Question about Christianity

If Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for our salvation, but then rose from the grave, where was the sacrifice?

help me understand

Jesus is an archetype. You’re not supposed to take this shit literally.

It was the pain and suffering part.

Christians should be celebrating this at Christmas. The sun rises the least on December 21st. For three days after it rises neither higher or lower. Christmas Day the days start to get longer again. Death and resurrection of the Sun/Son. Three days in the cave.

jesus like yeah im god's son

then he proves it by coming back to life

and peacing out

archtype of what?

Jesus is real, don't talk shit on my boi.

It’s a fairytale intended to teach us the lessons needed for us to become civilization builders. He’s the archetype for overcoming our animal instincts and enduring adversity for this greater good.

>where was the sacrifice?
the part where he was crucified

>He’s the archetype for overcoming our animal instincts and enduring adversity for this greater good

yeah, you know he had violent fits right? have you actually read new test or just pretend to be intellectual because you watched a jordan peterson video?

Try dying on a cross after being beaten and whipped put on display for your own people to shame you and mock you after you were literally the only human being who ever walked the earth that did absolutely nothing wrong ever and was perfect
It sucks probably

The whole capture, Crown of thorns, carrying a massive cross and being nailed to it while being beat thing.

His violent fits were absolutely righteous, unlike those of man

Very much Zeitgeist bullshit. Sol Invictus day and Christmas were invented as a dual holiday at the same time. The only reason as to why Christmas is on the 24th is because roman authorities demanded it to be there.

well a god suffering for humanity and not just throwing lighting bolts at humans away like some polytheic entity was at his time, a novelity. now a days spolied millennials demand a bit more "geez jesus, you should have suffered a bit more for me!!".

>It’s a fairytale intended to teach us the lessons needed for us to become civilization builders.

Except he's listed in Roman records as being judged by Pilate according to the will of the people.

Don’t know the bible well. What happened to him after he came back from death?

... they demonstrate animal instinct - anger and losing control - not righteousness. He was passive when he'd had better reason (if he was trying to be a role model) on numerous occassions, and was violent when the offense didn't require it, but people didn't listen to him. Essentially a tantrum, not righteousness. Read new test because Peterson is meaningless without the source doc.

the sacrifice was that he left the earth 3 days later so he couldn't fuk ur mum anymore m8

Jesus the son of yahweh. Jesus was very real. Better believe it pagans

that will be 50 dollars bucko



He overcame death after suffering for our sins in order that we might believe, and also overcome death to spend eternity in heaven with Him.

Christian life is a peaceful life free from the rotten fruit of materialism. I've never been better.

Imagine you're God. You can do anything, you know everything, you don't have to take shit from anybody.

You create this thing and put people on it and they fuck everything up so to redeem their fuck up you become one of them, a microscopic, insignificant blob of flesh and live as they lived and then suffer an undignified and very painful death at their hands.

You know how your parents sometimes might sometimes accuse you when you were younger of being ungrateful? Amplify that a bit.

Also you're a cunt because this is not difficult to understand.

>where was the sacrifice?

The idea of this whole thing is to overcome the notion of sacrifice as practiced by the Jews. Christianity isn't a religion of works like Islam and Judaism.

He appeared in various places and spoke to people, in one case to even 500 individuals.
At least 100 of those who saw him after resurrection would not change their testimony about seeing him even under torture and threats of execution.
Jesus was real and resurrected, or he did not die in the first place. (highly unlikely considering how they tormented him)

Did you forget about the trinity? As in the same God as three different versions. Jesus (God in flesh/ as a human) made the ultimate sacrifice (bloodshed) that replaced/ got rid of all other sacrifices. Jesus rising is supposed to be both a miracle and something that is symbolic of humanity and God having a connection (via salvation).

Sin entered into the world through perfect man (adam and eve) so a perfect man had to be paid as a ransom. To reverse the damage.

Both angels and man were given free will. With the ability to choose the right or wrong course.

Revelation talks about what is to come next.

I don't celebrate the Catholic version of Yule.