Come on user, it's just a meme, there aren't really any shills here

>come on user, it's just a meme, there aren't really any shills here

Other urls found in this thread:–_early_2000s

And another million pro NN to stay were also faked
Iiterally who cares, this is good and it teaches people to think for themselves instead of being sheep
Always assume every post is a bot, even this one



>the user right next to you could legit be a gubment plant

Literally only fedoralords want Reddit Memetrality.

>tfw you live in a time where spambots can drown out a 99% majority

>Ladies and Gentlemen, how do we ensure that the imageboard demographic is on our side?
>Well, they hate reddit. We can abuse that.
>Great idea, I'll get the team working on the memetic images. Let's get to work.


>reddit thinks this is how you debunk something

>right wing content gets censored online
>right wing corporation censors you online
lol, leftists.

Seriously though NN is not a big deal at all
The net is already not neutral

>he thinks those corporations are his friends and will not shut down those problematic, sexist, racist wrongthink sites like Sup Forums
you meme loving fucks are digging your own graves. i'll see you all in hell.

>be not american
>literally doesn't matter

>match commonly used words
>this means le ebil rethuglikkkan russian bots xD

I'd go and do the same for the pro-NN ones but i don't fucking care since i'm yurop

> people talking about censorship
> not shit speeds and paid fast lanes
Come on do a little research

Reverse shilling shilling

Literally the same sentence templates with different synonims submitted in bulks through same mails. Seems legit.
the fuck do russians have to do with this

It does though. This kind of behaviour can be like a domino effect. If this shit passes in america, how long before some smarmy fucks try to pass it in my country, or in yours, after seeing how successful it was for giving ISP's complete control and making them tons of dosh while drowning out and censoring negative criticism and even preventing the people from being able to easily unite to a cause due to said censoring?

Shit's contagious man. Don't assume it will stop with the US.

good thing I don't live in a shithole of a country where companies are allowed to have monopolies over certain areas so the companies actually have to compete with each other

>we let companies fuck us in the ass regularly that means you will too

The repeal of net neutrality would also allow ISP's to completely block certain websites if they wanted. Thereby censoring those websites for everyone who uses that ISP by preventing access to them.
If every ISP in the country does this for a certain site, then well, it's fucking censored in america as a whole isn't it? No one using american internet would be able to see it after all.

There's a diffefence between sigewide censorship and ISP-instituted traffic throttling. Emjoy paying 500 dorra for Offensive/XXX Content Package brought to you by Verizon just sp you can browse Sup Forums and masturbate to your ancap fantasies.

>This thread
damn, pro-trump anti-net neutrality shills are on full force today.

yeah man, I remember those times before 2015 when you had to spend an extra $100 just to use youtube. Truly those were dark ages.

>reductio ad absurdum intensifies

Not american my man. I actually live in Australia. However, I am telling you that this matters for everyone. It might not even be for the benefit of corporations in your country, maybe it will come up as a law to allow your government to mess with your internet.

It sets a precedent. A precedent that any politician in any country could pick up and say "hey look this worked fine for the americans, let's make out own version of this" and boom. Suddenly it IS your problem.

Nice casual falseflag user. You truly are on full force today.

>heh my opposition can't exist because reddit proved it was just bots

It's not absurdity if it's real.

>Sup Forums is so desperate to prove they're contrarians that they defend censorship, throttling, price hikes, etc. now

>if it's real
>proceed to post a made up picture to create fear mongering

And how many of those supporters are americans?

>user, my son you have come of age and can now choose to either believe an article that states its methods and sources, or a strawman shitpost

First of all, these were used to show how contradictory liberal logic is so it doesn't work here.
Second, this is done extremely poorly and makes absolutely no sense, it doesn't even use their own arguments and shows how bad they are.
Fuck off, you are an embarrassment.


I keep a screencap archive of these threads. When years later anons cry about the same shit to a different tune, I will dump these and laugh at them.

>the fuck do russians have to do with this
Dunno, but for the medie anything trump says is connected to the russians.
Trump eats taco? Russian plot to entice hispanics into white supremacy. Trump's son eats ice cream? Russian connection because Russia is cold and ice cream is cold. Trump farts? Methane is a greenhouse gas, russian plot to increase global warming and further desertify africa.
>captcha: 2400 Donald
Oh for fuck's sake!

I can't wait until all you retarded Sup Forumslacks cry and moan and bitch and whine when ISPs block access to "extremist" websites like Sup Forums, InfoWars, Breitbart, etc.
As soon as NN is gone, normies will be protesting to block hate speech and extremist websites that promote racism, homophobia, islamophobia, transphobia, etc.
Normies vastly outweigh you Sup Forums. Say goodbye to your free speech online, you guys are happily cucking yourselves because Daddy Trump says it's a good idea.

ah yes those credible news articles created by salon, cnn, fox news, washingtonpost, the new york times. all very reputable.

I can't wait until none of this happens

>Say goodbye to your free speech online,
we've been doing that while "net neutrality" was a thing.
it makes really no difference to us now.

If this passes, cable companies will throttle specific pages and services and charge for them just like if it were channel packs in a cable subscription.

Also, the corporations will have the power of remove information instantaneously or destroy every form of piracy available.

Now that i think of it, who is that guy with the bearded face in the image?

I can't wait until you're fucking proved wrong, faggot.

i just hope this means all americans will have to pay extra to shitpost. the quality would double overnight.

Reminder that Sup Forums moderators are corrupt and don't delete what breaks the rules, but what makes them butthurt.
If it doesn't bother them, won't be deleted no matter how reported. If it upset them, will be deleted even if breaking no rule.


yeah man, just like they did before 2015 when NN wasn't implemented yet


it's been like this since 2014

>article is one tech guy explaining his findings
>"muh liberal media, doesnt count!"
Oh yeah I'm sure you get daily dose of unfiltered pure Truth™ from reputable sources like Sup Forums.

>that image
I really really fucking hate Sup Forums.

If anything they will most likely start doing something with their lives without this place being a ball and chain on your ankle

But american ISP's literally censored Sup Forums before net neutrality.

That's a smol kot

That "one tech guy" is clearly just a fucking globalist cloudman trying to turn your fucking cats gay with his soy bean chemtrails and shrivel your balls until you're infertile. Think for yourself, fucking sheepke.

t. redditor

Kill yourself, Sup Forumsdditor.

>they will ride me bareback regardless whether or not there's any rules, that makes it ok
what makes a man willingly let himself be cucked?

What was the 2010 open internet order?

haha lol no
enjoy your new firewall

I just hope I can look at my horse futa on loli hentai. That's all that really matters at this point.

>pink on green
It's like you don't want people to read this

you realize that all the pic does is show me that the FCC never needed the 2015 laws they want to repeal to be effective before right?

Good point.

Net Neutrality only affects America, right? It's not like we're talking about a real country here.

>2005 FCC put a stop to it
Wait so you mean to tell me FCC/FTC had the power to stop ISP fuck-ups without NN?

if you're living in a country where the infrastructure is already treated like phone or power lines you probably don't have to worry

no because they put a stop to it because it violated NN rules

Triggered lol

Yup, just sit back and laugh mate


>NN rules
You do know this only existed for a few months right?

I wonder how many of your favorite websites are hosted in America.

>how many of your favorite websites are hosted in America.
>most pro-NN don't know CDN or distributed servers exist–_early_2000s

NN has been worked on for over a decade now. The 2015 rules were just the latest iteration of the rules after the courts said the way they were implemented wasn't correct.

War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID tagged soldiers carry ID tagged weapons, use ID tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war... becomes routine.

Sincerely hope it gets repealed and we can start talking about videogames and not american politics


>Wake up at 6 am EST
>First thing I see is a thread crying about Americans
>Second thing I see is a Trump vs Hillary thread screaming "SHE WON"

>everything is net neutrality now
The so called net neutrality you are clamoring about is not the net neutrality of yesteryear.

>call Sup Forums out on stupid beleifs and call them cancer
>lol omg it's just satire stay mad cucks XD
>call Sup Forums satire later on when they're arguing for something
>lol he thinks it's satire dumb reddit cuck >implying satire stay mad at our based redpills MAGApede haha

This would never happen. If all ISPs block one site then one of them could just unblock it and get consumers to switch to them instead
Nobody wants to be censored or pay extra to access certain sites so why would any ISP do this unless they want to lose a lot of their customers to competitors

>like 80% of this website, come to the four chins to make people mad, to shitpost, troll, banter and men

>Autistic shut ins who think this website is for serious business discussion of escapism get triggered and call you a shill

>Despite the fact Sup Forums is irrelevant and it's user base has no friends or money

anyone who uses the word shill surfers from Unwarranted Self Importance

Yeah, because it's not like the services that we use are based in that country on anything, Let's just go to The Winchester, have a nice cold pint and wait for all this to blow over.

This whole argument is Obamacare all over again. Apparently before 2008 there were bodies littering the streets and healthcare was only affordable for rich people. Just like apparently before 2010 corporations were censoring the internet and charging for separate internet packages. The problem we have now is that, just like with Obamacare, the introduction of these regulations basically fucked the industry and repealing them will open up a whole can of worms that wouldn't have existed if the regulations weren't put into place initially. Thanks Obama.

>then one of them could just unblock it and get consumers to switch to them instead
I'm guessing you aren't American since you don't realize most people only have one ISP option in their area. You can do whatever you want to your customers when they have no way of choosing a different provider.

Bullshit it's literally the same rules we apply to any communications system including dial up internet

Trump is the greatest President of all time

>we'll make memes and prey on thier hatred of another board
>yes, Vladimir, we will make them ours
Propaganda works if you are retarded, user.

>There are americans who actually WANT Net Neutrality repealed so corporations can fuck with them as much as they want
Wow. I genuinely did not know that the general population of the US had become this fucking retarded. Like holy shit. What kind of fucking moron WANTS to repeal laws that literally do nothing but benefit you, the average joe american. Laws that have only a single purpose of allowing you the freedom to access any and every part of the internet that you want.

How fucking absolutely, blindly retarded must a person be to WANT to get rid of a law like that? That's like wanting to repeal laws against identity fraud, there's literally no reason to want the law gone and every reason to want it to stay and yet there are still people who want it gone.

My mind genuinely can not handle this level of sheer stupidity. Holy fucking shit.


It's right though

You seen to be ideologically aligned with the anti-4chanian movement

This won't happen because that'd actually make a lot of people very angry and instantly validate the entire pro-NN crowd, and while ISPs are greedy they aren't that stupid. What will actually happen is going to be more discrete than that, giving website owners the chance to either pay $$$$ for "priority service" or becoming severely throttled during peak hours is a far more likely outcome.

This, in fact let's just stop regulating everything, you can trust corporations.

No it's not.

>thinking they'd ever break character
some satirist you're supposed to be

No president after JFK has been anything but a puppet to Israel and the military industrial complex.

If liberals support something it must be bad.

There are americans who actually want
I'm starting to think they're just leafs shitposting. Forums_Stirs_Internet_Hornets_Nest.html
I cannot fucking wait. It's going to be hilarious.