"The bolsheviks will hang you next" (last words before being hanged at Nüremberg)

>"The bolsheviks will hang you next" (last words before being hanged at Nüremberg)

Was he right?

>sentenced to death for publishing caricatures of jews


That incited murderous hatred in Germans.

>56% white and dropping like a rock.
I'd say he was right on the money.

Behold, the power of the meme.
You seem to have a murderous hatred of white civilization.

t. kike kunt

He'll get the last laugh

>Keitel did not appear as tense as Von Ribbentrop. He held his head high while his hands were being tied and walked erect towards the gallows with a military bearing. When asked his name he responded loudly and mounted the gallows as he might have mounted a reviewing stand to take a salute from German armies.
>He certainly did not appear to need the help of guards who walked alongside, holding his arms. When he turned around atop the platform he looked over the crowd with the iron-jawed haughtiness of a proud Prussian officer. His last words, uttered in a full, clear voice, were translated as 'I call on God Almighty to have mercy on the German people. More than 2 million German soldiers went to their death for the fatherland before me. I follow now my sons - all for Germany.'





Notice he said the Bolsheviks, not the Jews, Jews literally co-opted the entire narrative of WWII

So by that logic all the Jewish professors that incite PoC to go out ans commit violent crimes against Whites are guilty of the same thing and should be equally punished?

Bolsheviks have destroyed America! Hang every last one of them! Starting with this pice of shit!

Yes, cold war happen next and poles got genicided by soviet


It's hanged, you buffoon

No. Hung refers to hanging an object, such as a towel. Hanged refers to the execution-method.

Then every single Jewish activist, professor, speaker, writer, thinker, and rabbi who has promoted demographic replacement and the removal of the white race should all be gathered together and rightfully purged from the face of this earth. Every single journalist operative and every single anti-white communist and neo-marxiat propagandist should b3 rounded up, lined up against the wall, and shot. Any survivors that are guilty of war and criminality against the white race should have their families killed in front of them and their whole lineage wiped out.

No Jew deserves to live when they fanatically work to undermine their host nation and displace white people all over the world while invoking the holocaust as a get out of jail free card. Jewish parasites that abuse the holocaust card should be restrained or made to go through another holocaust for the good of humanity. Judaism is psycopathic religious terrorism and is a malignant cancer upon the humanity. There will never be peace so long as Judaism is openly practiced for the Jew demands the right to kill and control all goyim and whoever disagrees is a bigoted Nazi. The Jew must be stopped or our world will collapse and explode with the conflicts brought upon us by the slimy vermin that is the eternal victim.

fucking anglos are worse than leafs at this point

It's hanged. Hung would mean he had big genitals at Nuremberg.
Well at least metaphorically he did.