How do you know God is real? Can you prove it without saying "b-but the bible!"?

How do you know God is real? Can you prove it without saying "b-but the bible!"?

If the universe is infinite then literally everything exists including me except with a gf.
And I guess god too

>If the universe is infinite
Which it isn't.

just pick one for christ sake

Don't believe in God, just came to see the answers. But for those of you that resort to the "faith" argument - how do you know YOUR God is real, or any of the ones mentioned in religious scripts. How can you be positively certain of God's intentions when all you have to go off is a bunch of stories by 7th century troglodytes? Is it not equally possible that if their is some kind of deity that set the universe, it died millions of years ago, or simply doesn't give a shit? Seems more plausible to me.

Can you define God? There are many interpretations and ideas.

there needs to be a primordial cause for there to be an effect
i'm a deist btw

ask yourself, why do you NEED to be 'positive' that god exists in the manner that you imagine, even though its clearly stated that your feeble human brain cannot possibly imagine it?
i'd also like to know what in life you are 'positively certain' about hmm? nothing!

If God wasn't real how could pizza be real?

Checkmate, atheists.

>some kind of deity that set the universe, it died millions of years ago
Why would a deity die? Doesn't make sense to me.
>or simply doesn't give a shit
Why would God create something and then suddenly stop giving a shit?

Every time we develop a more powerful telescope the universe ends up looking bigger than we previously thought. It's not that the universe it finite, it's that our telescopes can't see infinitely far away.

I always say I'm an atheist but not an adeist: I'm 99.99% certain that a God doesn't exist, I'm 100% certain that the God(s) listed in any of history's religions doesn't exist. I'll always admit that there's a possibility some being created the universe or set out in motion (until proven not to be the case). But to think it's anything like the petty, narcissistic, irresponsible cunts that religious people believe in is just pathetic.

>argue with me about something literally impossible to prove
ebin thread xd

>when a philosopher starts bullshiting physics at a party
lmaoing at you

because life and the universe are a complex mechanism

How about addressing the point I've made?

Anything you can think of that forms a coherent meaningful structure exists, you're just confusing "is real" with "is real within the small aspect of reality that relates to what I can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell"

the banjo string on your hopefully not jewed benis

Red fleece track pants ?

something like a god is certain to exist though
it is impossible for there to be effect without a cause
the concept of what god is impossible conclude

that's categorically wrong

There's no reason to suggest a being that created the universe has to be immortal.

Same reason kids want sea monkeys then leave them to die, or an artist gives up on a painting. Boredom, loss of intrigue, failure...there's plenty of reasons.

Eat a fistful of mushrooms and ask him yourself.

The whole source of this debate is that athiests are trying to disprove a strawman. If you ask any intellectual thiest, they'll tell you that god isn't a physical man in the sky. He/it is beyond the physicalist playing field that athiests live their entire lives in. You have to think from a duelist point of view to understand religion. Religion takes place in the realm of consciousness not matter.

God is manmade creation to make man feel important and think his life has meaning.

Why the hell would a God die? God isn't material, He doesn't age.

thanks for the non-answer

I'm alluding to the common idea of what "God" is, an infinite, living, conscious being. I agree there has to be a cause, doesn't necessarily have to adhere to this concept though.

It's hilarious that you accuse others of engaging in strawmanning while you yourself are spewing strawmen and no true scottsman fallacies.

What a pretentious little dolt, I bet that you're absolutely insufferable at this current phase of your youth.

>that stance
it's called drumstickin'

How do you know? This is my point. You are just making absurd claims with no reasoning behind it besides "that's what I was told in this old as fuck book".

you'd be right, and if you knew me you'd know I have good reason. No true Scotsman doesn't apply here because atheists are attempting to disprove the entire concept of religion, not characterize it as an aggregate. Of course most religious people aren't logically coherent, but that doesn't mean the idea of religion as a whole is invalid.

Cuz muh big bang creationist theory by a Belgian Priest?

Why would God be restricted by the laws of the universe He Himself created?

Why wouldn't he?

even with you lame argument u can not prove God is not real.
Just more post bait for the Idiots like YOU.

because u made a non point

Nice slide thread.

h/f wfgu [kljk;ase

Decode my reply.

just to piss off leaf user I'd suggest that the laws of the universe are based on the structure of God, rather than being something he acts within.

>how do you know it's a he?
>how do you know it doesn't reside within the universe?
>how do you know what the laws of physics are outside of our universe?
>what evidence is there to suggest that "God" is eternal?

how do you know

Please delineate the properties of god. One must know a thing to reject a thing.

only true believers know what it's like to know God is real.

then that means something outside the rules of the universe had to create it

nothing can be by definition the first cause because that cause was an effect of a different cause
ergo it's not something that's explained with our logic
also it was before time so it's infinite
it's not a random object that randomly became the first cause because objects are acted upon so it must be conscious
dunno about living tbqh

How do you know? What's at the end of the galaxy? Or if it's spherical, what's around it?

evil is real. you see it everywhere. islam, communists, gays, thousands of daily prebirth murders. All these are absolute proof of real evil.

and logically speaking, since evil is real, so must be good. Therefore God exists. Belief in God is 100% logical.

I don't and never said i did. I said it seemed more plausible to me. Considering the shit show our planet is in you'd think a "divine" being may fix things if they were still about and cared about I'm suggesting a possibility based off of observations. Not accepting what was written by sand dwellers 2000 years ago.

We're on the only planet in the entire universe that has life, this planet is coincidentally orbiting the rarest star in the universe. Our sun is a white star with the temperature of a yellow dwarf star, this is literally impossible, but it's true, this proves a Creator.

That's about it, the only other way to prove Christianity to be true is if you looked at the historical evidence of Jesus outside of The Bible.

procedural generation still needs a seed. The seed is 'God'.
If you know the number of God, you know the seed to reality.

>universe isn't infinite
>god made everything
>who made god?
>no one, he's eternal
>eternal = infinite

It's almost as if you didn't put any thought into it at all.

Why don't you step in to this nice hole next to this pile of rocks, infi... friend, and I'll explain it in great detail.

That's a similar argument you what meth heads and the insane use.

They can't

I'm a believer now

because only the devil could create something as horrible as communism

First cause to our universe. I agree it has to be something infinite. But my argument that I fine out hard to believe that something so separated from our vast universe wouldn't care about 1 specific organism that grows within it.

no, because muh measured heat residue from it

and winning the powerball is even less likely than all of that
not an argument