Judaism misconceptions/conspiracy theories

Jew here ask me anything about Jews or Judaism and I will confirm or deny whether it is true or not to the extent of my knowledge.

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When you're alone among your own kind, do you all tacitly acknowledge that the holocaust never actually happened, but at this point you have to keep up the charade?

I've heard that there is a lot of worship of dark dietys in Judaism from other friends who are formal practitioners of the religion. Thoughts?

In Judaism, there are no deities. There is only one God that does not exist in reality. God is reality itself and beyond. God is the all-embracing context for everything.

So you're buddist

do you like chocolate?

Why are people so antisemitic

>God does not exist in reality
>God is reality itself
It's spelled G-d, you dumb larping goy.

Is it true that a rabbi cuts off a piece of your penis, sucks on your dick and drinks the foreskin in a glass of wine?

how is reform Judaism even a religion when you can do anything you want without fear of burning in hell

Oi vey you mamzer putz you're not supposed to come out as a jew here Menachem, this isn't the shalom temple or the bank this is a hideous neo nazi hive. Just let us handle it.

Same reason why homophobia, misogyny and bigotry exist.

Because we are tribalist by nature and those outside our tribe (whatever tribe that is) are seen as the enemy who must be punished, and a weaker tribe is seen as more easy to abuse, to maintain dominance.

People hate and as a minority, we make easy victims.

How many Jews died in the "holocaust"?

Does the Zohar and the babylonian talmud adhere to judeo-christian values?

Come on don't be a schmuck Solomon, don't tell these filthy goyim of our trickery they will never be on our side, our network is hard at work subverting this place as it is. We shall discuss this later in the synagogue.



Is this quote real?

is this an accurate depiction of the jewish people?

Why have kikes been hated throughout history?

That is hard to answer, really - the Talmud is a vast (a library, nearly) collection of material from a period of several centuries (which included for part of that time, the beginnings of Christianity). However, nothing in the Talmud is specifically directed at Christianity or at Christians.

There IS material about dealing with Jewish apostates and people who attend synagogues but aren’t behaving properly by a Jewish definition. Some people think that applies to Christians, and it might, but then again it might not.

There are a few people in the Talmud who were named ‘Jesus’ but that was a common enough name at the time, and most of the references don’t stand up to investigation as applying to the Christian Jesus. Most are quite clearly different people altogether.

The Talmud is the Oral Torah committed to written form. It consists mostly of the records of discussions by various authorities and scholars about topics of Jewish law: what time of day should this prayer be recited? how did the high priest carry out his duties on Yom Kippur? what is the proper way to greet people in the market place? What is the right way to live? If you find a lost item by the side of the road, what is your responsibility? (keep it, ignore it, find the owner)
So is it antichristian? No

Get in the shower, Goldberg.

>However, nothing in the Talmud is specifically directed at Christianity or at Christians.
>here are a few people in the Talmud who were named ‘Jesus’ but that was a common enough name at the time, and most of the references don’t stand up to investigation as applying to the Christian Jesus.
lying kike.


THIS +++

I suspect Jews even lie to themselves about this, hence all the lying "holocaust survivors" who can be proven to be lying.

I had never heard of this (and it in fact contradicts a great many other quotes from Ben Gurion that I am familiar with). I'd be shocked if it was real.

you really gotta kill all whites? i mean that seems so radical. why user?

Medieval equivalent of racist shitposting on Sup Forums.

do you see Sabbatai Zevi as a jewish prophet?

No, we can't do this when in a large group.
But in my small friends circle, now that's another story.
I won't say more

He's telling.... lies lies lies lies... lies lies lies lies... lies lies lies lies lies... lies.... lies...

sure about that?

1. why cant your people keep their hands off children ?
2. why is your entire existence predicated upon creating a global apocalypse ?


Well played

What country do you think Jews will be kicked out of for the 7th billion time whilst blaming everyone else? Why is it America?

He was a Jewish man who claimed he was the messiahs he was able to convince his followers to believe him and he started a mass migration to Israel claiming it was part of the return of the Jews under the mashiach. He was rejected by the bulk of Jews and the Rabbisnif the time and their criticism of him was proven correct when he was arrested in Constantinople and converted to Islam. His followers became what are known today as the Donmeh- not considered part of the Jewish community or Jewish but also not the same as their Muslim neighbors but rather a syncretic form of both. The donmeh are NOT considered Jewish or part of the Jewish community and have to undergo a full conversion if they want to become Jewish.

God never commanded not to use His Name at all. He said not to use His Name "in vain" (Exodus 20:7). That basically means don't use His Name lightly or flippantly, like Hollywood and TV does in abundance.


It is gods plan from the begining, that his chosen people should be constantly challenged, in order to become better.

It is clearly stated so in the Torah, and Talmud.

So all the reasons, for persecution are true, but it’s planned out from the one above, who’s in control of all that happens in this world. And nothing can change that.

Hey do you support Zionism ?

Zionism is a national movement of Jews.

If you are looking for something bad in it, it should be either in Jews or in national movements.
So what do you believe is wrong in either one of those?