My ancestors literally rebuilt this country after WW2 (look up "Gastarbeiter" on Wiki). I'm religious...

My ancestors literally rebuilt this country after WW2 (look up "Gastarbeiter" on Wiki). I'm religious, I believe in God but I reject the teachings of Islam that are incompatible with societal cohesion. I work and pay taxes, as does my wife. I'm raising two children that one day will be contributing to this country's success.

So why does Sup Forums hate me again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because you're a fucking mudslime and have no place in Germany.


>Because you're a fucking mudslime and have no place in Germany.

I have German citizenship.

Citizenship to Germany does not mean you are German.

>You will always be a pitiful mudslime

>Citizenship to Germany does not mean you are German.

Let my ask you this.

Why do you feel you belong in New Zealand? Are you a Maori?

You have genes that make you and your children more prone to mental retardation and violence. While exceptions occur, we can fix our crime problem only by deporting your ethno group.

Delusional roach - your grandparents arrived in the mid 60's - more than 15 years after the war. The economic miracle happened in the early to mid 50's. We rebuilt our country.

The roaches are only in germany because of an agreement between the occupying power of the all-lies war criminals and turkey.

Descended from the Europeans that conquered this land and turned it into a first world nation 180 years ago. What have your people done to earn the title of "Germans"? (Leeching welfare and murdering people does not count)

>Descended from the Europeans that conquered this land and turned it into a first world nation 180 years ago.

So you're a migrant? Interesting.

He is in New Zealand because He is a White Man. White Man lives where he pleases. You're not a White Man, you're a turknigger and should be gassed along with jews, fags and gypsies.

Shots fired.
My sandish friend, as long as you reject the parts of your religion that inhibit social cohesion, you are more than welcome in Europe. Listen not to these subjects. You are working to make your country a better place, they already ruined Sup Forums

You are just too different. Should have stayed in your home country :/

You didnt build up shit. You were used by the USA to "denazify" Germany with your birthrates and that you mix up the German blood.

Because you're not German fuck off back to Turkey abdul.

verpiss dich du beschissener Parasit

Lol I love this board

niggers and kanacken-Untermenschen will be tortured to death in Birkenau

Yes, he is a migrant, but he is the sort of conquering migrant. Germans (the ones with their heads on right) don't want to be conquered like the Maori.
What you're essentially saying is that it's hypocritical if a nation that has won a war does not want to lose a different war.

Because your work is done. Your ancestors were payed to help rebuild the country. When they were done they should have moved back home.

>Leeching welfare and murdering people does not count
Hold my halal beer lol

kanacken niggers will be deported to Dachau


Thank you. I take social cohesion seriously. My faith is a private matter and I treat it as such. I don't raise my children religiously, but they know they can talk to me about it whenever they wish to do so.

>Should have stayed in your home country :/
I was born here.

No they did not, your ancestors were imported to provide cheap labor undercutting native wages and never bothered to fucking leave or integrate. You are the spawn of parasites.

So, migration is okay so long as you're the ones who do it. Why the double standards?

>cheap labor undercutting native wages

Whose wages? Most natives were dead.

you will be deported to a Putin controlled kanacken turkey zone where auschwitzification of Untermenschen applies . you must die . you are scum

It's nothing personal, but it is about the connection you and your ancestors have to the place you live. It's about blood and soil. I have roots in my home country not just because it's where I was born, but because it is here my ancestors have lived for many many generations. This also means that I'm more adapted to the environment here and I look alike to the people around me, which creates a greater feeling of unity, we are tribal creatures after all, and all these things bind us

There's one thing left to do: Convert to the obviously superior Christian faith (preferably Catholicism). If you have to reject major parts of your faith to live in civilized society, its a sub-par religion.

They so it because Muh superior white race can do whatever it wants
>gets controlled by jews

>My ancestors literally rebuilt this country after WW2 (look up "Gastarbeiter" on Wiki).
Er schmeißt die ganze Angel rein, der absolute Beklopptmann.

Not at all. I'm talking about self-interest.
If a tribe conquers another, it naturally wants to take their land, and is right in doing so, but the defeated tribe doesn't like being displaced. If a tribe invites another tribe into its territory in large numbers, it could be suicide in the long-run, so it is foolish to do so. The difference between the British conquest of the Maori and the future Islamic conquest of Germany is that the Maori fought against it and the Briton fought for it, but the German committed suicide and the Muslim exploited his idiocy.

2bh Germany needs Islam. It needs cleansing of degeneracy and jewry. Eventually Germany will get angry again and fight them off. For some reason, birth rates are always higher during times of trouble.

>but because it is here my ancestors have lived for many many generations.

Where's the cut-off? I mean, my ancestors have lived here to since around the 1960s. I assume that is not enough. How many generations do we need to go back to justify my being here?

dich rotten wir auch noch aus . dich und deine beschissenen feigen Judenschweine

Honestly I don't believe shit any lying taqqiya muzzies tell me. You don't belong in Germany or in Europe and you should GTFO or be made to leave.

Same goes for any nation built by whites. You don't belong and you never will.

verpiss dich du mieser Untermensch , sowas wie dich haben wir früher verbrannt

I hired a contractor once but -- and this might surprise you -- I didn't give him my house.

>2bh Germany needs Islam. It needs cleansing of degeneracy and jewry.

Part of why I reject my cultural heritage and chose a different path is because I find the majority of Western values to be superior on both an individual and a social level. It allows for individual self-determination while still maintaining a necessary level of social responsibility, resulting in a stable society.

What you decry as degeneracy is just a natural outcome of this, in some individuals. I don't appreciate it (for example, I don't swear, and I teach my children not to swear either; and if I had a daughter, she would not be allowed to dress provocatively), but I accept that it occurs in Western lifestyles, and that's okay.

>So why does Sup Forums hate me again?
1. You unironically posted a German flag with your disgusting symbol on it
2. You are a shitskin. When the shit hits the fan, you will be six feet under. There is no room for non-Europeans on our soil.

OP the real question is how many of you should there be in Germany.

Most people don't mind about very small minorities, but the question becomes how much is too-many?

Let's say for argument's sake, Germany could be:

>5% Turk
>10% Turk
>15% Turk
>20% Turk
>30% Turk
>40% Turk
>50% Turk

^Is there any point there where you feel "Ok, maybe this is enough now" or "this is starting to be more like another Turkey and less like Germany?"

I don't doubt you yourself are a perfectly decent person. But this really is not so much about specific individuals, but about Demographics / percentages.

>You unironically posted a German flag with your disgusting symbol on it

It grabs attention, but it also reflects both my German and my foreign heritages. I feel quite comfortable in both.

>Is there any point there where you feel "Ok, maybe this is enough now"
Mine is at around 0%, lmao.

our migration provides prosperity and progress. Your migration provides death, mental retardness and fanatism.

turks are literally roaches
some cosovo-albanians are fine most of them are roach tier tho
>t. grew up in switzerland

>^Is there any point there where you feel "Ok, maybe this is enough now" or "this is starting to be more like another Turkey and less like Germany?"

There are certain parts in certain cities that have shifted noticeably, and it's something that I reject. My line of thinking is: if you find your original heritage to be better, then why not stay in or go back to your country of origin?

As I said above, I find the majority of Western values to be superior, and I don't want to see a shift there. I also feel that migrants who fail to integrate are doing us all a disservice.

>conquer new land to expand your own civilisation
>migrate to someone else's existing society because your own country is a failure and try to come up with reasons why you should stay

Because these two things are the same, right Mohammed?

And this is why you and your sippe needs to fuck off. You are either German fully or you are not.

>conquer new land to expand your own civilisation

So your argument is that migration is okay so long as it benefits the migrants.

britbongs improved civilisation
roaches do the opposite and are an active detriment just by virtue of being completely retarded overall

>I feel quite comfortable in both.
And that is the other part of the problem aside from not being an ethnic European. If you like Western and German ideas so much (while still embracing the roach motel), take what you've learned and return to Turkey with them and improve your own country.

You do not belong in Europe.

Conquering a new land isn't "migration," it's "invasion." You're just an immigrant, so worthless scum.

a policy like "keep the assimilated muslims in the country and deport the shitskins" would nake people feel good, but is not practical. There will be a "deport them by their skin color and religion although we will lose 5% of skilled, well assimilated people" though and the net quality of life in the country will improve dramaticaly.

Hey so you don't mind if we send millions of Christians and Europeans to Anatolia to call themselves Turks and change the demographics of Turkey?

Then the Hagia Sophia will be a christian church again. Are you cool with that?

>muslim German

With respect (and I agree with what you've said) that doesn't really answer the question.

Should there there no upper-limit at all to Turkish migration and population percentage, in your view?

Is there no population percentage (say 30% ?) that you would think "That's too-much?

Really what this all comes down to is many of us want to know how far all of this is going to go, and the one side of the debate repeats the nice concepts like "tolerance and respect" as a way of avoiding ever really saying what their end-game is - what their ultimate goal/vision is.

Would you consider a Germany in which only 10% of the population was Ethnic German (Germanic) to still be Germany?

For that matter, would you consider a Turkey in which only 10% of the population were Turks to be really still Turkey?

>I also feel that migrants who fail to integrate are doing us all a disservice.
Europe is not America. It is impossible to integrate into any European country if you are not European. We are not trying to only maintain civic ideas, those will come and go, but our European blood and our history are meant to be constant. In the case of Germans, you do not share with them their history of warfare, between the victories and the suffering. In the big picture, you simply cannot belong to Europe.

This. Look at this picture. Anger is all I feel


I have the right to demand to be defined by what I do and contribute, not by the traits you project on me.
So you feel that if my ancestors had invaded Germany instead of moving here legally and contributing to society, that would make you happier? How odd.
>Hey so you don't mind if we send millions of Christians and Europeans to Anatolia to call themselves Turks and change the demographics of Turkey?
Honestly? I think that would improve the region tremendously.
I understand your question, I just find it impossible to come up with absolute figures. In my view, migration should be guided by two factors: 1) society's resources and capacity to take in migrants, and 2) the migrants' willingness and capacity to integrate and contribute.

1) obviously depends on a variety of factors, like country size, population size, integration support, etc.

I think what you fear is a possible loss of cultural identity. That can, and should, be addressed with 2).

>I'm religious, I believe in God but I reject the teachings of Islam

so you are a christian then?

Because you cant be a muslim without accepting the teachings and traditions of islam

We had many "Gastarbeiter" too, from Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Marocco and other places, they all left as was agreed but only the Islamic ones didn't go back. Middle eastern people need much harsher rulers than European people, I don't want to live under dictatorship but islamic people need dictators that's why they behave so violently here, to much freedom.

You are being used to destroy a beautiful gene-pool.

I feel bad for Polizei desu. They are some of the nicest police force ever. You can tell they have only really been used to dealing with Germans historically and maybe putting them in drunk tanks over night. Now they are tasked with so much bullshit. They're going to lose their ethics over time dealing with the migrant invasion and become detached like American police I think.
Every time I see graffiti like "fick polizei" it reeks so hard of wanting to be American. They are too nice to feel that way.

Fuck off mudslime go live in your desert

Yes, invaders are more respectable than immigrants because at least they're honest about their intentions

>It is impossible to integrate into any European country if you are not European

It feels like you're implying that it's not possible for me (even though it's exactly what I have achieved), but possible for you because you are European.

Now, you're from Croatia, a country that has been under communist rule for decades. If the news are to be believed, your country still struggles to get going economically, and it also seems to have a rather big problem with corruption. Being Mediterranean, you're noticeably different in spirit and mentality than someone from Central Europe.

So my question is: what makes you think you're more suited to live here than I am?

>So you feel that if my ancestors had invaded Germany instead of moving here legally and contributing to society, that would make you happier? How odd.
We cannot control for warfare. As unfortunate is gene flow following wars, it's a sad part of life. But willingly allowing invaders like a trojan horse is downright insane. At least in battle we know the score.

We don't hate you we hate the politicians that sold this land out long before you were born. We have a right to a homeland and to exist within it. Germany died long before you were born and while you may rest your feet on the clay and perhaps even lay stones on it no matter how hard you try
>you will never be german
even when we are completely extinct in a few decades, even if the whole world says it is so it will never be the case

>Sup Forums is one person

Hacker known as Sup Forums

>My ancestors literally rebuilt this country after WW2 (look up "Gastarbeiter" on Wiki)
ancestors arrived ten years after the work was done

>Honestly? I think that would improve the region tremendously.

Obviously because they aren't backwards mudpeople.

>"Fellow white people, you must let third worlders into your country for a better life! Look at their shithole, would you like to live there!"
>"Wouldn't it make more sense to encourage immigration to these countries to turn them first world?"

>So my question is: what makes you think you're more suited to live here than I am?
The fuck?
>What makes a Croat more suited to live in Croatia than a Turk
Is that what you're asking? If you're referring to Croats in Germany, I don't think they necessarily have any right to be there specifically. If people take issue with diasporafags, that's on the diaspora then. I don't take that personally. But Euros moving on their feet between Europe is obviously still a world apart from Muslim shits thinking they should be afforded the same privilege.

>Because you cant be a muslim without accepting the teachings and traditions of islam

My grandfather was religious, but my father wasn't, he was way too busy and constantly tired take an interest in maintaining his religious heritage. As a result, I wasn't raised religiously, and since I was the only "Turk" in school, I didn't grow up around other Muslims. I found (or rather: re-found) my faith after a near death experience. Thinking about religion helped be deal with an experienced that haunted me for a few months.

This is why I believe my faith to be a strictly private matter. It is between myself and whatever entity I believe in, and I don't need any imam to tell me what to believe. This is also how I raise my own children.

You will never be completely German, if you aren't completely German.
Turkish-German is a bastardised name.

>My ancestors literally rebuilt this country after WW2 (look up "Gastarbeiter" on Wiki).
Your ancestor went there because USA and Jews said so.

>However, Turkey pressured West Germany to admit its citizens as guest workers.[1] Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, opposed such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large
>The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. West Germany and Turkey reached an agreement in 1961.

Shut up the fuck up and bow to your Jewish overlords that put you in that land and bow to USA and Israel.

End yourself.

The deal was you leave man, go home to your own country the work is done.

Nobody hates you man most of these guys are pissed because of the way immigration was handled.

I am sure many of them would rather have you as a neighbour rather then a bunch of degenerates.

The problem is how immigration was handled. The problem lies with the method. The politicians are the lowest of the lowest of people for they do not solve problems.

Common sense these days has been thrown out the windows. No one is even trying anymore

In this completely unrealistic hypothetical that you put forth. I would not be angry about your presence. The problem is that an exception to an average measurement does not discount the measurement. You recognize that Islam is incompatible and that people can leach off of society. Well all of those things go hand in hand with Turkish immigration. What is your question?

>what makes a european christian more suitable to live in a christian european country than an arab muslim

hmmm, no idea senpai


actually i love germany and the german guy who stabbed a leftist german politician recently is based af

you guys gave us hitler who was supposed to save the world but these fucking jews won

Kys please your ancestors didn't rebuilt this country you gigantic faggot.I have on italian grandfather and he would never be as delusional to brag about shit like "we rebuilt germany,not the millions of germans 20 years ago".He worked here for 40 years and never complained or had the audacity to make such outlandish claims.

I can live with european migrants but I can't accept roaches and africans because they are not a net worth.They just destroy this society and its benefits that got built up by hard working ancestors.

Turks always live in places with many other Turks and Turkish stores, a Turk in NL and probably Germany too almost has zero contact with native people. They also cant buy houses because of islam so they all live in shitty places, schools in those area's are referred to as black schools and have poor results. It's terrible really.

Deutschland is for Germans, not Roaches or Sandniggers. Go back home.

Kurds generally are more Western Orientated than the Turks despite Turkey being geographically closer to European soil. That being said many Turks are Western Orientated but are increasingly being shut out by Turkish communities as a result.


It seems that essentially what you're saying is that a Nation is not it's people:
- that it would, and should, be possible to completely replace the population of (say) Japan with Irish people, and as long as they respect Japanese culture, language, tradition, religion, etc.. more than the Irish equivalents, it will still recognizably be Japan?

- or that say, if millions of Africans, Arabs, and Chinese decide they would like to move to Ireland, they should be able to as long as they are law-abiding, well-mannered, and respect Irish culture - even if the Ethnic Irish population becomes only 15% of the population of the homeland their people have lived in for thousands of years?

Does the land and entity that is called Turkey belong to the Turks? Do they have a right to consider it their homeland? Do they have a right as a people to decide if they should be a majority or minority within Turkey?

>"I think what you fear is a possible loss of cultural identity."

That's one part of it, sure, but only one part. Ultimately this is about possession. Ireland belongs to the Irish. The land is theirs. Poland belongs to the Poles. Those Ethnic groups should be able to decide for themselves if they want to give it away.

(unless you take the Communist view that no one really owns anything/property is evil, immoral?)

In other words, this open-ended, un-limited premise that "Any Ethnic Group should be able to move anywhere, in any number, as long as they behave themselves" is a licence for a slow-motion replacement of Ethnic Groups within their homelands, and for the theft of something that belongs to their people.

When this happens quickly and violently, we call this an Invasion. If it's spread out over a few decades - even if it happens against the wishes of the majority population - this is called merely "migration" - even if the end result is the same - replacement, displacement, and dispossession)

Would say Turks are tolerable compared to Rapefugees for instance.

You dumbass, his ancestors were pioneers. They had to create the infrastructure.

>faith to be a strictly private matter

It wont be.
What you believe in is what you will reflect onto others.

So the question is, what is your faith?
Only then I can determin if you are a problem or if we can get along.

"fick polizei"

lmao do they really do that? what delusion.
well, if they want to be treated like American nogs so badly, then they will get what they want eventually no doubt. I'm sure they will enjoy being actually shot at for once, when they chimp out.

because you're a fucking gulenist

>buying the jewish lie that ''gastarbeiter'' build more than 0,0001% of western societies after ww2.
You can let yourself out.

They did not lol

nice trips, satin

Marshal plan was the major reason why it was rebuilt, gastarbeiters were simply spare work force in the bubble West German economy.