the 'twin to twin transfusion syndrome' in which one twin is "relatively stuffed with blood and the other exsanguinated"

Twin resemblance was moderate for the 3,826 studied monozygotic and dizygotic same-sex twin pairs. Biometric modeling revealed that, in men, genetic effects explained .34–.39 of the variance, the shared environment .00, and the individual-specific environment .61–.66 of the variance. Corresponding estimates among women were .18–.19 for genetic factors, .16–.17 for shared environmental, and 64–.66 for unique environmental factors


Långström N, Rahman Q, Carlström E and Lichtenstein P (2010) Genetic and environmental effects on same‐sex sexual behavior: a population study of twins in Sweden. Archives of Sexual Behavior 39(1): 75–80.

Bailey 1991:


doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.1991.01810360053008





Straight males carry gay genes:





Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:


A novel predictive model of sexual orientation using epigenetic markers.

Authors: T. C. Ngun [1]; W. Guo [2]; N. M. Ghahramani [3]; K. Purkayastha [1]; D. Conn [4]; F. J. Sanchez [5]; S. Bocklandt [1]; M. Zhang [2,6]; C. M. Ramirez [4]; M. Pellegrini [7]; E. Vilain [1]







Androgen receptor gene linked to XQ28




tl;dr not a fetish

is being gay an achievement?

thx for the (You)gasm

(no homo)

Is being straight an achievement?

So you're proud of being gay like it's an accomplishment?

You like putting your dick in another mans ass. Revolting.

Astaghfirullah, we live in a day and age where these disgusting filthly people do not even feel shame over being homosexuals, indeed calling you animals is an insult to animals.

>I am proud to adopt a made up identity that revolves around anal sex poopdick and pedophilia

Nature has spoken. LGBTP folk are riddled with desease and mental health issues. All destined to die early. Plus dying lonely too, very few mourning the loss except fellow fuck ups. God is dealing with it, but we all have a roll to play in making sure LGBTP folk stay alienated.

Sage goes in all fields. This is a troll or liberal white expat teaching English in Japan.

If being a sodomite is normal why did God create AIDS?

But I thought you can't be proud to be white (or American, German etc) because it's not an achievement? Then how can you be proud to be gay?

Go apply to work at fukushima.

Those guys in white weren't gay but thought it was a 'happy' choir?

Why are you proud of something you had no control over, or something that you didnt chose?

I'm proud that I'm allowed to even say that I'm gay without going to jail like I still would in some countries.

White privilege.

The T is a problem in and of itself.

And if your entire identity didn't weigh on what you fuck the other 3 wouldn't be a problem. Someone please post the "how can I get them to like me" pride parade mspaint.

We should be proud of our accomplishments not who we bang in the midle of the night ...
News for you nobody cares.. do something useful then you should be proud

there is something wrong with you and you know it. that's why you made this post.


How is this an achievement of yours?

>I am proud of being gay
>There is nothing wrong with LGBT. I am proud of it
Creating this topic says otherwise lol

Nah the real fag meetup he should go to is at 50°0209N 19°1042E

Same. Can't they just fuck off and make their own shit up?

There's nothing wrong with being gay, but it's nothing to be proud of.

It's be like being proud of having braces or wearing glasses.

I ld1ove that flag. All the colors are seperated by clear and strong borders and there is no color mixing.

Reminder that sage goes in all fields. Fags don’t deserve bumps.

And what did you do to achieve that? Nothing. You waited for Jews to pretend to care about you and annoy whites enough to give you rights. In reality, you have a minor mental illness and should be treated so you can take a wife and live a normal life. I should remind you that normal people have an HIV infection rate of 1 per 100,000 and homosexuals have a rate of 100 per 100,000. Disgusting, filthy creatures.


>The T is a problem in and of itself
This. LGB is okay. Lesbians fuck it up a bit but whatever.

It sucks that thanks to identity politics, if you're gay you're lumped in with the TQA+ bit and considered a freak if you don't vote down party lines.



ok dats fine.

>designed to do
You truly have no agency, do you?