How is it possible that no one died from this?

How is it possible that no one died from this?

Because fuck you that's why

It's a gag series you dumbfuck

fuck you too

OPM have always been a badly written shit.

kore wa bullshit


That's actually the joke OP, like how the protagonist being able to beat anyone the joke of OPM. Hahaha.


Why are the rocks floating?

was it ever mentioned if people died or not?


>cities were destroyed
>people were killed

They don't take hero collateral damage into consideration because the blame tends to be entirely on the villain.

For that occasion though they just bitched that their lively hood was taken.

Don't recall if the city was evacuated or not.

Saitama said no one was killed but as you can see from the image it's impossible because rocks are falling while people are there.

a few rocks falling here and there doesnt mean people were killed. you went straight from alive to killed, what about just plain hurt

>few rocks
90% of the city got destroyed
I don't think a regular human would only get hurt by having a space rock fall on them

People did die what the fuck are y'all talking about , tiger t shirt or whatever even wanted to use it against him

I wouldn't say this if I were you. I got banned for insulting OPM a few days ago.

>you went straight from alive to killed, what about just plain hurt
Your odds of living aren't pretty high if a rock large enough to blow up a car lands on you.

>rocks fell

Yes rocks did fall but they are no longer falling at maximum speed that will cause the type of damage a meteor does.

I recall there being an evacuation order like every other time a disaster is about to happen. Yet I don't recall if people were given enough time to evacuate or not.

>Your odds of living aren't pretty high if a rock large enough to blow up a car lands on you.

Which is why he asked why do you assume the worst is the only probability that happened?

Just because that rock can fall on you and kill you doesn't mean it did.

There was a lot of people that appeared hurt, sure some might have died, yet there's a reason why the OPM universe has a disaster level and a way to communicate that throughout a city so people can evacuate.

> destroyed

no user, this isnt the ship attack. 90% of the city obtained damage. there you go again with your escalation of damage straight to DESTROYED. That dent from a shopping cart must have totally wrecked your car


>90% of the city got destroyed

lying on the internet . . .