Did the hipster "movement" accelerate leftist pc culture to its current psychotic state?

>be me
>early 30s
>live in a leftist college town
>distinctly remember a time when it was full of plaid-wearing bearded bespectacled white hipsters, about 7-8 years ago
>wasn't cool to show any sort of emotion or support any cause
>no one even spoke much at concerts or in bars
>unimaginable indifference to important shit, everyone has the same smug "seen-it-all" mentality
>also distinctly remember no one giving much of a fuck about identity politics at all
>out of fucking nowhere here comes BLM and feminism and all of this political fervor
>the same white people unironically adopt this as a sort of religion
>it actually saves them from hipster nihilism and gives them something to be tribal and passionate about, even though it's literally masochism
>the exact same hipsters are now psychotic and very vocal about identity politics

without the hipster era does all of the sjw bullshit happen this quickly and this intensely among young whites? where the fuck did it come from? social media alone?

kony turned everyone into a activist

i'd say trayvon martin was the exact moment this hellscape was created but kony was definitely in the mix


kony did nothing wrong

Slactivists tho. It's always fleeting and they always move on to something else

You're seeing the picture up side down. Hipsterism didn't accelerate leftism. Accelerated leftism gave rise to hipsterism.

You can see the same pattern repeat itself if you look back. Hippies were nothing but the hipsters of the 60s and 70s. Beatniks before that.

I've been saying that hipsterdom was a method of social control by the government, now look where we are

I hate being right all the time

>apathy under Democrats
>outrage under Republicans
This is the cycle.

Hipsters were always pretty leftist for the most part.

I was an undergrad from 2007-2011 and spent most of that time living in a communal house off campus. Think of it like a frat house for hippies, freaks and wierdos. I was first introduced to the pronoun shit in like 2009 or so by this girl who always bragged that she wrote a postmodernist deconstruction of the phrase 'suck my dick' as part of her application to the university. She was way ahead of the curve on everything we now associate with SJW'ism, and she proposed changing all of our house documentation to have gender neutral language like xir and shit, which became part of the house charter. I was the only person in the house who actively opposed it, most people were indifferent to it and just went along because its transgressive/progressive/wierd-for-the-sake-of-being-weird-and-I'm-a-college-kid-so-fuck-it.

Nihilism and trying to fit in with the herd is what spread SJW shit, at least in the people that I knew back when it was first starting to spread. A few people were legit activists but most people just rolled with it because they were afraid of some shitfuck freshman lesbian telling them they were a bad person.

Hipsters were always insufferable Leftists. I remember living around them in Chicago back when Obama got elected in 2008. Wtf are you smoking?

The social justice outrage started during the Obama years


Gas the jews
Lynch the niggers
Build the wall


Possibly; a good chunk of the SJW infiltration of major institutes (comics, video games, movies, tv, pop culture journalism) came about explicitly by way of the hipster movement of the early 00s.

If the early 00s hipster movement didn't happen, at the very least Gamergate would not have happened as the old school pre-00s gaming press would have fired Nathan Grayson and blackballed Zoe Quinn from polite society.

LMAO look at the Nixon years and say that again.

It started, but it was all snowballing toward Obama inevitably leaving office. None of this was organic.

I think he just meant the recent wave of tumblr freak hysteria being normalized.

I've seen a pro social justice warrior possible anifa sympathizer post that they hadn't had a job in years and were angered by "hipster bros watching sports ball" I think hipsters aren't the worst part of the left, I think faux punks are. Punks that are authoritarian and will attack you for disagreeing with them.

It was New Atheism and Tumblr.
That's literally it.

This shit was always nascent in that hipster nihilism.

I went to liberal arts college 2009-2013 and live in one of the biggest radical leftist hotspots in the country. All those hipsters went on to being hardcore anarcho-communists and BLM types. They were always sick in the head, suicidal and dysfunctional; their belief systems arise out of a desire to die. They want the west to die just as they themselves want to die. It's the only way to make sense of their narrative. It's the only thing that ties their contradictory stances together.

For an additional redpill: notice how many of them are way into astrology now. I unironically believe this is a form of chaos worship, or at least the manifestation of a deep emptiness that comes from rejecting social order at large.

It started with small worthless movements. Like a decade ago while living in SF, bicyclists would get all passionate about "Biker's Rights" and other petty nonsense. At first I thought it was just an aberration, an anomaly of the culture. But then as this pettiness started to expand, I realized it was about morality and power of which they had neither. They started to believe that they were the same thing and sought intertwine and accumulate both.

The lesson is that the "coolness" of nihilism never lasts. Eventually that void is filled by something toxic, like garbage being sucked up by a vacuum...

I think this is fairly universal. World-weariness is something that all humans experience at some point and is addressed by many systems of philosopy and religion. It's something outside of politics and simply comes from being a part of the material universe.

>They want the west to die just as they themselves want to die.
This neurosis is known as the Fourier complex.

>their belief systems arise out of a desire to die
I'm glad this is so recognizable now that I see people point it out almost every day.

These posts are great. I was in uni 2009-2013 in Toronto, I saw it grow into full fruition. I was at school when Big Red was first documented, you can even see my old residence in the background of that video. It was partially a reaction to the Bush Administration's brand of Christianity. They were certainly Left Wing before, but Bush really pushed them over the edge, much like in the way Trump triggers them today. Obama gave them a sense of Triumphalism and inevitability that lead to their accelerationism.

Gamergate, the rise of right-wing ecelebs, Trump, and all these events really got their noggin' joggin' and drove them off the deep end.

Thanks user. It's about damn time I learned the name for this.

It's the media, including social media. We all know who controls that.

>The term was coined by Ludwig von Mises in his 1927 book Liberalism. He took it from the name of the famous French socialist Charles Fourier. In that the attitude does not accord with materialistic rationality or self-preservation, Mises regarded and described it as a neurosis, or psychological disorder.

And the byproduct of accelerationism has been collective derangement. I'm not worried about these people. They have no organization nor will they effectively every organize into anything with political power (relative to their highly organized competition of the Right). They may get some meddling cultural influence or some minor middle-management positions in HR or city dog catcher, but that's the limit of their organizational aptitude.

I've had a similar theory, OP.

The early 2000s (00-06) was mostly indie/alternative styled hipsters, think t-shirts with graphics on them and beanies.

In 2007 I noticed that the internet seemed somewhat off, only to later figure out it was because the mainstream adaptation of smartphones and more importantly the iPhone. These gave normies access to regular use of the web and thus beginning the dilution of the web.
This was also when being emo was seriously in with teenagers.

After Steve Jobs died and all the Apple fanboys, typically leftists with little technical or life experience, there was a void for leadership for the greater smugness.

Will continue....

Definitely. I think what the Right needs at the moment is its own long march through the institutions though. We need to grit our teeth and enter cultural, academic, and social spheres. Pierce used to talk about that, its the fields where they still dominate, and part of the reason they seem to wield more power than their real numbers would imply.

Even in Cuckistan here people tend to agree with me the moment I say anything against them.

A swift and relentless purge is necessary.

What happens happens. I have faith in the outcome of the hegelian dialectic. We are in a Culture War and people will both consciously and unconsciously resist the pathology. It's like societies autoimmune system: a virus will infect the host, but once studied and identified, it can be targeted and destroyed.

My first trips, praise Kek.
>entered HS in 2008 for context

Anyway, around 2010 I'm sure we all notice guys wearing flannels and thick rimmed glasses, Myspace is dead making Facebook the proverbial shit, and Obama can do no wrong. Facebook got gay really fast, everyone eventually goes to Twitter where you can be mean kind of like the old web. Facebook quickly fills with family and smartphone normies.

2012 is when I think the Kony thing came about, I noticed all of the hipsters at school buying into the hype. That's when I started to look at leftists as people with a different mental wavelength than others. I noticed that their politics started effecting their personalities and that's when I began my hatred for hipsters.

>All of these events were perfectly timed in my development

I was a Sup Forums hard since 2007, then stopped in 2012.
Came back to Sup Forums in the past year for Sup Forums and found Sup Forums to be even shittier in a new way. Sup Forums is where most of the like-minded people went to that made Sup Forums good.

I've had thoughts on OPs topic for a very long time. It seems to me that the emos, hipsters, SJWs, and Antifa are always the exact same type of people.

I've thought about this shit for so long and I'm glad OP posted. Enjoy this dank pape.

>emos, hipsters, SJWs, and Antifa are always the exact same type of people.
I'm fairly certain it can be pinpointed to one particular trait: Nihilism

When a generation destroys useful values, traditions, and meanings, they conjure up garbage tier ideology and hedonism as a replacement.

My two pennies worth.

I spent a decade at three different universities from 2002-2012 doing various degrees, PhD and a spell of lecturing during my post doctorate.

I think a lot of you are getting it mostly right but here is my take:

A. There has always been an influential lunatic left fringe in the undergrad and postgrad community fed by a hardcore of anti west Marxist academics (usually in the English literature and social sciences schools).

B. This fringe was emboldened by the internet allowing what would have traditionally been a small number of students to combine forces with other fringes across all institutions to form a large influential block. This is best seen with how unite against fascism used the net to bus protestors in from around the country for everything.

B. The Iraq war, and the seeming pointless nature of the conflict led to a growing in power of the campus left, protection of Muslims from hate crime etc. Began the language of identity politics in the main stream of college life. Even though the vast majority of hate crime was committed by Muslim students against Jews.

C. This is a UK issue but it shows a precedent - the Islamic student groups received a massive funding boost from various government, community and charity (Saudi sources) and you had a resulting takeover of many student bodies by Isoc and their leftist allies. This went unreported despite huge localized outrage.

At this point the tacitly accepted drinking and sex hedonism of university (the child of the 80s and 90s) came under direct attack and by the time the spastic identity politics of the Obama era appeared the scene had been set for the removal of what the mainstream expected from university.

It was Twitter and other forms of social media.

My girlfriend pointed out how everyone on the show The Flash has the same personality.

F. Government, which had usually had a tight hand on student nonsense (as it was footing the bill) did nothing as they were busy transitioning from free to paid university and were more concerned about stuffing the place with as many paying bodies as possible.

The shift from 30%-50% of school leavers meant you went from an institution that was their to train public and grammar school kids in a career (whilst they partied hard) to one where you stuffed minorities and other dregs to keep them off the youth unemployment stats.

G. Uni which was traditionally a bastion of free speech became paranoid about potential litigation and impact on revenue sought to coddle their new minority groups. Feminists and leftists hijacked these policies for their national policy demands.

H. We end up in the death spiral of traditional college we saw from 2010 onwards. Normies would now have a completely different college experience than they would have had a decade ago. Socially, academically and demographically. Aggressively Marxist in nature, replacing what in effect was a classical liberal piss up.

This is weird, I was a college student in 2009 as well and the first time I was ever introduced to SJW bs was the same year.

I too was one of the few people in my active friend group at the time who openly opposed it and thought it was retarded.

Whiny indecisive bitches?

Most of us have only known Obama and I guess kinda Bush as Presidents. Trump radicalized us.