I'm white, but I question whether whites are actually superior over East Asians...

I'm white, but I question whether whites are actually superior over East Asians. I can't think of one variable where whites are better than East Asians. Asians have, on average, higher IQs than whites. They commit fewer crimes, work harder, and are better educated than whites on average. China is a global superpower that will overtake the US within the next 20 years, and Japan, despite being a tiny island, has the second largest GNP in the world. South Korea went from being a war devestated country largely inhabited by peasants to a first world country with realistic plans to have a robot in every home by 2020 in a little more than 50 years. Singapore also deserves mention as a multi-cultural, multi-racial, prosperous confucian dictatorship. East Asians also seem to be much more clean than whites. Their streets and schools are always spotless. Meanwhile, large parts of Europe have double digit unemployment, and eastern europe is corrupt and stagnant. Even intensely xenophobic states with almost no immigration like Austria are suffering from these effects, so waste no time by blaming immigrants.

So tell me Sup Forums, how are whites superior to East Asians?

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they're prone to suicide and pedophilia

no thanks

I am white and I prefer the average behavior of whites to that of Asians. I like our culture and institutions more than those of Asia as well. The difference in IQ and in productivity comes along with differences in representative societies.

They're superior to whites in the way that robots are superior to us. They can perform more calculations per second, don't commit as many crimes, don't do as many drugs. everything really, except for you know the being human part.

White countries don't have cancer cities.

Asians are like human ants. They're super efficient and there are a shitload of them, but only a handful have souls.

Japanese are better than Greeks/Turks/Italians/Spaniards. Nordic and Germanic people are better than all asians. Koreans are close behind Meds. Chinese are not even close.

Asians have a great legacy of stratified, authoritative societies that limit freedom and capitalism. That's why the best countries are white, western countries except Japan and S.Korea. And the only reason they're in the mix is because the United States showed them the way and saved them from themselves.

>I can't think of one variable where whites are better than East Asians.

pipe down faggot


east asians will surpass whites in the coming century, but thats not a bad thing. whites need to be on the bottom for a bit to unify and consolidate, East asian strength is pussy compared to whites

>So tell me Sup Forums, how are whites superior to East Asians?
There are a few ways;
1. We are far better warriors.
2. We are not a race of cruel and socially inept autistics.
3. We are capable of creativity and invention.

Mongoloids never evolved the capacity for curiosity or a Faustian drive. They would be totally stagnant without technology transfers from Europeans.
Once we defeat the kikes, we will stop pretending the gooks are human. We will eliminate all gook colonists in our lands, end all trade and technology transfers to the gook hives, and begin a policy of exterminating gooks and recolonizing Asia with Europeans.

Japan is clean but China and South Korea are both filthy places.

But why do Japanese media use white people a lot and are set in western settings? Do they secretly want to be like us?

Guilt vs Shame culture.
Whites feel guilt and do things because they are innately morally good.
Chinks feel shame when they are caught and manipulate things to preserve honor.

I fully agree. I am sick of people who constantly praise this race of ants. They are better than Africans overall obviously but in some ways even worse than them because of their lack of having any kind of personality (usually speaking). And East Asian overcoming whites is bullshit; the Chinese economy has stopped its rapid growth for example.

>I'm white, but I question whether whites are actually superior over East Asians.
they're not
enslave yourself to the master race

There is a reason Chinese inventions didn't blossom until they were imported to Europe. While the chinks have a slightly higher average(which is questionable due to testing methods and widespread cheating)

They have been sacrificing individuality and creativity in an elitist "old is better" mentality.

I agree agree with this

They're obviously better than whites. You have to be retarded to not see that. For whatever reason whites have dominated the last couple centuries, but there's no way that is going to continue.

Europeans are superior to Asians in the domains of:


Asians are superior in the domain of test-taking.

>They have been sacrificing individuality and creativity

For thousands of years. Ancient Chinese proverb: "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down".

They are like an insect hive, those who do not strictly conform have been culled or denied breeding rights for many many generations.

Fuck off chink you aren't fooling anyone.

But Yes, Asians are very smart. But keep in mind most of those successful Asian countries you mentioned are under US hegemony and are prosperous today partly because of western investments and inventions.

Keep in mind also that Asians aren't being constantly held down and drained by Jewish parasites and third world garbage so it's hard to compare us at the moment.

Asians are a threat though, especially the chinks. Don't worship them like turbo-cucks liberals because of their intelligence, it's dangerous and self destructive. Use the envy and hate you feel for them to motivate you to fight for the white race, also educate yourself to become more competitive in the world economy.

Morality, philosophy, ethics, art, athletics, looks. Get out of our countries if you love Asians so much.

Things like gunpowder and paper were developed independently in Europe and did not come from China. Stop spreading outdated ideas.

Also, I'm fairly sure that the Chinese are much dumber than Europeans, though I agree that there is basically no standard deviation for them

>T. Zhou Ming

Asians have "on average" higher IQ but they are clustered at the average. When you look at extremely high IQ there are more European genius. They are not clustered at the average That's why history shows so many European genius.
Also Europeans have more empathy and different genes for empathy.
Asians boil dogs alive and eat still living things for fun...

It doesn't matter. Just bleach as much as you can and eliminate racism.

>t. hongcouver babydick with "ND" sticker on his car

Oy vey

I am as white as you can be. There is loads of evidence for East asian superiority. You could argue something like this but they are smarter and they commit less crime. That part is not debatable.

Asians are not higher IQ, the results are rigged. The methodology is extremely sketchy with these things and I wish people like Molymeme would stop spreading these memes as if they were hard facts. Sure, a 70 IQ population is clearly dumber than a 100, even if the methodology is flawed, it's still a wide gap, but to constantly assert that Asians have the highest IQ is just unfounded when you're talking about less than 5 points and dealing with half the planet. Further consider the following
>If Asians have the highest racial IQ why are almost all of their societies vastly inferior to ours? Cultural factors and flukes of history cannot satisfyingly account for this
>if Asians have a higher racial IQ then why are they not represented accordingly in either the genius class or in volume of scientific papers?
It just doesn't add up unless you find that Asians have a bell curve like women in which fewer outliers exist

muh race but that race but racing with each other who will win the race?

Whites are superior to blacks in the way that robots are superior to us. They can perform more calculations per second, don't commit as many crimes, don't do as many drugs. everything really, except for you know the being human part.

couple of points on the iq test aren't worth giving up individualism

also they eat doggos

Religions are probably a big part of it too. Christianity is feminine in a lot of ways and if you look at civilization it's built by males and the civilizing aspect is feminine, I guess you could say the problems the west has with women gaining too much power is because of civilization that plagues the west the most. The Middle East has Islam which is masculine in nature and is overly destructive in its themes and you could argue that's why civilization never prospers in the Middle East when they kill each other endleslly. Asians practice religions with mentality of the person having no soul as such their people are hallowed shells following direction with no individual thinking.

Want to know why whites are superior? Whites have conquered every Asian country in recent memory. Asians point to Genghis Khan or the Viet Cong and that's all they've got. The Chinks are so in love with Judaism that they've gone Communist Capitalist in the greatest tradition of Jewish oxymorons. Even the Asians with the longest history and supposed highest IQs threw away their culture and embraced the Jew. KJU talks a good game but he's a Potemkin nationalist run by the kikes of Asia. Absolutely pathetic, gooks.

>they are smarter

Passing a test in an academic setting doesn't make you smart.

>they commit less crime

It's already established that they are a low-T betarace of slaves

I'm in Japan, and I can say for certain that Japanese (not sure about other Asians, but I'm fairly certain this applies to Chinese as well) have far lower empathy than whites.

Japanese tend to like order and appearances, but are pretty selfish when it comes to personal matters. Making appointments and not showing up when you don't like an individual, for example. You pretend you're going to go and you like someone, and you don't. There are cases where friends hate each other for years, but act polite on the surface. This sort of thing is common here.

Also rampant cheating out the ass. Anyone who tries to claim Japanese are loyal don't know shit about shit. And the ones that think they are loyal, are the betas getting cheated on.

Change that to per capita and wouldn't Japan be #1?

>323.1 million (US population) / 7846972 = 41.18
>127 million (Japan population) / 1929402 = 65.82

you dont see them creating tech, starting the industrial revolution, making medicine or having better bodily features like more muscle. they are not smart just encouraged by parents to be smart and hard working, kinda part of their culture. whites are superior hands down.

Bigger p-ness.

Asians have smaller bodies on average, thus making Whites superior

command + f "plastic surgery"

>no results found

im dissapointed

>South Korea went from being a war devestated country largely inhabited by peasants to a first world country with realistic plans to have a robot in every home by 2020 in a little more than 50 years.
After being extensively assisted by the West since the Korean War, yes. Not to mention the developments made in the region by the heavily-Westernised Japanese Empire prior to the Korean War.
>East Asians also seem to be much more clean than whites. Their streets and schools are always spotless.
That’s a very generalising statement as some Western areas are much more cleaner than East Asians areas and vice versa. Singapore is famous for being clean but Seoul is also notorious for smelling like shit because of their sewers. Go figure.
>1 post by this ID
I imagine it will stay like this. Either have an actual discussion or stop ruining the board.

>I'm white,

Of course you are, Schmuelie.

command + f "plastic surgery"

1 result found


They have the ability to answer pre existing questions. They lack the creativity to ask big questions. They are not individuals, they are hive mind. They do not seek freedom from government, they vote for bug government. Although individually Asians do well in western society, they just lack the ability in creativity to create something like western society.

>Socially retarded
>Shitty workers (Fuck your 'hard workers' meme. Whites are absolutely the hardest workers.)
>Not as attractive
>Too collectivist

Beside that, they're pretty cool. However, they're not superior. We're equals with different traits.

These questions wouldn't need to be asked, East Asians simply would have established dominance by now. But they haven't and the only reason we are having these debates is because whites are suicidal thanks to brother wars and Jewish brainwashing.

They're creative. They're just less creative or moral than whites.

Asian girls are the most beautiful overal, some white girls can be nice but they are rare.

>Source: Charles Murray


Fuck off you guys, I'm white. Here's my DNA Test

>european jewish

Japan is a big country, its not the same everywhere.

>American education
Fuck off. It was the Dutch, not you.

Creativity. White people have enough individuality within their intelligence to explore ideas outside of mere calculation and spacial reasoning. Look at the kind reading comprehension and consider the fact only we developed classical music, presective painting, etc... Our intelligence profile is more balanced.

We have a right to exist and fight for our existence. If Asians are better for us then we should improve the quality of our stock with eugenics.

This too, the over 140 area is mostly whites do to other groups having restricted standard deviations or very low averages.

White women are holding white men back

>blames all white countries failures on a Jewish boogeyman because taking responsibility is hard
>the 'white race' is so weak and incompetent that they let themselves be taken over and trampled on by Jewish overlords, according to you

Really makes me think...

>muh white ""empathy""
>muh white ""creativity"
Shut the fuck up, genetic trash. You're inferior to us in every way, so stop trying to compare yourselves to us to justify your fetish for our women. The house chinks you get are whores and traitors. Human trash for human trash--how fitting.
Dumb white niggers.

Murray is the leading American social scholar and he is married to a Chinese woman. He originally began Human Accomplishment as an effort to objectively quantify Asian intellectual achievements, but he couldn't find anything of note.

>Murray is the leading American social scholar


The IQ thing is bull. Massive numbers of non-whites in the west drag the collective score down. Also - no. China is all a sham.
Also - whites made the world as we know it. From modern medicine to electricity, planes, cars, internet, phones, trains, sanitation systems, the microscope, telescope, every household appliance - the list is endless. Even if Asia gets complete control - they will rule over a white-invented world.
Also - Asiatic creativity is far inferior. Pic related. For 5000 years Chinese art was as stagnant and repetitive as that of Egypt. The West's fiery restlessness led to a constant, surging change in styles and expression, from elaborate baroque to maniacal cubism.

Whites are better looking at young age, and, according to recent research, waste least time at work. That makes whites more efficient and effective collectively.

Murray is one of the greatest sociologists of our time

Scientific inventions don't really mean much when broken down into certain time scales. Coptic Egyptians for example were much more scientifically advanced than Europeans thousands of years ago. Then the arabs. Until the last few centuries, the Europeans were able to be on top in terms of inventions following the Renaissance Enlightenment and industrial revolution. It is likely that currently developing/2nd world countries like China may overtake the west in inventions once they grow out of the after effect of decades of commie rule.

kill yourself

>per capita with scientific achievements

thats stupid, with that China or India would win.

>and he is married to a Chinese woman


No, but you can make generalizations that are mostly accurate. Also, I've dealt with more Japanese people on a personal basis than any single foreigner I've ever met here. I've probably had personal conversations ranging in the 5k+ of mostly women ranging mostly 13 to 30. Also most foreigners are terrible at conversational Japanese and couldn't talk like a normal person in タメ語 if it killed them.

also, Japan has almost double the population of many of the European countries listen near the top.

The superior race is high caste Pajeet. Pajeets basically invented mathematics and philosophy, kept the collections of Greeks so that the Arabs co re-import it back to Europe after the whites were done chimping out; founded the largest and best religions of the world (Hinduism & Buddhism, kike religions are terrible), and were able to maintain a high standard of living, strong individualism, and a strong culture all at the same time until they were run over by Muslim invaders. What is happening to Europe now is just an echo of what happened to Ancient India, and when Hitler told you to avoid that echo you didn't listen. Why do you think he used the swastika and used the word "Aryan" when he could have used white or European? He didn't mean white or European - he meant Pajeet.

when you say white, do you mean nords, or nords and meds, or just meds? we're not the same race, you know.
mediterraneans built rome and discovered geometry and philosophy and planetary orbits and....
nordics figured out how to glue horns to their helmets and wear bear skins.
not exactly a fair comparison

Whites dont eat dogs

>but I question whether whites are actually superior over East Asians
Stop being a stormweenie. Stop being such a brainlet that race realism makes you start talking about superiority, you're definitely a mental midget and you're not superior than ever a nigger.

I agree with OP

we don't have to justify anything. we can just drop a third one.

>mediterraneans built rome and discovered geometry and philosophy and planetary orbits and...

>Jewish boogeyman
The failure to prevent kike entryism falls squarely on the White man, you're right. The cure is literally Hitler. Be careful with that one, Eitan. You wouldn't want to meme magic the Shoah into existence, would you?

I'm going to play conspiritard for once here. This seems like a shill thread. Something's just off about it.

asian's don't work harder. that's bs.

name one area of science were the profound discoveries were done by non-whites? there are none.

They lack creativity. Nails that stick up get pounded down in Asian culture. They are programmed to conform. The gooks pay to import smart Americans because they can't innovate without help. They do have above avg IQ, strong work ethic and tendency to peace. All pluses. I like the gooks overall and the women are hot but they need someone to imagine for them.

>America is a white country
No. America was a white country and still has whites, bit it is no longer a white country.

Asians are better computers - they are superior in terms of raw analytical power, but fall behind whites when it comes to creativity. Analytical power is obviously important, but creative thinking is the primary driver behind big leaps forward in progress.

OP you need to watch these videos:





Mathematics, by pajeets. Also
>only profound discoveries count
>only profound discoveries after 1000 AD count
>only profound discoveries that are peer-reviewed and widely published in journals after 1600 AD count
>only white people's discoveries count as discoveries
There was a lot of history before the age of European hegemony, user.

scientific discoveries as a measure of racial superiority is illusory as it changes throughout the ages. A more stable, meaningful measure
of racial differences/balance could be IQ, spatial reasoning, physical prowess, immunity to certain diseases, etc...

>mfw I realized this thread is just a circlejerk of amerimutts talking about nails getting hammered to make themselves feel better about being shit at life
This is an excellent shilling device

>Coptic Egyptians for example were much more scientifically advanced than Europeans thousands of years ago.
At the time, Egypt had a larger population than all of Europe.
>Then the arabs.
That's just your leaf education talking. Arabs never invented anything, merely squandered and destroyed the human capital of the Greeks and Persians whom the conquered.
> Until the last few centuries, the Europeans were able to be on top in terms of inventions following the Renaissance Enlightenment and industrial revolution.
Europeans and European-related peoples have always been technologically, culturally, artistically, militarily and socially dominant.
>It is likely that currently developing/2nd world countries like China may overtake the west in inventions once they grow out of the after effect of decades of commie rule.
Japan never had any commie rule, and they are still soulless insects who are almost totally absent at the highest levels of human intellectual achievement. Chinese have always been known to be intellectually and spiritually inferior even to Japanese, there is no reason to assume that this ancient pattern will suddenly change.

>That first link
>Week in Japan


I have no problem with east Asians. Superiority is relative question. The way they live and conduct themselves is radically different than we do as Europeans. I don't know why people get hung up on this. What does it matter?

Where does this "Asians are not creative" meme comes from?

Asian culture is superior or equal to european culture in multiple traits

t. Dong Nguyen

Many of our nations are currently being flooded with millions of East Asian colonists. We must objectively understand what we are dealing with in order to defeat this invasion and permanently put an end to this threat.

>Europeans and European-related peoples have always been technologically, culturally, artistically, militarily and socially dominant.
A cursory glance through history in certain time periods show that this is just blatantly false.

Also Chinese and Japanese are almost genetically the same.

As an Asian, I'd definitely say Whites are more creative compared to Asians. Asians tend to improve on the current technology, but in rare cases there are people like Kenjiro Takayanagi(who still, doesn't get a lot of recognition). In Asia, there is a stigma against failing, while in the west, it is seen as a step towards success.

I don't entirely agree with you OP, but it's true that asians will win the long game. No asian nation is stupid enough to self-genocide themselves like white countries are currently doing.